
Chapter 1825

Chapter 1825
Facing Xiong Erbao Yitian felt extremely relaxed, not because he followed him for many years from the Demon Realm to the Asura Realm and tossed and turned to the Demon Realm.It's that Xiong Erbao has been with him for so many years, and his personality and temper have been tainted with his own preferences, so the two of them are more speculative during the conversation.

It's not that Yishun doesn't get along with him, it's just that he became more serious after practicing Buddhism.Sometimes I have to be careful when I talk to him, and I have to restrain my cynical attitude.

Listening to the meaning of Xiong Erbao's words, it seems that he was restrained after returning to his own race.This time, taking advantage of the reopening of Wan Yao City, he volunteered to lead the team out, and the patriarch of the Iron-eating Beast Clan also knew about his urination and specially sent a team of guards to follow him.

Seeing the slight sadness on Xiong Erbao's face at times, Yi Tian knew that he was angry, and then comforted him: "I came to you this time to discuss business."

"In recent years, your reputation has been faintly spread among the high-level monks of the monster clan, and I have heard of it for a long time," Xiong Erbao said.

"I personally experienced the Yan Peigong Rebellion in Wan Yao City before. I fought side by side with Qingxin Daoyou and Xuanjizi in Jiuxian Mountain. I guess it was at this time that the reputation spread," Yi Tian replied.

"The battle of Wan Yao City is obvious to all, but I heard that a secret battle broke out later in the gossip, and the scale was stronger than that of Yan Peigong. However, few people know the inside story, but even the Jiuxian Mountain The red-bearded spirit ape's predecessors have all used their unique skills, which is not a trivial matter," Xiong Erbao said, turning around, fixing his eyes on Yi Tian, ​​and continuing: "It is said that two human race spiritual cultivators also participated, and one of them is Zeng Shun from Lihuo Palace The other one must be you, and it is still in the underground palace at the bottom of Sunken Corpse Prison. Tell me about the great battle, the description from personal experience is much more true than what I heard from hearsay.”

"I didn't expect that your news is still very well-informed. There were seven people participating in that battle, and the opponent was the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao," Yi Tian said after a pause: "If I guessed your news correctly It should have come from Nine Immortals Mountain, Fairy Mengluan stayed outside at that time."

After finishing speaking, he slowly explained in detail what happened after the fight in Neizhong. When it came to Yishun fighting side by side with him, Xiong Erbao's eyes showed a look of envy. He wished that he and Yishun had switched positions. good.

After listening to his own description for a while, Xiong Erbao sighed and said: "I didn't expect your experience to be so wonderful, it's much better than my boring and sound sleep in the clan land all day long. It's a pity that such a big event has been going on for thousands of years. It’s a rare encounter, it seems that the demon world will be calm for a while, and my cultivation is useless.”

"Then don't be too optimistic. I think that the demon world is troubled now. Although there is a senior red-bearded spirit ape sitting in the town, the major races below control each other and look down on each other. Problems will happen sooner or later. "Yi Tian waved his hands.

"Why do you think something will happen?" Xiong Erbao raised his head and asked.

"It's nothing more than the allocation of regional resources. This is the main reason why I came to you." Yi Tian couldn't help but restrain his relaxed expression when he mentioned this matter, and instead showed a little worry.

"Based on the relationship between you and me, it's not a sentence if there is something, just say it," Xiong Erbao also noticed that the atmosphere of the conversation had changed, and at the same time replied with a serious expression on his face.

"You didn't come to Wan Yao City just to participate in the celebration here, did you?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's natural. If it's not about the interests of the ethnic group, I don't need to come in person," Xiong Erbao explained.

"That's good. This time I was invited to participate in the meeting of the Beast Clan with Yishun. The point may be to challenge the dominance of the Qilin Clan." Yi Tian pointed out his intention directly, and then looked at Xiong Erbao's face in a blink of an eye. .

I saw him showing a little surprise, and after three breaths, he raised his head and laughed loudly: "No wonder you said that you are playing big, I was still trembling in my heart, am I going to take action against a certain monster patriarch again."

"Why do you think I only know how to fight and kill?" Yi Tian said with a corner of his mouth.

Putting away his laughter, Xiong Erbao said solemnly: "This time, I also received the invitation from the Mountain Tiger, and I am going to challenge the patriarch of the Qilin clan at the Beast Clan Conference in Wan Yao City."

Speaking of the two treasures, the eyes flashed brightly, and then he continued: "The Qilin tribe has been occupying a large amount of resources for a long time because of its unique talent and blood. Fortunately, this time there is a Qilin son Guo Rui, the second-five boy, it is said He also participated in Yan Peigong's rebellion. Coupled with the self-established things like killing the same clan, the strength of the Qilin clan has long been inferior to before, and it is absolutely difficult to maintain the dominance of the clan."

"It is for this reason that Zhanshanhu and Houyuan came to me," Yi Tian said, "Now the Huofeng Huojiao and the witnesses of Jiuxian Mountain are all together, so the beast clan It will be a wonderful meeting at the meeting."

"How can you represent Jiuxian Mountain? Although Jiuxian Mountain has good teaching and no discrimination, your character will definitely not switch to other factions," Xiong Erbao asked in surprise.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice a group of spiritual power, and then crossed the top of his head to create a section of colorful rainbows in the courtyard. Xiong Erbao in front of him looked even more surprised when he saw it in his eyes. He opened his mouth for a long time before popping out a few The words said: "Seven-colored rays of light, how can you know Taoist Qingxin's signature supernatural power?"

"Is it strange?" Yi Tian sneered at these words and said, "Why can't I practice the colorful glow of Jiuxian Mountain? I have even been to the Buddhist scripture building in Jiuxian Mountain, and the most secret documents and files in it have been searched." researched."

As he spoke, his face showed a little complacency, and Xiong Erbao saw naked envy, jealousy, and hatred in his eyes.

"Speaking of which, you are more suitable to be the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain than Xuanjizi," Xiong Erbao said, and at the same time he did not forget to look up at the colorful glow.

"This is all your misunderstanding. Although the colorful glow is the stunt that Qingxin Daoist became famous, it is not a compulsory skill for the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain," Yi Tian explained: "And the strength of Taoist Xuanjizi has also been greatly improved. He is thousands of times better than me in cultivating junior disciples, that's why he was entrusted with the important task by Senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape."

"That's why Jiuxian Mountain has always collected and cultivated talents from all walks of life of the Yaozu. Even my clan has sent many young nephews to worship under Xuanjizi's sect," Xiong Erbao said with a smile on his face.

It is estimated that his gossip came from here, Yi Tian paused and said: "The situation of the Beast Clan Conference has become clear now, but there is no way to distribute the benefits. Have you thought about it?"

"I would like to hear more about it," Xiong Erbao said with a smile on his face, "I'm afraid this is also the real purpose of your coming to me."

(End of this chapter)

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