
Chapter 1838 Witness 8

Chapter 1838 Witness Eight

At the Beast Clan Conference, it was finally discussed that a mechanism of elders should be formed to check and balance the situation where certain races are dominated by one family.The faction headed by the Shanhu is naturally happy to see the results, but Guo Linsheng of the Qilin clan will not give in so easily.

He saw the timing and seized the loophole in Zhan Shanhu's words and forcibly stuffed the foreign offerings around him into it.Yi Tian made it so that he would speak kindly to persuade him, and put forward a new suggestion to divide the elders into two parts: permanent and rotating.Then the voting rights of each position were distinguished, so that it was immediately approved by many monster races.

However, the determination of this quota really made everyone feel difficult, although the people selected for this elder group were determined according to the results of the competition.But it seems that some people have objections to this first-time selection, while others strongly agree with it.

This next thing is not something that I can participate in, just like Guo Linsheng's nomination of Poison Master, he will be opposed by all the monster clans.

Unexpectedly, the white-haired wolf king suddenly jumped out and fought with Guo Linsheng. People with a discerning eye will naturally understand it when they see it.If Mo Dou was allowed to enter the Council of Elders, he, the white-haired wolf king, would naturally lose an excellent opportunity for no reason. The last thing people want to do is to suffer losses, and the same goes for monsters.

As the voice of the white-haired wolf king sounded, the channeling mountain tiger who was the host also echoed: "Brother Baimao is right, this time we won't decide the rankings of all the clans, why don't we assign the elders according to the established rankings?" The group quota is naturally the most appropriate."

"Then how do you assign permanent and rotating elders here? Is it still based on ranking?" Guo Linsheng said with a smile on his face: "Fellow Taoist, don't forget that you proposed me to be the permanent elder. Is it possible that you Tiger Clan can give up this quota for the second best?"

In the plan of Zhanshanhu, it is to let Qilin, the tiger clan.The Lion Clan Yaozun is a three-person permanent elders group, but this time the Iron-eating Beast Clan won the first place, so it is a difficult situation.

Immediately, he was silent and the corners of his mouth moved as if someone bowed his head and began to think.Gradually, his complexion became more and more dignified. It is estimated that the result of the negotiation between the two parties was not satisfactory.Then I saw him turn his head to the other side as if he was discussing with others, but soon the disappointment on his face gradually appeared. Needless to say, both sides couldn't make sense.

Seeing this situation in the eyes of the three witnesses, they were naturally amused. Zhan Shanhu was looking for Hou Yuan and Xiong Erbao to discuss it, but unfortunately these two were not good at it.In this way, the Tiger Clan will inevitably give up this quota. Such a disadvantageous thing, Changshanhu, can't swallow it no matter what.

But who told him that Youyan nominated Guo Linsheng first, but this time he gritted his teeth and had to swallow it.He turned his head and looked at the three people on the witness stage with pleading eyes.

Yi Tian is also amused in his heart, Shanshanhu is a short-sighted person who forgets righteousness when he sees profit, so it is absolutely impossible for him to take the lead.But Yi Tian knew in his heart that if he wanted to support Xiong Erbao, all the lion clan and tiger clan had to stand by his side, so he discussed with the two people on the left and right through voice transmission.

After ten breaths, Yishun stood up and said, "Since Taoist Taoist Chuan Shanhu nominated Guo Daoyou as the permanent elder, then Xiong Erbao, Hou Yuan and Guo Linsheng will serve as the three permanent elders of the Beast Clan Elders Group this time. There is no room for disagreement, but Nian has suffered a bit from the Tiger Clan, and the next Clan Mountain Tiger will be directly promoted to the standing elder, what do you guys think?"

Speaking of it, this is also a helpless compromise, taking into account the problems of the four major races, and taking into account the feelings of the mountain tiger.Being able to do this seems to have taken good care of him, and Tsang Shanhu lowered his head and thought for a while before nodding helplessly.

One step late is one step slower, in this millennium, it is still necessary to keep a low profile and contact the other clans to suppress Guo Linsheng.After thinking it through, Zhan Shanhu nodded and replied: "Okay, I also agree with this matter, I wonder if you have any objections?"

Guo Linsheng looked at it with a playful face, then curled his mouth and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for speaking up." But there was no sense of thanks in his words, and the eyes were all playful.

So four places have been confirmed, but there are still two vacancies. Needless to say, Guo Linsheng will naturally aim at these two positions.If he can become the president, plus the votes of the rotating elders, he will already have close to half of the votes, and then as long as he is in the vertical and horizontal alliances, he may not be able to attract more people.

At that time, as long as a small part of the profit is used to win over a certain demon master, it is Guo Linsheng's ultimate goal today to play with the elders in the applause.

The most anxious ones at the moment are the white-haired wolf king and the patriarch of the red-bearded spirit ape.One of them won two games in the red zone, the other won one game in the red zone, and the other won four games in the blue zone.Although the levels of the two clans are different, the red-bearded spirit ape clan has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, but in terms of strength, they are not as strong as the ninth-level demon masters, and they dare not force their mouths at this time.

Guo Linsheng knew the result of this competition a long time ago, and he wanted to make a decision on how to choose in his heart.After a while, Shanhu said: "Since that's the case, the white-haired wolf king and Chi Ling, the patriarch of the red-bearded ape clan, will take the remaining two places."

As soon as this remark came out, there was complete silence all around, basically no one dared to go along with it, everyone's eyes were on Guo Linsheng, to see how he would treat him.

"Fellow Taoist Chuanshan said it well, and I also very much agree with this allocation of quotas," Guo Linsheng said lightly.

As soon as this statement came out, the demon clans around all showed doubts. He was the most fiercely opposed before, but he didn't expect to speak in agreement at this time.

Tian Shanhu then said: "Well, since everyone has no objection, the candidates for the elders group have been decided this time. Thank you fellow daoists who have witnessed this time."

"Wait a minute," Guo Linsheng interjected without waiting for Shanhu to continue, "I have to mention that it seems unfair to other races to follow this rule every time. I suggest that every race should have the right to challenge once. As for the target is only the elders on duty. Of course, considering the special situation of fellow Taoist Fleeing Mountain Tiger, you will be exempted for the first time."

"Okay," someone shouted from the surrounding seats. Needless to say, Guo Linsheng's suggestion naturally echoed the interests of certain races, so some people supported it.

Zhan Shanhu's face changed slightly, he also knew that this was powerful, since he could stay out of the matter, of course he didn't need to do anything else.And at this time, he no longer wanted to be strong, and it was imperative to send Modou to fight at Guo Linsheng's will.He didn't know if he would challenge the white-haired wolf king or the patriarch of the red-bearded spirit ape, but no one could be his opponent.

As for other races, naturally they would not come up to challenge the red-bearded spirit ape, lest they offend the one behind Jiuxian Mountain.

The white-haired wolf king's complexion changed slightly, obviously at this time he was the most dangerous person.

(End of this chapter)

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