
Chapter 1848 Research 1

Chapter 1848 Research One
After the trade fair, Taoist Qingxin left the venue and disappeared into the Ten Thousand Monsters City, as if he had never been there before.The news that the former suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain appeared in Wanyao City was only known to high-ranking monks.

After returning to Yaju on Huxin Island, Yi Tian opened the restriction and then took out all the things obtained from this exchange and screened them one by one.

First of all, the biggest harvest is the map. I have already obtained three-quarters of it before, and I took out the exchanged ones from the Poison Master and put them together with the original ones.After the black light flashed, the map was closed together. Yi Tian looked at it in a blink of an eye, and the whole map was closed, but there was a fist-sized hole in the center.

Unexpectedly, the most crucial part of the map that I had searched for so hard was missing.Judging from the descriptions and records around the map, the key part of this should be the real secret of the map.

Yi Tian sighed helplessly, but shook his head. It seems that by God's will, he was able to bring a quarter of the map from the Lower Realm, and after tossing and turning around the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, he gathered most of it.However, this missing part still indicates that the opportunity has not come. I believe that one day I will gather this complete map, and then reveal the secrets inside.

As for the ancient book of travel notes from other worlds traded by the medicine man, Yi Tian is still very interested. This ancient book records many anecdotes and strange events in other worlds.Many of them happened in the Middle Ages 7 to [-] years ago. Among them, Yi Tian specially checked the strange news about the world of Asura.

After searching, I found out that Luo Que, the Holy Emperor of Asura, was not considered a top Mahayana monk at that time.On the other hand, Feng Lingzi, the founder of Luotian Fairy Palace in the spirit world, Emperor Yuanhao in the demon world, and Datian Demon Dugu Zhisheng are the top Mahayana existences.

Their strengths are all in the middle stage of Mahayana. As for the ghost king Niren of the Netherworld and the Underworld and Luo Qin, the holy emperor of the Asura clan, in the lower three realms, they belong to the second camp, and they are in the early stage of Mahayana.At the same level is Zen Master Zhiye of the Buddhist sect. It is estimated that this person should be a master of Master Huisheng's generation.

Back then, the Qihuangmen was attached to Luotian Immortal Palace, because it was not strong but had its own special insights into alchemy, so even after the disintegration of Luotian Immortal Palace, it still managed to continue its own Taoism.

As for the separation of the family after the catastrophe in the spiritual world ten thousand years ago, there is no detailed description of this matter in the travel notes, but only a few descriptions.It is obvious that these contents were added later. This "Journey to Other Worlds" was not originally written by one person, but was recorded through the experience of several generations in the Qihuang Sect.

It is recorded in the book that Emperor Yuanhao, one of the three masters of the year, didn't bother to return to the fairy world, so he built his own palace in the demon world.Feng Lingzi ascended over ten thousand years in the late stage of refining Mahayana. As for the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Zhisheng, he disappeared in the end.

The book only records that he entrusted the Demon Realm to his disciple Kuaoaotian and then disappeared. And this Kuaotian is also an ascended cultivator.Although they don't belong to any clan in the demon world, they have taken good care of the demon clan for tens of thousands of years.

Don't need to think too much about this arrogant sky should be the current Demon Sage of the Demon Realm, with whom he had made friends with before.And the Dugu Lonely I met in Wuling Mountain should be the descendant of Dugu Zhisheng, a new generation of Great Heavenly Demon.

The endings of these three people are written in great detail. As for Netherworld ghost king Niren, 6 years ago, three monks of the Mahayana period ushered in a joint encirclement and suppression.In the end, the situation where the lower three realms united into one changed. After the death of King Ni Ren, the Nether Dynasty split into two factions, and the elite forces retreated to the Nether Realm where they had made their fortunes.

However, the forces in the ghost realm and the earth crossing realm took the opportunity to split independently. There were many original alien races in these two realms. Without the suppression of the Nether Dynasty above, it would be reversed one by one.

As for the Huangquan Guards, they are an elite force led by the disciples of the Netherworld Huangquan ghost king Niren Wang.Compared with the number of people left in the Nether Dynasty, it is naturally far away, but all the members in it are the generation of one enemy against a hundred, so they have survived until now.

According to my own imagination, the current Emperor Youming must have scruples to allow such forces to survive.

After skimming the pages of the Lower Three Realms, Yi Tian turned his attention to the description of the battle between the Buddha and the Demon. The battle between the Buddha and the Demon Realm had been raging since the Middle Ages.At that time, the Daleiguang Temple had already become a leading force in the Buddhist and spiritual world, but Yi Tian also found that there were many pages in the following text description that recorded the content of the Daxueshan Minglun Temple.In the battle between Buddhas and demons that year, the Minglun Dharma King who fought in the Minglun Temple of Daxue Mountain was also a Mahayana monk, but his strength was slightly lower than that of Zen Master Zhiye.

It's a pity that after the battle between the Buddha and the devil, the Minglun Dharma King actually fell, which surprised Yi Tian.It doesn't mean that these Mahayana monks have already cultivated into immortal bodies, at most they can only be sealed, just like Emperor Yuanhao.Fortunately, the reincarnation method of the Buddhist sect's secret technique has some advantages. Presumably the monks of Minglun Temple will try their best to find the reincarnation of Minglun Dharma King.

Since the battle between the Buddha and the Devil broke out 6 years ago, Mahayana-level monks fought against each other, but after that, they all remained at the level of the fusion period.It's just that the number of times is getting more and more frequent, and it always happens every three to five thousand years.It's either the demon invasion or the Buddha's trial. Anyway, both sides are very restrained, and nearly half of the people sent out can return.

It is also recorded that the demon world is the most frequently invaded plane, except for the lower three worlds and the Asura world, the rest of the planes will be invaded to varying degrees by it.Sometimes they would find monks from the Underworld to help them. Generally speaking, the Demon Realm and the Underworld were very close, but there had been no formal joint invasion between the two worlds.

According to the timeline, after the disintegration of Luo Tianxian Palace, it was divided into the current three sects, which is different from the records of Jiuxian Mountain. Became the well-deserved leader of the spiritual world.

But in terms of combat power, Lihuo Palace is still the strongest, but Lihuo Palace is extremely strict in accepting disciples, and has always followed the principle of preferring lack to excess, and the disciples like to keep a low profile, so their reputation is not obvious.

It mentions that Wuye, the founder of the contemporary Lihuo Palace, used to be a member of the Lihuomen, and after ten thousand years of hard work, he came to the fore step by step and achieved Mahayana cultivation.In the next 3 years, there were many things happening in the spirit world, big and small, but none of them could shake the position of the three sects until the catastrophe that broke out ten thousand years ago.

 Thanks to friends 20170428173121126, fighttcyw, r99bj for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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