
Chapter 1821 Rescue

Chapter 1821 Rescue
After Yi Tian sneaked into the east chamber on the third floor of the "Foreigners' Hall", his original intention was to find out the mastermind behind Wu Ciren and Wu Cisi who were making trouble in Lihuo Palace.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered that it was the Huangquan tribe in the hell world who was playing tricks, and what was even more unexpected was that Yan Bin of the Huangquan tribe was able to conclude from the words of the two casual cultivators that Omiya was sitting in the Lihuogong company. The avatar of the lord Ji Xuanyuan.

Next, he used his secret technique to find Yan Qiu directly, and reported all the information he got here verbatim.

What surprised Yi Tian was that he had only heard of using direct dialogue in cross-boundary communication, but Yan Bin from the Huangquan tribe in the hell world had such supernatural powers and secrets to communicate directly.

At this time, Yan Qiu should have already arrived in Ten Thousand Monsters City. Although he suffered a bit of a dark loss in the previous competition, but his strength is not lost, he is not an opponent who can be settled with a few words.

After a while, I only heard the conversation next door subdued. It should be that the two of them have discussed it properly.A little later, after a flash of spiritual pressure fluctuations, Yan Bin walked out of the wing.Yi Tian estimated that he had gone far away, and came out after ten breaths.When I went outside, I inspected the two imprints on Wu Ciren and Wu Cisi just now, which were thousands of miles away.

It seems that the two of them had already taken things and walked away. Suddenly, their spiritual thoughts moved slightly and found that there was a strong sense of fluctuation coming from these two imprints.Needless to say, he must be fighting someone, and the most likely person to do it is Yan Bin from the Huangquan Clan.Killing and silencing is commonplace for foreigners, but Yi Tian thinks there is still something to do about it. The two casual cultivators are insignificant, but the information they know is still very valuable to him.

If you want to make a profit from behind, you still have to make a shot. After thinking about it, a gust of wind blows Yi Tian's figure and flies to the sky of Yiren's Pavilion.Turning around to lock the direction in which the two were leaving, he took out the breath-suppressing cloak and put it on his body, cast an escape technique and flew straight away.

After three breaths, the divine sense found that the two imprints were flying separately and flying in different directions. Behind them were a mid-distraction monk and an early-stage monk respectively.

Unexpectedly, Yan Bin was also generous in his actions, and even sent more than double the number of people to block the casual cultivators.

Inevitably, both of them were silenced and no clues could be found. Yi Tian flew up at full speed as soon as the aura flashed on his body, and after flying two thousand miles away, he found three people fighting in front of him in a valley on the ground.

In the middle is Wu Ciren, who is being besieged by two alien cultivators right now.Seeing that the situation is quite tense, at the same time, he cursed and said: "You foreigners are so dishonest, and you have to kill them all when you do things for you."

"Boy, what do people who are not from our race have different hearts? You have too many people in your spiritual practice who are not in harmony with each other, so you will be used by us," the leader of the foreign race replied, but his hands did not relax. , brandishing a mace and attacking Wu Ciren.

Every move must force the opponent to defend with all his strength, and his speed is not weak at all, so entangled Wu Ciren and made him miserable.

The other person sacrificed several shuttles to and fro in the air, cutting off all of Wu Ciren's escape routes.

Yi Tian didn't take the shot directly when he saw it. At this time, it seemed that Wu Ciren could persist, and he would take the shot when he was exhausted. He must have experienced the rebirth after the catastrophe before he would tell the truth to himself without reservation.

Under the slight movement of his spiritual thoughts, he found again that the mark on Wu Cisi's body had disappeared without a trace.Needless to say, this person should have already fallen, and when the two who made the attack rushed to form a siege, Wu Ciren would have difficulty flying even with wings.

Obviously, the two people in charge of the siege below had also made up their minds, so Wu Ciren was able to barely support it to this level.

Suddenly, two flashes of light flashed across the sky, flying from the direction when the two marks separated before.There was the sound of howling wind in the air, and then two casual cultivators of different races followed closely.Standing high in the sky, Yi Tian found that one of the visitors was a monk from the Horn tribe and the other was a demon cultivator from the Abyss Demon tribe.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised and he thought in his heart that it seems that he is destined to be with those three people, and he can meet them wherever he goes.

Seeing Wu Ciren under the siege of four people, he didn't know what he was about to face in the next moment. At this moment, his face was cramped and his mouth screamed again: "If this is the case, you forced me to blew myself up."

"Stop bragging, with your persevering, greedy for life and fear of death character, how can you be willing to blow up your Nascent Soul if you have a chance to survive," the Huangquan monk grinned and laughed.

One of the words caused contemptuous smiles on the faces of the monks who participated in the siege, while Wu Ciren, who was struggling to support in the middle, showed a look of shame.While in a trance, the man who defended against the control of the spiritual weapon also showed flaws. After being hit by a mace, his whole body was shaken twenty sheets away.

At this time, he was spitting out blood, and it was obvious that his inner breath was out of order, and the time of defeat was close at hand, and in the next breath, a blue aura appeared inexplicably in the sky.In an instant, one hundred percent, one hundred thousand percent turned into blue filaments and flew towards the surroundings.

The four people who were besieging were about to collect the fruits of victory so that they could return to their command, when suddenly such a change happened and they were all taken aback.One of them recognized the source of the trick, and shouted: "It's the Lingyao transformation of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect in the spirit world," and he was beaten into a sieve before he could finish a sentence.

As for the other three, they were all wiped out in an instant, while Wu Ciren looked at what was happening around him in surprise.Those cyan sword silks seemed to have eyes, and they walked around when they saw him, and solved the four besieging people in three breaths.

Before Wu Ciren had the next step to react, a Taoist figure flashed in front of him and restrained him as soon as he raised his hand to sacrifice the Taoist aura. He closed his eyes helplessly, and then his body limp and fell down.

After Yi Tian stretched out his hand, he put the bodies of the four people in the air into the storage bag, and then took back his Taiyuan wooden sword.The slight movement of the divine sense seemed to be aware of a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation in the direction of Wan Yao City coming towards it.Emotionally, he didn't hold back his hand when he was eager to save people and performed the kung fu just now, so the spiritual pressure fluctuated so far that he would be sensed by the monks of the same rank.

It must be that Yan Qiu and the others found something strange, so they came out to investigate the truth, but it seems a bit late to come here now, Yi Tian looked around and stretched out his hands to use his magical powers, opening up his own independent Xumi space .Then Wu Ciren disappeared in place with the unconscious Wu Ciren.

After a hundred breaths, two rays of light flew in the air, and later they appeared to be Yan Qiu and Abyss Old Demon.After searching the surrounding environment, the two of them tightened their expressions and Yan Qiu said, "Why did Sheng Zhuangxiong of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect also make a move? It seems that letting him know that it will definitely lead to a secret alliance between the three schools of the spirit world. "

"There is a strange thing. I didn't expect Sheng Zhuangxiong, an old ghost, to be so powerful when he makes a move. It is not difficult to subdue four distracted monks in an instant with the power of you and me, but it will definitely not be like him. It's easy to get it done with one move," said the abyss old devil with a gloomy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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