
Chapter 1813 Competition 1

Chapter 1813
In the depths of the wilderness of the demon world, eight monks at the fusion level gathered together to deal with the matter of the medicine man refining the elixir.When Zhong Liangsu rushed here with Yi Tian, ​​one of the two cultivation bases present was taken aback.

Chan Shanhu and Hou Yuan are old acquaintances, especially Chan Shanhu and he had experienced the first chaotic battle in Beast King's Cave together.After seeing him like this, he flew forward first, and then stabilized his figure three feet away in front of him.Then he arched his hands together and said, "I've seen fellow Daoist Yi."

Hou Yuan also followed closely behind. Although he did not participate in the fierce battle in Wan Yao City before, he was still very well informed.Moreover, the two sides had cooperated once before and knew the strength of the person in front of them, but now they couldn't help being stunned when they saw it.At this time, Yi Tian did not restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, but was very careful not to let go of his aura.But in the eyes of Chanshanhu and Houyuan, it was already a big deal. It was only in the early stage of fusion before, but now it has been promoted to a level.

It seemed that only a hundred years had passed since the last farewell, so the two Yaozun were naturally terrified.

Fortunately, they were invited by Zhong Liangsu and others to help them punch this time. At this time, the two demons really wanted to get over this matter quickly.

After Hou Yuanfei arrived, he also stretched out his hand and saluted, "Yi Daoyou reunites after a long absence, so you will be safe."

"You are welcome, Fellow Daoist Hou Yuan, we haven't seen each other for some years," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"You Daoist Yi, you are being polite. I really admire you more and more. I don't know why you came to this muddy water?" Hou Yuan asked.

Pointing at Zhong Liangsu next to him, Yi Tian replied helplessly: "Actually, Senior Brother Zhong and I came from the same school, and we are both disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion, and we are still relatives in private, so naturally we have an inescapable responsibility." .”

The person who said the words had no intention of listening to the intention to make the complexions of Sheng Zhuangxiong and Yao Weng who were beside him change slightly, especially Sheng Zhuangxiong sighed after looking at it for a while: "So you are the grandson-in-law of Mr. Zhong, please forgive me for my clumsy eyesight and impoliteness." .”

Ren Yitian also knew that this was Sheng Zhuangxiong's indirect submissiveness, and he didn't need to be too humble because he came to help him out today.Then he opened his mouth and asked: "Why don't we quickly resolve the conflict here, so that everyone can return to Wan Yao City as soon as possible so as not to delay the business."

The voice was quiet, but it was calm and powerful, and the three monks of different races who were standing a mile away could naturally hear them clearly.Anyway, these words were originally meant for them, among them, the two of the Manjiao tribe and the Huangquan tribe turned their heads to look at Yi Tian with solemn expressions.

As for the abyss old devil, he looked at it with strange eyes, although he couldn't see the joy and anger on the other party's face, but Yi Tian knew in his heart that he was suspicious.I think that when I was in the Demon Realm, I took his trick indirectly. This situation is vivid in my mind, and I believe that the memory of a monk in the fusion period will not be forgotten at will.

It's just that the contrast between the monks of the Flame Prison Demon Clan in the distraction stage and the monks of the Taiqing Pavilion in the middle stage of integration is a bit too great, so that the old devil of the abyss can't be sure of his vision.

After a few people greeted each other for a while, it was the monk of the horned tribe who said: "Everyone has discussed it, why don't we start quickly."

Sheng Zhuangxiong introduced: "The one who spoke is Wan Gang from the barbarian tribe, and the monk standing beside him is Yan Qiu, who is wearing a yellow Taoist robe and smells like sulfur. He is the patriarch of the Abyss Demon Clan, Abyss Old Demon."

The medicine man interjected: "This time I was negligent. After refining the alchemy, it caused the catastrophe and finally caused this disaster. Fortunately, Zhong Daoyou and his master's peers came to help me in the city of demons. I am grateful."

Zhong Liangsu hastily replied with two salutes: "No thanks, no thanks, we are all on the same boat, why bother to see outsiders."

Then he turned around and replied to Wan Gang: "Our people have already arrived, how can we make a difference to you."

The three of them turned around and discussed, but it was still Wan Gang who shouted: "Why don't we play three matches each to decide the outcome with one move, so it doesn't hurt the peace. The two fellow monster clansmen will be the witnesses of the outcome." .”

This is also a way. If the monks in the fusion stage really fight with similar strengths, they may fall into a war of attrition to decide the winner. According to the opponent's intention, this kind of competition can save a lot of time.

All the people present in this way also nodded and applauded.Immediately, Wan Gang on the opposite side said again: "If we win a game, we can exchange things for two Heaven Returning Pills, and if we lose a game, how about exchanging one?"

At this time, it all depends on the intention of the medicine man, in fact, his attitude is also very ambiguous.I didn't want to exchange more, but I was a little moved when I saw the packaging materials that the other party took out.

However, it is indeed a bit of a drop in price to rely on their methods, so Zhong Liangsu hurriedly bowed his head and had a private chat with the medicine man.Soon after the discussion was completed, he turned around and transmitted the sound transmission: "The medicine man meant to exchange up to four pills, otherwise the three of us would not be able to share. As for the other party also has a lot of special products from the hell world, if you can It would be best to exchange it with other things.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian smiled slightly, it seems that these three old men are also unwilling to suffer, and the medicine man is obviously looking at the pot with his arms in his arms.The things the other party could bring out obviously made him quite excited to make such a decision.

After thinking about it, he replied with a faint smile: "That's no problem, I understand what the medicine man thinks, since I got the reward, I will definitely maximize your interests, otherwise it will be regarded as my reputation in the Taiqing Pavilion."

"That's very good, please take care of me, junior brother," Zhong Liangsu said with a happy face.

Then I saw Yi Tianfei took a step forward, and luck dantian shouted: "It's a waste of time to divide three people into three games. It's better for us to make a one-shot deal faster. I will take each of your moves and lose one game according to your plan." In other words, if you are lucky enough not to lose in the next game, how about doing as we want?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only the faces of the three people on the opposite side showed surprise, but even the faces of the three people standing behind also showed some anxiety.Fortunately, Yi Tian hurriedly lowered his head to comfort them through sound transmission, and then his expression eased.

After ten breaths, the other party seemed to have reached an agreement, and Wan Gang flew to the front of the formation first and said: "Since this fellow Taoist boasted about going to Haikou, I can't wait to lose my prestige. Come first, let's win or lose with one move." Said The fluctuation of spiritual pressure on Wan's body increased sharply, and the two thick yellow spiritual lights on his hands merged together and began to condense supernatural powers.

Yi Tian curled his lips and smiled, and he had seen Wan Bo'e and other barbarian monks use such tricks when he was in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm.Although Wan Gang's cultivation base is much stronger, the reason for this supernatural power is still the same.I have already thought about how to deal with it in my heart, but fortunately, I have just practiced the supernatural power of the colorful glow, so I can use it to see how powerful it is.

(End of this chapter)

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