
Chapter 1820

Chapter 1820
The first store opened by Lihuo Palace in Wan Yao City naturally attracted many monks from outside to trade. After all, this is also the rare external window of Lihuo Palace.In the past, the most mysterious sect among the three sects of the spiritual world has always acted in a low-key manner, and only high-level monks will walk in other planes.And usually the statement is not obvious, but now it is quietly changing the concept and opening the external window, which will naturally attract the attention of interested people.

Today is the first day that Lihuogong store opened in Ten Thousand Monsters City, and many monks flocked into the store to find some Lihuogong's special products.In addition, there are naturally some people who want to weigh whether the strength of Lihuo Palace is as strong as the legends say.

The two foreign casual cultivators who came here couldn't see the details at all, but everyone in the store showed strange expressions on their faces, and they were all very curious about how the cultivators from Lihuo Palace would deal with this situation.

At this time, the monk sitting in the store opened his eyes, stood up, swept his spiritual thoughts over the two monks who came forward, and cupped his hands in a solemn expression: "I'm going to be very polite from the fire palace, I don't know that two fellow Taoists are here. Is there anything you need."

The visitor replied: "Wu Ciren, a casual cultivator, and my junior brother Wu Cisi have met fellow Taoists. Suwen Lihuo Palace is the largest sect in the spiritual world, and they have never opened a branch in another world before, so I came here to visit. Fan, presumably Cheng Daoyou will not let us down."

"That's natural." Cheng Bufan smiled slightly, then walked forward and said, "This place is all ordinary, you two follow me to the backyard."

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, had a slight thought in his mind and thought secretly: "Wu Ciren, isn't Wu Cisi the homonym of no such person and no matter? It seems that these two guys are obviously here to find fault. Let's look at Lihuo How should the palace deal with it?" After thinking about it, he walked to an inconspicuous corner and pretended to check the packaging materials to watch the development of the situation quietly.

Later, I saw three monks in the distraction stage go through the crowd and walk into the corridor on the right side. My spiritual sense couldn't detect the situation outside the backyard. It must be that there is a powerful formation barrier to set up the courtyard. Divide it into different areas.

After waiting in the front shop for less than half a moment, I saw the two casual cultivators walking out of the corridor following Cheng Bufan with serious expressions on their faces.Contrary to when he first came in, the arrogance on his face was gone, and a hint of horror flashed in his eyes.Needless to say, they must have seen some powerful person inside, and they were immediately overwhelmed.

On the contrary, Cheng Bufan's leisurely and determined look seemed to have known the result for a long time.

After the two casual cultivators walked out of the shop in despair, the shop resumed normal business.Yi Tian knew that there must be something strange in it, but he walked out of the side door and disappeared into the crowd.

After coming to the outside world, he saw two casual cultivators from a distance, and the purple light flashed in his eyes and left a mark on them.Then he chose to walk in the opposite direction. After walking twenty feet away, he confirmed that no one around him noticed him, then turned around and turned into a side road, and his figure disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

With my own strength, unless the senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape came personally in Ten Thousand Monster City, otherwise, with the strength of the demon masters here, I would not be able to find my whereabouts.

After performing the concealment technique, Yi Tian followed the two casual cultivators all the way to the front of a four-story building, and looked up at the three characters "Yi Ren Guan" written on it.After walking in, I saw two people went straight up to the third floor to the eastmost guest room and knocked on the door, and then the door opened with a sound of 'Zhi', and at the same time, the forbidden barrier on the door was also opened.

The two entered in one file, and after a while, the restriction on the door was opened again, and there was nothing unusual about it.Yi Tian walked up to the east end of the third floor and stood still at the door of the elegant room, a dazzling purple light flashed in his eyes and looked at the forbidden barrier in front of him.Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, such a restriction was like a piece of paper in front of him.

After stretching out his hand and lightly tapping it, he opened a small opening in the restriction. After a gust of wind swept through, Yi Tian invaded the interior, passed through the door wall and entered the room.

Yi Tian found that there were three monks sitting facing each other, the two on the right were Wu Ciren and Wu Cisi, and the one on the left was a monk from the Huangquan clan who was in the middle of distraction.Unexpectedly, it would be related to Yan Qiu at this time, Yi Tian found an empty seat in the elegant room and sat down, and then slowly listened to the conversation of the three people next door.

It was only after a few words that I learned that the monk of the Huangquan tribe was named Yan Bin, and he was the main person in charge here.This time they took the initiative to probe because they listened to Shangfeng's wishes and wanted to find out the strength of the Lihuo Palace among the three sects in the lower spirit world.

But after listening to Yi Tian, ​​he found that those two casual cultivators really had their own destiny. After listening to their description, they met a middle-aged cultivator after entering the inner courtyard of the Lihuo Palace, whose strength was probably at the peak of the distraction period.The situation at that time was that the two were trying to compete with each other for their divine sense, but they found that they were not their opponents at all in the two-on-one confrontation, and they were defeated for thousands of miles as soon as they confronted, so that when they came out, they were mentally sluggish. It took a long time to recover .

Hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he had checked that the strength of the theory of fiction and reality of these two people was comparable to that of Cheng Bufan.But the competition of spiritual sense is by no means a competition of cultivation, and with the power of their spiritual sense, they should not be much better than Chi Wuji in a two-on-one match.But it was so easy to be cleaned up by the monk hidden behind the Lihuo Palace company. Needless to say, that person must be a powerful avatar of a certain fusion stage to have such strength.

Things are getting more and more interesting, this peak distracted cultivator sitting in charge is so powerful, I don't know what countermeasure Yan Qiu will take.Speaking of which, one is the main body and the other is the avatar. In a duel, Yan Qiu must have the upper hand.

But he didn't know what was wrong with the Huangquan tribe and Lihuo Palace, and they would try to find out. Just as Yi Tian was thinking, he suddenly heard the Huangquan tribe next door say: "Okay, I know what happened, this is your reward. After going out I also don't want you to show up in Ten Thousand Monster City, and leave immediately in the end."

"Then thank fellow Taoist Yan Bin for taking care of everything, and give me more rewards from my lord," it was Wu Ciren who spoke.Then the two of them packed up their things and left in a hurry.

Yi Tian wanted to follow up, but at this moment he found that Yan Bin was making another move, so he just sat still and watched how he and Yan Qiu would return to life next.Shaoqing heard a wave of spiritual pressure, only to hear Yan Bin next door said: "Reporting to the ancestor, I sent someone to test it out. The person sitting in the Lihuo Palace business should be the avatar of the palace lord Ji Xuanyuan."

"That's great, I was defeated by him three times and four times back then. I never found a chance to win back a victory before, but this time God helped me and gave me a wonderful opportunity to avenge my humiliation," Yan Qiu said. The echo came next.

(End of this chapter)

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