
Chapter 1814 Competition 2

Chapter 1814 Competition II

Facing Wan Gang's proposal, Yi Tian knew the other party's plan in his heart.It's nothing more than trying to overwhelm others with power. Under three-on-three, they have at least two chances to stabilize their own side.

But since Zhong Liangsu found him, of course he couldn't easily let the other party succeed. After listening to the rules of gambling, Yi Tian jumped out and said that he would take over the competition of the three opponents with all his strength.Anyway, it's just a trick for me, it's nothing more than a little more hands and feet, and the colorful glow supernatural power that I have recently cultivated is suffering from no chance to test it, so today is just a chance to try the power of the supernatural power.

Wan Gang mobilized the yellow aura in his hands and flashed quickly, and then emitted bursts of yellow aura, assimilating the surrounding spiritual power.Yi Tian can detect a lot of sulfur and fire in these spiritual powers.

Suddenly, Wan Gang clasped his hands together and said, "Go." A pillar of fire flew out of his hands and circled in the air for a while, turning into a brimstone fire dragon whizzing towards his position.Yi Tian's face sank when he saw it. This spell seemed simple, but it combined the unique brimstone fire in the hell world. If he forcibly assimilated it with the tricks of the Lihuo Palace, his own natal spiritual fire would inevitably be polluted by it.

At that time, it will be time-consuming and troublesome to further purify and purify.Then he gestured and cast out a seven-color aura to protect him.

With a 'boom', the brimstone fire hit the seven-colored aura, and it was difficult to make any progress. After the brimstone fire dragon was exhausted, a ball of seven-colored light appeared in front of Yi Tian, ​​covering Yi Tian's whole body.After all the Xiaguang was collected slowly, Yi Tian's true face was revealed. At this moment, he cupped his hands with a relaxed face and said, "Daoist Wan Gang is really powerful. Do you think I will win or lose in this match?"

Having said that, the implication is that he kicked the ball to Chanshanhu and Houyuan.I believe that with their eyes, they can naturally see the depth of this magical power.

Only Hou Yuan said in a rare voice: "In terms of strength, fellow Daoist Yi is slightly better, but this time he only defends but does not attack and forcibly takes over Fellow Daoist Wan Gang's stunt is naturally slightly better. Daoist friends can directly raise objections, otherwise they can only be regarded as admitting defeat."

As soon as the words came out, Wan Gang wanted to defend a few times, but the corners of Yan Qiu behind him moved slightly as if he was whispering to him through voice transmission, and after ten breaths, only Wan Gang said: "Okay, this time Fellow Daoist Zhan Yi really has the upper hand and admits defeat."

Unexpectedly, he would give up his appeal so soon, and the three people behind him showed some joy on their faces after hearing this, especially Zhong Liangsu had a complacent expression on his face, and now he and he were sitting on the same boat, which represented the The face of Taiqing Pavilion.If one can make a name in the demon world, it will naturally greatly boost the reputation of the sect.

After Wan Gang on the opposite side faded away, the remaining two seemed to have discussed it, and finally Old Abyss slowly flew forward.It seems that the two have discussed the order of appearance, and after the two magic lights in his hands were sacrificed, the whole body exuded infinite evil energy.

The next moment, I heard the other party's voice saying: "Boy, are you a cultivator of the flame prison demon clan or a spiritual cultivator? Why can't I find a trace of demon clan breath in you?"

Unexpectedly, he was still thinking about it, but Yi Tian sneered at it.Although the old devil of the abyss said so, he only asked himself tentatively, and he didn't say anything, just asked through sound transmission.

Anyway, he killed himself and didn't admit that the other party had nothing to do with him. After listening to it, he smiled and replied through voice transmission: "Friend Abyss seems to be joking, but I have some experience in cracking your tricks."

"What, you dare to speak wild words," the old devil of the abyss immediately became furious when he heard the words, and then roared: "Then let me see how capable the masters of Jiuxian Mountain are." After speaking, the magic light in his hand shone Thousands of black light bullets poured down on Yi Tian.

If this kind of trick was placed in the later stage of distraction, he would definitely be afraid of it, but now everyone's cultivation base is equal, so naturally they are not afraid at all.A golden light suddenly flashed in the air, and a red corona quickly appeared behind Yi Tian.Its shape is only one foot in size and the soft light it emits is the nemesis of the evil spirit.

He muttered something, and with his hands clasped together, golden waves of light protected himself.As soon as the light waves touched the black magic bullets, they were purified one after another. As the light waves continued to expand, they were consciously guided by Yi Tian towards the position where the old devil of the abyss was. Light waves crushed.

The situation of the battle immediately became one-sided. The old devil of the abyss seemed to be unable to hang on his face. He took out a quaint jade ring and sacrificed it in his hand. After pouring all the magic power from his palms into it, he turned the jade ring into a three-foot size and let it go. go.

The jade ring was mixed with evil energy and struck towards Yi Tian's front. It exuded a strong rancid smell, which was obviously an ancient treasure that had been sacrificed by the old devil of the abyss for a long time.

It's just that Yi Tian's heart moved for no reason, and at this time he discovered that the ancient treasure of Yuhuan inadvertently resonated under his own heavenly thunder eight sounds.Needless to say, this was originally a Buddha Sect Spirit Treasure, and now it has fallen into the hands of the Abyss Old Demon, so it is naturally tainted.

And being able to find the Buddha Sect Lingbao in the Demon Realm is likely to be related to Master Jie Ding. Thinking of this, Yi Tian became awe-inspiring, and quickly formed a seal with his hands.A white phantom of the pure lotus wrapped itself up and protected itself in the middle.

At the same time, separate the hands and make a lotus shape, and then offer a pure world flower lotus in front of the chest.

With a sound of '嗖', the jade ring was as powerful as a broken bamboo and directly passed the defense of the golden light wave of Tianlei octave, and then fell into the phantom of the white Hualian in Yi Tian's hand.From the eyes of others, it was the supernatural powers of the old devil Abyss that hit Yi Tian, ​​but the old devil Abyss who was the person involved suddenly felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart.His ancient treasure jade ring seemed to be drawn into the phantom of the white lotus flower, at this moment no matter how he tried to get it back, it would be of no avail.

After a while, I heard the old devil of the abyss croaking loudly: "Don't cheat my spirit treasure, kid."

"This thing originally belonged to the Buddhist sect, and you just got it in your hand unintentionally," Yi Tian said with a sneer, "Today I will completely purify it and return it to its original appearance."

After finishing speaking, he kept chanting the eight notes of heavenly thunder, and the shocking sound resounded through the world like thunder on dry land.Under the blessing of the heavenly thunder octave, the white Jingshi Hualian quickly closed and wrapped the jade ring in it and then began to purify. During this period, a lot of black evil spirits oozed from the phantom of the lotus buds and were directly purified into nothingness.

After the Jingshi Hualian was opened again, an emerald green jade ring spiritual artifact slowly floated in the air. Yi Tian glanced over and saw the seven words 'Daleiguang Temple Precept' written on it.

(End of this chapter)

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