
Chapter 1837 Witness 7

Chapter 1837 Witness Seven

Under the suggestion of Zhanshanhu, Guo Linsheng, the patriarch of the Qilin clan, smoothly entered the elders of the beast clan.Originally, he wanted to curb his power in this way, but he did not expect that once he caught the handle, he would launch a counterattack and directly nominate two priests of the Qilin clan to join the elders' group discussion.

Although Poison Master can be directly excluded as a spiritual cultivator of the human race, Mo Dou is also considered a monster race. If he is also excluded, it will definitely attract strong opposition from Guo Linsheng.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while, and these beast tribes all held their own opinions about the fact that Mo Dou was also selected into the elders' group.Those who agree are those races that are closer to the Qilin race, and they have also seen signs of it.If they continue to suppress blindly, maybe even their interests will be damaged.

Although it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, if the Qilin tribe loses power and there are no eggs left, even these races will suffer.So many voices seemed to agree with this matter, so Guo Linsheng also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

As for the opposing races, there are even more. Without him, these great clans have been oppressed by the conservative Qilin clan for thousands of years. Today, it is hard to stand up and become the master, so naturally I don't want to fail.

Zhan Shanhu and Hou Yuan, headed by the Lion Clan and Tiger Clan, strongly opposed this matter, but the other races maintained the same Zhemo, neither disapproved nor opposed to this matter.The refusal to express his position is not because he is afraid of this matter, but because he wants to see if the mountain tiger who provoked the incident has any other plans.

I saw that he was also in a dilemma, and he still communicated with Hou Yuan in private for a while, then turned his head and said to the three witnesses: "This time the beast tribe implemented the elders' group system to conform to the current situation. I don't know what the three think about it." unique opinion?"

The words were addressed to the three of them, but Zhan Shanhu's face was towards Yi Tian. Obviously, under such circumstances, he still wanted to see what Jiuxian Mountain meant?At the same time, he directly kicked this hot potato over.

Yi Tian is naturally aware of Zhan Shanhu's careful thinking, but his plan also coincides with his own plan.Immediately stood up and said: "Fellow Taoist Zangshanhu made it very clear, a snake can't do without a head, but it is imperative to implement the strategy of the elders' group as the world changes."

As soon as this remark came out, Shanhu's face showed a little joy, and it was obvious that what he said touched his heart.

Guo Linsheng, who was sitting on the side, frowned and looked at the person in front of him in a blink of an eye. At the same time, the corners of Mo Dou's mouth moved slightly, as if he was communicating with him in private.

Yi Tian knows that he has become the target of public criticism at this time, but sitting here today also represents the will of Jiuxian Mountain. Even if these people complain, they can only blame themselves for all their faults.

After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "However, the proposal of Guo Daoyou, the patriarch of the Qilin clan, is understandable. They are both monster clans, so they are naturally capable of running for the position of elders."

After hearing this, Guo Linsheng frowned and his face was full of doubts, and he didn't know why he would agree to his proposal.He just faintly felt that the next thing must be difficult, and then his face sank and he listened carefully.

Seeing that everyone's appetite has been suffocated, Yi Tian also smiled lightly and said: "With all due respect, the candidates for this elder group are important, but it is not difficult to seriously select them."

"I don't know what Daoyou Yi means?" Hou Yuan opened his mouth and asked, although he was good at nourishing qi, his appetite could be whetted, and he seemed a little impatient at the moment.

"The elders group is divided into three permanent members, and three members are on rotation. Every millennium, three members will be replaced, and the permanent elders will be directly reduced to rotating elders during the second rotation," Yi Tian said with a smile: "As for the method, you can refer to this Resource allocation The result of the competition."

This is a novel method, and Changshanhu and the others immediately understood that this was to restrict one side from growing bigger, so that the newly replaced person could sit for at least two rounds.And everything depends on the ability of the next generation's nephew. This does not mean that only monks in the fit period are eligible. As long as those middle races can win the resource allocation competition, they will also have the right to speak. In the decision-making level of the family.

In an instant, all the demon cultivators around were blown up, and many demon cultivators had strange eyes shining in their eyes. Although there were no ninth-level demon cultivators, they could gain a lot of real benefits by participating in the decision-making process.

Guo Linsheng immediately wanted to understand the pros and cons of this method, and immediately snorted coldly: "Then how should we select the elders to be selected today?"

"Guo Daoyou's strength and identity can naturally occupy a place among the standing elders, but if all the monks of the same family are selected, they can only get one permanent elder. As for the fellow Daoist Modou next to you, it seems that other people will compete for it. The seat of the rotating elder," Yi Tian replied with an angry smile, "I don't think everyone here will have any objections to this arrangement. I don't know what you think of this arrangement, Fellow Daoist Guo?"

Hearing this, Guo Linsheng's complexion finally improved a lot. It is a sure thing that he will be re-elected for two terms. As for making Modou like him, it may be extremely difficult.If he insists on going his own way, the mountain tiger in front of him will definitely be the first to jump out to argue with him.

After thinking about it for a while, Guo Linsheng's expression slowed down, and he bowed lightly and said, "You Daoist Yi is thoughtful, and I think it's okay. But how to deal with the voting when the number of people is even?"

"It's easier to handle. The standing elder counts as one and a half votes, and one vote for a president is counted as two votes," Yi Tian explained: "In this way, a total of seven votes can definitely solve the problem at once. "

Important eyes lit up one after another, this kind of operation is really unheard of.However, they all quickly calculated in their minds that voting with six people holding seven votes could indeed directly result in a vote.And this way of distribution naturally put an end to the situation where one family dominates. Even if the chairman and someone together have at most three votes, the remaining four can counteract it by forming a group.

However, the unnamed candidates originally suggested by Zhanshanhu have now become six, which made many of the Yaozu patriarchs here have ideas.Suddenly, a voice sounded from an angle, "Just follow the method of the representative of Jiuxian Mountain. Didn't everyone decide the final resource allocation ratio today, and they can be directly selected according to this model. The top three become permanent and the last three are on rotation. "The demon cultivator who spoke was the patriarch of the wolf clan, and the man with gray hair opened his mouth and opened his mouth.

Everyone immediately understood that his wolf family happened to be ranked sixth, so he could be selected smoothly.Thinking that the wolves have finally found an opportunity to stand up after being suppressed for many years. If Guo Linsheng's method is really followed, he will be directly squeezed out of his position.In terms of strength, there still seems to be a gap between him and that Modou, so it is reasonable that this will be the loudest.

(End of this chapter)

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