
Chapter 1826 Infiltrate

Chapter 1826 Infiltrate
Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao discussed for a long time in the Iron-eating Beast Clan and reached a tacit agreement. The meeting of the Beast Clan will be held three days later.During this period, I believe that the patriarchs of these big races will definitely walk around privately to discuss coping strategies.

Speaking of it, they all want to make the most of the benefits of this meeting to divide up the interests of the Qilin clan, but on the other hand, they think that the Qilin clan, as the weak side, will definitely not sit still.For a long time, the beast clan has occupied a large amount of resources, and it is not easy to get them to spit out the meat in their mouths.Moreover, there will definitely be some unexpected means sacrificed at the beast clan's forced palace meeting this time, which will not allow Shanshanhu and others to easily achieve their goals.

In Yi Tian's view, Chuanshanhu and Houyuan can only be regarded as outsiders after all, while Xiong Erbao is his direct descendant.Supporting him to the top position is naturally the most ideal result, but it is not easy to achieve the goal, which is equivalent to taking food from the mouths of Yuan and others.

It's just that Yi Tian knows that such a situation must be shot, and the key is how to operate after seeing the general trend.Apart from myself and Yishun this time, the witnesses of the Huofeng tribe are also crucial.The resolution policy of the Orc Clan Conference can only be realized with the approval of the three parties. If the Fire Phoenix Clan does not nod, it will be a stalemate in a two-on-one situation, but it will make others profit.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian said goodbye to Xiong Erbao and returned directly to Wan Yao City. With a thought, he searched for the location of the capital of Wan Yao City, and then strode towards there.

I heard that it was not the patriarch Mengluan who came forward from the Huofeng Clan this time, Yi Tian was also quite entangled in this matter.Although Meng Luan and himself were not on the right track, they had seen each other several times, and had fought side by side hand in hand.The most favorable condition is that Yishun is on his side, Meng Luan is not interested in him anyway, but he still has some inexplicable ambiguity towards Yishun.

But if the person who came was someone he didn't know well, it would take a lot of communication. So far, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and go up to check.

When he came to the territory of the Fire Phoenix Clan, Yi Tian found that there were all kinds of monster monks coming and going here, and some monks from other worlds also came to visit from time to time.This place has now become the guardian center of Wan Yao City, but it is only managed by the Fire Phoenix Clan.

As the new patriarch of the Fire Phoenix Clan, Meng Luan would naturally not be in Wan Yao City anymore, so the ninth-level Demon Master of the Fire Phoenix Clan who stayed here was naturally someone else.At the same time, she will also be one of the witnesses of this orc race meeting.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian smiled slightly and his whole body turned into nothingness. After restraining his breath, Yi Tian shuttled in the corridor of the capital.Along the way, there are several places along the way that can detect the presence of a strong aura, and two of them are the familiar Zhanshanhu and Houyuan.

I didn't expect them to be here, but after thinking about the current layout of Wan Yao City in my mind, I figured it out.This place is now jointly managed by the monster clans of all parties, and a council of elders has also been established.Such as the ninth-level demon masters of the tiger clan and lion clan can naturally occupy a seat in the city lord's mansion.

Moreover, this power organization occupies an area of ​​about a hundred miles, occupying the best land in the original Ten Thousand Monsters City.After quickly skimming over the area, Yi Tian found that there was an existence with extremely strong fire spiritual power a few miles ahead. Needless to say, it would probably be the area where the fire phoenix or the high-level monks of the fire dragon clan stayed behind.

When I got closer, I saw a group of pheasant monks patrolling in the distance.Yi Tian applauded secretly in his heart, he finally found the right place.

He quietly walked past the place guarded by the patrol team, and after entering the inner court, a red light barrier barrier appeared in front of him.After finding an inconspicuous corner and breaking the restriction, Yi Tian penetrated into it. Inside the restriction was a secluded valley.The inner area is full of spiritual power, and it should be the area with the strongest spiritual power in the Ten Thousand Monsters City.

Walking into the valley, I saw a fire phoenix lair inside. Unexpectedly, there was an adult fire phoenix demon cultivator in the lair, sleeping soundly there.

After sizing it up, Yi Tian found that the opponent's strength was about at the beginning of level nine, which was indeed weaker than Meng Luan's.But I heard that Meng Luan is the youngest younger sister in her generation, but she doesn't know who Huo Feng is in front of her.

As soon as he took a step forward, suddenly the fire phoenix opened his eyes fiercely and turned his head to stare at where he was standing.Yi Tian asked himself that he hadn't revealed any flaws, and now that he had used concealed magical powers to restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations.

When he moved his pace a little, he saw that Huofeng's gaze also shifted accordingly, clearly discovering his own existence.But the strange thing is that the other party didn't speak directly but was in a stalemate, Yi Tian was also bored and panicked and didn't know how to explain.It is a big taboo to break into someone's private house.

A red light flashed across the nest, and the fire phoenix flew out of the nest and turned into a young woman in her thirties in the air.After landing, he flew to the open space beside the Fire Phoenix Nest, and then arched his head and said, "You Daoist Yi is here, and Meng Jing is not far away to welcome you. But I have already known about the fact that Fellow Daoist walked secretly in the Fire Phoenix Clan." I heard it, and seeing it today really confirmed this."

When she said this, Yi Tian couldn't hold back his face immediately, and faded away his concealed supernatural powers to reveal himself.After walking forward, Yi Tian hurriedly returned his strength and said: "I have seen Fellow Daoist Mengjing, and I don't want to disturb the people below when I come here like this. Moreover, there are many demon masters from other clans living in this new city lord's mansion. Make it too big and it will be easy to be discovered.”

Unexpectedly, Meng Jing covered her face with her hands and said with a chuckle: "Actually, the strength of Yi Daoyou is obvious to all, sister She has already mentioned your methods to me."

"Oh, is Fairy Mengluan your sister?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"That's true, although she has a little disdain for your identity, but it's for the sake of the eldest sister," Mengjing replied.

"It turns out that you are also Senior Sister Mengxin's younger sister," Yi Tian suddenly said.

"Actually, the three of us are the only remaining nine-level demon venerables of the Huofeng Clan. It was only because of my physical condition that I passed the position of patriarch to Yaomei." It took 5000 years for my character to be recognized by my eldest sister."

"It turns out that's the case, but after all Fairy Mengluan did it, so you can always be comforted," Yi Tian also said in a good way and echoed.

Meng Jing also had a look of relief on her face, then she turned her head to look at it and said: "Actually, Daoist Yi's hidden body technique is so special that even I almost didn't see it."

When Yi Tian mentioned this, his face turned red, and Jishou apologized again: "Please forgive me for the sudden incident."

"It doesn't matter," Meng Jing said with a smile: "Actually, I was also cheating. To be honest, I didn't notice the whereabouts of Fellow Daoist Yi, but I just had some other inductions on you."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face was stunned, he didn't expect that he was cheated out by her, but what is the induction that Mengjing said?It's not a good thing if you don't know that you will be noticed by the Huofeng people wherever you go in the future.

 Thank you fellow Taoist Yun Feiying, my family has two dogs, haha ​​ghost, Jiezhiyuan’s support.

(End of this chapter)

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