
Chapter 1824

Chapter 1824
In Ten Thousand Monsters City, besides casual cultivators, Yi Tian can now use Taiqing Pavilion.But this matter is related to Lihuo Palace. In order to avoid suspicion, it is better not to let the forces of Taiqing Pavilion participate in it.

In addition, it is most appropriate to use the power of the demon clan on the territory of the demon world. The current patriarch of the fire phoenix clan, Meng Luan, is not on the right track with him, so he can't count on it.On the contrary, there is Yishun, the former young patriarch of the Huojiao Clan, who can give some orders directly. After the two discussed in the depths of the Huojiao Clan's station, Yi Tian directly decided to let Yi Qiang of the Huojiao Clan send someone to keep an eye on him The movement of the group of people in the hell world.

Although Yan Qiu's personal strength is strong, this is not his territory. Even if the dragon crosses the river, he needs helpers.He hired Wan Gang from the Horn Tribe and Old Devil from the Abyss to be his helpers, so he must not be dispatched easily. There are many things that need to be dealt with by the subordinates of the Huangquan Tribe.

Therefore, Yan Bin, who stood up to the Yiren Hall, was extremely important. This person, who is also from the Huangquan clan, must be deeply trusted by Yan Qiu, so he entrusted him with a heavy responsibility.

He originally wanted to accept Wu Ciren's casual cultivator to test the background of Lihuo Palace, but now that he wants to kill people to silence him after his goal is achieved, Yi Tian really despises it.Fortunately, I intentionally followed up to keep an eye on Wu Ciren and the two brothers, and quietly rescued them.

Later, after hearing the report from Huojiao Yiqiang, Yi Tiancai decided the timing of Yan Qiu's possible move this time.According to the analysis, at least now they will be more restrained in the boundary of Wan Yao City.After arranging the next thing, Yi Tian asked Yishun to return to the imperial beast bag, and disappeared in his original position after Wu Ciren went out.

After ten breaths, there was an extra casual cultivator in the stage of transforming gods on the street for no reason, but this time Yi Tian did not use the Thousand Faces Technique to disguise.Instead, he showed his true colors, walked on the street and selected the station of the Iron-eating Beasts, and then walked towards there with big strides.

Although I agreed to Chan Shanhu and Hou Yuan to go to the Beast Clan Conference as a notary, but the one who is really close to me is Xiong Erbao.It is better to let his own people take the lead than to make others cheaper. Yi Tian's idea is also very simple, that is to let his brother take the lead and remove all those who are in the way.

After coming to the branch of the Iron-eating Beast Clan, Yi Tian realized with a slight movement of his spiritual thoughts that there was no ninth-level demon master sitting here, wondering in his heart, but he said to himself: "Is it because Xiong Erbao didn't come this time?" If someone else came forward, it stands to reason that he prefers to join in the fun and will never miss the auction in Wan Yao City."

When they entered their station, they were stopped immediately. It turned out that this place was divided into two areas.The external business area needs to go through the side door next to the station, and the main entrance only accepts high-level demon cultivators or spiritual cultivators.

Yi Tian twitched his lips and secretly said that the Iron-eating Beast Clan seemed to be a little born, which made the Wei and Jin Dynasties more strict in management than other Beast Clans.

Just as he was thinking about suddenly seeing a pair of heavy-backed iron-eating beasts walking past him, their cultivation bases were all from the eighth level to the middle level, and there were eight of them in number.

This posture is fully worth the sum of all the strengths of ordinary monsters here. People who don't know think that the iron-eating beasts are going crazy and preparing to mobilize people to grab the territory with others.

Yi Tian reckoned that his cultivation base and identity displayed now did not want to disturb others too much, so he turned his head away and prepared to pass through the main entrance to the business district.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind: "I'm back home, why don't you open the middle door to welcome me?" The person who spoke was Xiong Erbao, who was getting off a carriage pulled by four rhinos , opened his mouth and yelled at the guards inside.

In the next moment, his eyes were fixed on a casual cultivator in the spiritual world, and it was embarrassing. Xiong Erbao tried his best to pretend to be old-fashioned and stretched out his hand: "Where is the spiritual cultivator who dares to trespass on my iron-eating beast?" The family headquarters, the guards took it and sent it to my backyard."

As soon as he finished speaking, two monster cultivators of the eighth-level iron-eating beast race rushed forward to block his way, while Yi Tian looked normal, moved the corner of his mouth a few times and said a few words through voice transmission.

Xiong Erbao's expression remained unchanged, but a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. After careful scrutiny, he sighed helplessly and led the man into the mansion with a wave of his hand.

Arriving at the iron-eating beast clan's resident, Xiong Erbao retreated from the guards around him, then reached out and opened a sound-proof barrier before turning around and saying, "It's only been less than a hundred years since we separated, why is your cultivation growing so fast?"

"Aren't you surprised?" Yi Tian went up to find a seat in front of him and sat down, and then teased: "I didn't expect that your cultivation base is not growing, but this ostentation is very grand. It is very grand to travel. There are four rhino carts, and there are personal guards to escort them. I see that the patriarch of the Qilin clan is not as impressive as you, how about next time I nominate you to be the leader of the orc clan?"

"You really know how to joke." Xiong Erbao waved his hands and said, "These four rhino carts are pulled by four seventh-level tribesmen sent by the Earth Rhino Clan to curry favor with me."

"I also said that I don't like ostentation, but I have never done a car pulled by a level [-] monster," Yi Tian said delicately.

"Forget it, I don't understand if I tell you," Xiong Erbao said helplessly: "These vassal races naturally have to spend a lot of effort to curry favor with high-level demon cultivators like us, so as to find a breath of life for the children of the clan. If If you like, I can give you the convoy, so as not to have to bear the rations of four big rhinos, they eat a lot."

"These are all indifferent things," Yi Tian waved his hands and said with a smile: "Then your guards are not bad, there are so many eighth-level clan guards, even if you meet three demon masters of the same level, they can't do anything about you .”

"Not to mention these people, they all listen to the tune and don't listen to the announcement." Speaking of this Xiong Erbao, he said like a discouraged ball: "They are all the elites of the clan cultivated by my elder brother. Follow me It's no fun trying to restrict my movements, and I've already been regulated when I'm at home."

It seems that Xiong Erbao's life in the Iron-eating Beast Clan is not very satisfactory these days, at least from his words, it can be found that he does not feel as free as before.Immediately, Yi Tian comforted and said: "Actually, your eldest brother is also afraid that you will make trouble outside, so he will send eight elites from the clan to follow you."

"Isn't that right, but with this appearance, you have to pay attention to your image everywhere, unlike being by your side where you can do whatever you want," Xiong Erbao said with a longing look on his face.

"I'm here this time just to play with you, so I don't know if you dare or not," Yi Tian pretended to be mysterious and said, "After the matter is done, you will keep your promises when you are in the orc clan. Even your elder brother said Maybe it depends on your face."

"Really," Xiong Erbao shuddered, turned and stared at Yi Tiandao: "It seems that you are making troubles in the demon world, and it seems that I was lucky to meet you this time."

(End of this chapter)

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