
Chapter 1839 Witness 9

Chapter 1839 Witness Nine

The orcs discussed for a long time about the quota of elders before deciding on it.It's just that Guo Linsheng, the leader of the Qilin clan, seemed unwilling to win another spot, so he proposed the challenge at the end.

Don't worry too much about the remaining two rotating elders. Although the white-haired wolf king is a ninth-level demon cultivator, he is still a bit weak in front of the black-winged dragon, but his natural dragon power restrains him firmly.

As for the patriarch of the red-bearded spirit ape, he also has shortcomings. He is just relying on the name of the ancestor of the red-bearded spirit ape in Jiuxian Mountain.Speaking of which, such a name is also the most unreliable. It would be good for others to give face, but if they don't give face, there is nothing they can do.

But Shanhu followed Guo Linsheng's words and said: "Since it is a challenge, we still need to make a rule. The two of you can't go on endlessly. I suggest that each person only accept the challenge once. As for the challenger, they can compete first and then decide. In this way First of all, it can be regarded as giving certain preferential treatment to the elders on duty."

This made sense, and it protected the interests of the elders, so it was naturally passed quickly.Even Guo Linsheng nodded and praised the reasoning of Shanhu.Don't think too much about him, he is also thinking about himself, people are always afraid of things, this can save a lot of troubles, and push the troubles to those who challenge.

Soon, several demon masters came forward to discuss, and then agreed that the patriarch of the Kui Niu clan would get the challenge spot, and the other party must still give face to the Qilin clan.

However, the Yaozun of the Kui Niu Clan was also very ghostly and called out to fight the white-haired wolf king. The remaining patriarch of the red-bearded spirit ape looked embarrassed.Presumably, with his strength, it is absolutely impossible to win against Shang Modou. Although the red bearded spirit apes scored five points in the competition, most of them were obtained from the seventh-level demon cultivators.

On the contrary, Guo Linsheng didn't care about it at all. Other races wanted to sell face to Jiuxian Mountain, but he couldn't do it.Mo Dou beside him also stood up and looked at the patriarch of the red-bearded spirit ape in the distance, and then said with a smile: "Then what are you waiting for, let's finish the race while there is still time, and go to the iron-eating beast Let's compete on stage with the Sumeru space fighters of the clan."

Hearing the words, Xiong Erbao said in a deep voice: "Since Fellow Daoist Mo Dou is interested, there is nothing wrong with it." He raised his hand and sacrificed the spiritual weapon again and stopped in the middle of the venue, but at this time the inside was empty without any partition space.

The patriarch of the red-bearded ape patriarch froze and was about to admit defeat when Yi Tian, ​​who was on the stage, suddenly snorted coldly and said: "Fellow Mo Dou is deceiving people too much right now. Ape patriarch, let's fight. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to seniors when I return to Jiuxian Mountain." Then the spiritual pressure on his body wrinkled overwhelmingly and pressed towards the surrounding monsters.

Obviously this was really angry, and the faces of these monsters present were also shocked. They really didn't pay attention to the witnesses before.But now that I feel the pressure and the weight of my words, I realize that some people cannot be offended easily, and certain red lines cannot be touched at will.

After Guo Linsheng and Mo Dou felt the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, their faces moved slightly, and the corners of their mouths moved hurriedly, as if they were discussing countermeasures.After a while, Guo Linsheng said: "Friend Daoist Yi, please calm down, I understand your mood very well. I have no intention of disrespecting senior red beard, but you are really not suitable to participate in the competition as a spiritual cultivator, just like my family worships you." Like fellow Daoist Poison Master, please think twice if you are not immune to what people say."

One side spoke in a reasonable manner, and his tone slowed down. It was obvious that Guo Linsheng still wanted to save the country by curves and bypass himself on the issue of identity.After taking back the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, Yi Tian's face sank and he didn't speak anymore. After all, as a spiritual practitioner, he could witness this matter, but it was really inappropriate to participate in it.

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded from the side: "Then it's okay for me to make a move, and Daoist Mo Dou and I didn't decide the outcome last time, so naturally we want to find a chance to compete again." The person who spoke was Yi Shun.At this time, he slowly stood up, his eyes swept across all the people present, and finally stayed on Mo Dou's expression.

After a faint dragon power suddenly appeared, the scene was stilled. At this time, he should have evolved into a five-clawed golden dragon, and almost all the characteristics of the fire dragon on his body have faded.

Guo Linsheng's expression froze for a moment, and he couldn't find anything to refute immediately. The monster clan is the monster clan's business. These are the default unspoken rules.Yishun's identity and strength are similar to Mo Dou's, so there is no room for him not to agree.

On the other hand, Mo Dou's figure turned into a black light and flew directly into the spirit weapon of the Dou Jiangtai in Xumi Dimension. Before leaving, he only left a sentence: "If you want to fight, then fight, I want to see you too!" How is the strength of a golden dragon different from that of an ordinary fire dragon?"

Yishun didn't answer the words, but flew forward and directly entered the spirit weapon, but Yi Tian, ​​who was beside him, twitched slightly.Before, I had told Yishun all the tricks in the spiritual weapon, and the chance of winning was as much as [-]% if I did the mental calculation or not.

Immediately, two dragons, one gold and one black, appeared on the fighting platform, but their bodies seemed to be shrunk to the size of earthworms, and they only met after flying for a hundred breaths in the huge space.

After the meeting, the two sides refused to give in to each other and directly bit each other. The black-winged dragon with wings on its back kept spitting out dragon's breath.None of the people present had ever understood the power of such a dragon's breath, but Yi Tian knew that it was mixed with the unique brimstone and fire in the hell world, which was highly corrosive and could contaminate other people's spiritual power.

On the contrary, there was a faint golden light on Yishun's body, but when he opened his mouth, he spit out circles of golden light waves.It was the eight-tone secret technique of the Buddhist sect's heavenly thunder that he practiced hard before. The golden light wave met the sulfurous dragon's breath and held it in the air. At the same time, white flames suddenly appeared on those dragon's breath fireballs.

Many monster monks who don't know the truth naturally don't know that this is the purification power of the Buddha Sect, which can restrain all dirty, vicious and gloomy spells in the world.For Moxiu, it is the nemesis, and it also has a restrictive effect on Modou's brimstone, fire, and dragon's breath.

Although the effect is slightly worse, the restraint on attributes can completely make up for the difference in power level.Not long after, those golden light waves completely purified dozens of dragon's breath fire bombs in front of them, and then directly covered Mo Dou.

Under the attack of the golden light, the latter seemed to have black spiritual power continuously emanating from his body, and then he turned around and the ink bag flew in the opposite direction, as if trying to avoid the sharp edge.

Yishun followed closely behind him, and the two dragons started chasing one after the other in the space of the fighting general's platform.Immediately, boos erupted from the surrounding demon cultivators, making Guo Linsheng embarrassed.

A little later, after the chase lasted for more than half a moment, a black aura flew out of it, turned back into a human form in the air, and landed beside Guo Linsheng.As for the golden halo, it returned to Yishun after flying out of the spirit weapon and returned to the seat on the left side of the witness stand.He cupped his hands and said to Mo Dou, "It's such a concession."

(End of this chapter)

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