
Chapter 1823

Chapter 1823 Return
In Wan Yao City, Yi Tian followed Wu Ciren five feet away and walked slowly on the street, but at this time he performed the Thousand Faces Technique to change his face, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body converged to the same level as in the early stage of transformation.Wu Ciren, who was walking in the front, was determined in his heart, and his usual chattering and laughing face appeared on his face.

Walking through familiar stores along the way, it seemed that he had consciously noticed that he had returned intact.After wandering all the way from the alien business district to the store of the Orc tribe, he fell headlong into the store of the Huojiao tribe and never came out again.

Yan Bin, the supervisor of the Huangquan Clan stationed in the Ten Thousand Monster City, naturally has his own unique channel of information. Ever since Wu Ciren stepped into the Ten Thousand Monster City, Yan Bin has already known about this matter.I believe that after receiving the news, he will report it to Yan Qiu behind the scenes. At this time, Wu Ciren's body in Ten Thousand Monsters City has become the safest place.

I believe that Yan Qiu will never act rashly again, otherwise it will break the rules and let those Yaozun who stayed behind find out that they may directly disqualify the Huangquan Clan from setting up a substation here.

What Yi Tian wanted was this kind of effect, and it was nothing more than knocking mountains and shaking tigers. Wu Ciren's appearance indicated that Yan Bin's plan had failed, and at the same time, he could cast doubts so that the other party might have some scruples.In addition, entering the Fire Dragon Clan's residence can mislead the opponents here, making them think that the Yao Clan has already intervened in this matter.

At this time, Yi Tian and Yi Shun sat face to face in the courtyard deep in the Huojiao Clan's residence, raised the wine glasses in front of them, and began to have a drink.As for Wu Ciren, he stood on the side and waited on him. At this moment, he didn't dare to take a breath.Sitting in front of him were two monks at the fusion stage, one of whom was an obvious monster of the Huojiao clan, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body showed no sign of restraint.

As for the present, there is also Yi Qiang, the head treasurer of the Huojiao Clan here, his cultivation base is at the middle level of the eighth level, and when he sees Yi Shun, he respectfully calls him the young patriarch.

On the contrary, Yishun doesn't care about this at all and can tell him not to leak his whereabouts. From now on, he is just a wild crane, and he will not take action easily unless there is something in the clan.

Sitting in the garden, Yishun looked at the two people around him and asked directly, "How are you going to deal with the Huangquan people this time?"

"Yan Qiu and Ji Xuanyuan have a feud, it's their business, and I won't interfere in this matter," Yi Tian replied bluntly: "But if Yan Qiu wants to use power to overwhelm others with three-on-one, I still have to Take care."

"Then why don't you let this casual cultivator attract the other party's attention on the open side, and then do it in secret?" Yishun's words didn't take into account Wu Ciren who was at the side at all, and then his eyes turned to him. Sweeping instantly makes it a thrill.

"Don't scare him," Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "Although he is just an insignificant person, he is the only one who has met Ji Xuanyuan in the backyard of Lihuo Palace. In fact, his identity is a casual cultivator, so he won't attract Yan Qiu's attention. Now they have some scruples and won't take action rashly. My idea is to let them restrain their hands and make a misjudgment and expose their flaws, so that I can make a decision before making a move. gone."

"After all, it's because you haven't figured out how to deal with Yan Qiu and the others, that's why you said this," Yishun said jokingly.

These words made Yi Tian look stunned, so there was nothing wrong with that.After all, Wan Yao City is like the calm before the storm.Yan Qiu would definitely not do it here if he wanted to deal with Lihuo Palace, the best way is to lure the snake out of the hole.

"Recently, do you know where there will be large-scale business activities besides Wan Yao City?" Yi Tian asked.

Yishun didn't know much about this matter, but Yi Qiang, the treasurer of the Huojiao clan beside him, showed a slight expression on his face, as if he wanted to say something.Then, under Yishun's signal, he took a step forward and said: "Reporting to the young patriarch and senior Yi, all kinds of phenomena are gathering in the demon world, and two large foreign trading towns have been opened under the leadership of the Huofeng patriarch. Outside the city, Yaojun City, which is set up on the side of the orcs, has also begun to change."

"The distance between the two places is more than hundreds of thousands of miles. If Yan Qiu wanted to make a move, he would choose to strike halfway," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"Senior Yi, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, there is an ultra-long-distance teleportation array between the two towns, and those big figures who want to travel between the two places will definitely use the teleportation array," Yi Qiang said.

"Really, then it seems that Yan Qiu should have no chance to do anything," Yi Tian said thoughtfully.

"Maybe another senior Xuanjizi of Jiuxian Mountain is on the way to the succession ceremony." Yi Qiang reached out and took out a bronzing invitation card and handed it over: "This is just received this morning, please take a look at it, seniors."

Yishun's divine sense swept over his face, but he showed disdain and said: "It's for the Huojiao patriarch, I'm not interested in this matter, you see."

After reaching out to take it, Yi Tian opened the invitation and examined it carefully, but Shaoqing said with a full face of doubts: "I remember that Xuanjizi succeeded to the throne 50 years ago, and Daoist Qingxin went to close the death gate, how can he do it now?" Convening the succession ceremony of the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain?"

"At that time, Xuanjizi's cultivation was still at the elementary level of the ninth level. Jiuxian Mountain stipulated that the suzerain must have a ninth-level intermediate cultivation level, so Xuanjizi used to be known as the "generational suzerain" before." Yishun said: "It seems that he has made a breakthrough, and now his strength and status are commensurate, so he sent out invitations to invite his colleagues."

"I don't think it may be a breakthrough in strength. It should be that Senior Chibeard used a secret technique to forcibly raise Xuanjizi's cultivation base to a level. The Nine Immortals Mountain cannot be left without a master for a day, so there is such a move," Yi Tianze After thinking about it for a while, he said, "However, the name of Nine Immortal Mountain resounds throughout the Nine Worlds of the Spiritual Realm. Such a major event as the suzerain's succession will naturally attract all parties to court. At least the three sects of the Spiritual World will send monks with comparable status to come. right."

"Then it is logical that Yan Qiu set up an ambush on the way, and the people behind the scenes at Lihuogong Company will definitely go there on time," Yishun said: "At that time, we will see the truth."

"You're right," Yi Tian nodded and replied, "Yan Qiu will definitely not give up such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he will also join hands with Wan Gang and Old Devil Abyss to try to hit every hit."

Then he turned his head to Wu Ciren and said, "During this time, you should be more ostentatious, check the news from many sources. I will give you an amulet, even if you meet Yan Qiu, you can stand up for a while."

"Then I don't know what senior wants me to investigate?" Wu Ciren asked.

"Collect the dynamics of the Abyssal Demons and the Horned Horns. You have some knowledge in this regard," Yi Tian ordered: "My goal is the Abyssal Old Demon. This beast caused me a lot of trouble back then. If possible, I will I would rather let him never return to the Demon Realm."

Although the words were extremely plain, they were extremely shocking to the ears of the two people next to them.

(End of this chapter)

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