
Chapter 1822 Interrogation

Chapter 1822 Interrogation
In the pitch-black space, Wu Ciren slowly woke up, and immediately felt that the spiritual power in his body seemed to be imprisoned, no matter how he tried, it would not hurt to mobilize any real energy.

After standing up and looking around, Wu Ciren found that this was a closed Xumi space, there was no light around, and his eyes could only clearly see the situation within a radius of ten feet.As for the divine sense, it can only detect such a distance.

Suddenly a voice came from behind: "You are awake, it seems that you are in good condition."

Wu Ciren hurriedly turned around and saw a figure appearing behind the empty place at some point, looking at him with a smile.

I can't feel any fluctuations in spiritual power from his body, and he looks like an ordinary mortal.Wu Ciren still has the foresight to live for thousands of years, and he was about to be defeated when he was besieged by four people before.Suddenly, a cyan aura appeared in the air, and he himself felt his body go limp and unable to wake up in the world.

Looking back, only those friars in the fabled body stage can do this to such a degree, and this person in front of him is ten to ten.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Wu Ciren's mood naturally improved. He was used to seeing big scenes and he knew how to deal with them at this time.He stepped forward and bowed his hands, then bowed to the person in front of him on his knees.With a respectful look on his face, he said: "Thank you for saving my life, senior. This junior survived in this world. Now I would like to offer my spirit and soul to ask senior to set up a restraint. I will never hesitate to send you any orders from now on."

Speaking of it, Yi Tian also deeply admired the thick black of the opponent, and this trick of retreating into advance was really well used.If I really wanted to control him, why wait until now, even if I did, it would be self-defilement.With a clear eye, it seems that he is still a master of spiritual cultivation, and he will definitely not make actions that lock people's souls and set restrictions at every turn like Moxiu.

Yi Tian also twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, saying that he was not even three thousand years old, but Wu Ciren in front of him looked at least four thousand years old.In terms of cultivation, he has basically exhausted his potential. If there is no great opportunity in this life, he may not be able to make any further progress in cultivation.In the next few years, I can only watch my life energy be exhausted little by little until the moment of escaping into reincarnation arrives.

Facing a monk who is more than a thousand years older than himself, and who still calls him senior, Yi Tian also feels a little helpless.After a pause, he slowly opened his mouth and replied: "Get up and talk, I have something to ask you." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed lightly, and a spiritual light flew into the other person's forehead.

After Shaoqing Wu Ciren heard this, he hurriedly stood up, and the power of the true energy in his body was mobilized again unimpeded, there was no phenomenon of exhaustion of the true energy left after the previous battle, but the use of the power became smoother, and there was a faint trend of growth in cultivation .

There was a look of great joy on his face. Although he didn't know the other party's intentions, it seemed that there was no malice in doing so now.On the other hand, Wu Ciren turned his eyes and secretly thought about his personal value.

Yi Tian knew that he was worried, and then asked, "Why did the monks of the Huangquan tribe, the barbarian horn tribe and the abyss demon tribe join forces to encircle you? If it wasn't for you taking something you shouldn't have or knowing some confidential news, so the other party would They will spare no effort to silence you."

Wu Ciren replied respectfully: "The junior and the younger brother mistrusted others and were plotted by the traitor. In the end, thanks to the help of the senior, they survived."

"Didn't you have a good chat with Yan Bin from the Huangquan Clan in the Yiren Pavilion? Could it be that you still have something to say that made the other party feel murderous?" Yi Tian casually mentioned.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Ciren felt a chill behind his back, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead.It was obvious that he had been targeted a long time ago, and in this case, it would be fruitless to hide anything.

Then his knees softened and he knelt down again and said: "Senior has learned from you, I definitely did not hide it on purpose. Senior and I have saved lives, but if you ask questions, you must know everything and talk about it."

Unexpectedly, this guy is still knowledgeable, and a little bit of information revealed by himself makes him dare not show any rebellious heart.Then he opened his mouth and asked: "Tell me everything you saw in the Lihuogong store verbatim. I have heard everything you said in the Yiren Pavilion. I believe you will not repeat the same thing again." .”

"Senior Mingjian, my two brothers were also hired to spy on them," Wu Ciren hurriedly said.

"I don't want to hear the reason, and I don't want to know about Yan Qiu's plans. You just need to talk about what you saw in the backyard of the Lihuogong store. The more detailed the better, the better from the moment you walk into the back porch," Yi Tian He shouted in a deep voice.

In this way, Wu Ciren's complexion became serious and he realized that the identity and strength of the person in front of him naturally did not dare to repeat himself, and then he said slowly: "The two of us followed the shopkeeper Cheng Bufan and his party through the long corridor to an elegant courtyard. There was a thirty-year-old monk sitting in the courtyard, and Cheng Bufan showed great respect for him."

"That's inevitable. Speaking of which, this person is the real person behind the scenes of Lihuo Palace," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Next, describe clearly what you said and the person's demeanor and actions. Brother Shenqi, you should have a photographic memory."

Wu Ciren replied submissively: "I only heard that Cheng Bufan called this person the chief treasurer, and then my two brothers went forward according to the plan and made some exorbitant demands."

"Oh, what is the excessive request?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's about accepting protection fees under the guise of a name, and extorting treasures and other things," Wu Ciren said: "Who knows that the other party has agreed and also brought out valuable treasures, just asking for a one-on-two match." It can only be delivered after the divine mind."

"Needless to say, how could the two of you be the opponents of the avatars of monks in the fusion stage?" Yi Tian waved his hands and said, "Being able to come out alive means that Lihuo Palace doesn't want to be troublesome during this period. I really don't know if you are Ignorance or fearlessness. Your life has visited the gate of hell twice in one day, if it is in my eyes, I am afraid that the two of you will never leave the shop."

Hearing this, Wu Ciren also had a look of fear on his face and said: "Senior said that I will never dare to disturb the tiger whiskers of the monks at the fusion stage. It's just that Yan Bin, who is employed by the Huangquan clan, did it as a last resort."

"You casual cultivators who forget righteousness for profit are naturally familiar with the way of eating inside and outside. Fortunately, you still have some use now, otherwise I wouldn't make a move," Yi Tian replied.

"I don't know what senior will do to Lihuo Palace's business name, but this junior will definitely wait and see," Wu Ciren said, patting his chest.

"Who said I want to deal with Lihuo Palace, with such a doppelganger of the Great Palace Master, I am not afraid of trouble," Yi Tian snorted coldly: "And don't use words to test my intention in the future , Lihuogong can be put aside for now, if I give you a chance to deal with Yan Bin, would you dare to do it?"

A gleam flashed in Wu Ciren's eyes, and then he replied angrily with a ferocious look behind him: "Why don't you dare, my brother's downfall is all because of him, if there is a chance, I would like to cut him into pieces."

"That's good, you'll be by my side for a while, and I'll let you handle many things that I'm inconvenient to face," Yi Tian said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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