
Chapter 1849 Research 2

Chapter 1849 Research II

Reading the Journey to Other Worlds from Yao Weng can be regarded as an eye-opener for him.Among them, the main line is recorded according to the timeline, and most of the pages are from Wuya Taoist, the founder of the Qihuang School.

When the timeline within the past 2 years began to record and mark, the number of people increased significantly. Even the old man who got medicine wrote down what he saw and heard in the last nearly 5000 years.It is estimated that Taoist Wuya has already ascended or fallen by this time, but there is not a single word mentioned in this jade slip.

Yi Tian was very interested in the demon invasion ten thousand years ago. On the contrary, after recording that period of time, it was found that most of the text in the ancient books described the battle situation at that time.

The only thing I know is that it also mentions that the Qihuang faction split up after the disaster.The sect is divided into two factions that coexist in the spirit world, which are the current Qihuang Sect and Xinglin Sect.

In fact, both sects originally started with alchemy, but the Xinglin sect mainly focused on healing and other aspects, and then used poisonous medicine to treat people and other partial methods.

It was not until 4000 years ago that the two factions split, and the Xinglin faction moved to the hell realm.Although the younger disciples of the two sects are gradually estranged, but as the medicine master and the poison master who practiced together in the past, they should still have a relationship, so such and such situations will appear after the two meet.

After sighing lightly, Yi Tian felt quite touched in his heart, just like the three schools in the spiritual world, they were all born out of Luotian Xiangong in the early years.Although the generation of Patriarch Wuye at the upper level still knows each other, when it comes to the fusion period, this generation dislikes each other.From the trade fair in Wan Yao City, we can see that Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu didn't seem to have a cold at all when Ji Xuanyuan made a move.

In fact, Lihuo Palace's reputation in the spirit world is too great to suppress the other two factions, which is why the current situation occurs.

Thinking about this, Yi Tian also showed a helpless expression on his face, and continued to read after sighing.Not long after, there was a brief description that caught Yi Tian's attention. It said that '4000 years ago, a monk from the Asura world suddenly entered the spirit world, and the Qihuang faction also visited him.This person was named Luo Que, and he searched the spirit world for more than a hundred years without success, and then disappeared. '

Speaking of the relationship between himself and Luo Que, I'm afraid it will be a long story, Yi Tian smiled knowingly and said to himself: "It seems that the Asura monks will still be paid attention to by many parties after entering the spirit world. At least at that time, Fei Yu Jianzong sent Qian Lingzi, a direct disciple, to follow up and find out the news. In the end, the two fell into the lower realm and took advantage of me."

I didn't expect such news to be recorded in the Jade Slips of Journeys to Other Worlds given by Yaoweng. It seems that he should have crossed paths with Luo Que.

It's just that this piece of information came to an end with the person's departure, and Yao Weng probably wrote it down as a part of his life experience.At the end of this description, it was written that what Luo Que was looking for was a wandering treasure from the Asura world, named 'Flying Immortal Yin'.

Seeing this, Yi Tian went deep into his Niwan Palace to check the seal on Yuanying's head.This should be the "Feixian Yin" mentioned in the jade slips, which has been with me for nearly 500 years.

After continuously pouring the power of my Yuan Ling, the seal became more and more clear to me.Yi Tian's Nascent Soul slowly rose to the side of the 'Flying Immortal Yin' on the top of Niwan Palace, and saw the three golden seal characters of 'Tai Luo Tian' appearing on the printed surface.On the side of the seal, there are big gold brick characters with the words "Feixian Yin" written on it, and the word "Yi Tian" is written on the bottom right corner.

Seeing his name, Yi Tian Yuanying showed some confusion on his face, remembering that he had carefully checked this seal a long time ago, but he had never seen his name engraved on it in the early years.It is obvious that this is the result of the baptism of the real fire of one's own life and the power of Yuanling.

I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse, at least this 'Flying Immortal Yin' has been firmly stamped with my own mark.But the Yuanying Spirit Body stretched out its hand as if to grab the 'Flying Immortal Yin' to take a closer look, a purple thunder suddenly shot out from it, and directly shook its own Yuanying's small hand away.

After that, Yi Tian didn't dare to try again, probably with his current strength, he couldn't get the approval of 'Feixian Yin'.It's not a good feeling to have a spirit treasure in the body but it can't be used, and I can only look at it eagerly every day.

After slowly withdrawing his divine thoughts, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the room with a contemplative look on his face. He had been in the spirit world for so long and he could only find clues about this 'Flying Immortal Yin' from a few places.It seems that the time is not yet ripe, so I can only wait patiently until I upgrade my cultivation to the next stage before trying again.

Gathering his mind, Yi Tian looked again at the Jade Slip of Journey to Another World, and he was familiar with the things described next.Although he didn't mention himself, it included all the leaders of the three schools in the spirit world.Including the names of Xiang Chi Wuji, Jian Shaoqing and Qing Lianyun.

The most interesting one is Xi Tianying, it is written that he may be the guardian of the next generation of Spirit World Gate.Although the guard of the gate is not affiliated with the three sects of the spirit world, it is closely related to the upper echelons of the three sects.In the year of the evil disaster, he also assisted the monks in the Mahayana period to guard the gate of the world, and finally created a trend of closing the door and beating dogs in the spirit world.

After closing the Jade Slips of Journey to Other Worlds, Yi Tian weighed it in his mind and knew why Xi Tian was so happy in the spirit world.However, this jade slip is also very useful to me, and I can record my experience of traveling in other worlds in it in the future.

After putting away the jade slips, he took out the jade box that Ji Xuanyuan exchanged for him. He said earlier that it contained a fragment of ancient magic power.But thinking about it, since he was able to get it out, it was only an engraved copy.And since it is said to be a fragment, it is not known whether it can be used.

After opening the jade box, I found that there was a Jade Slip of a Cultivation Technique inside. After taking it out, I spread it on my hand and looked it up carefully. On the front page, it said 'Taiqing Tianmeng Xujing Method'.After reading it carefully, I realized that this thing is completely useless to me. Although it bears the name of Taiqingtian, it only records a magical power called 'Guiyanhuaxu'.

Its biggest effect is that it can transmit information across borders, and you only need to set up the formation at the target location to project your own phantom there.It's just a real-time conversation, but beyond the cross-border, you can also send information to the lower realm.It's just that you need someone with your own blood to guide you.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was full of thoughts in his heart. It took only 500 years for him to ascend to the upper realm, and he was only [-] years old if he had practiced in the lower realm for a thousand years.Lun Shouyuan is considered a small one among the monks in the fusion period, but he doesn't know what the current situation of the Lihuo sect in the lower realm is, and what is the situation of the sect in the Dongao realm of Zhongzhou.

At the end of seeing the exercises, I found that this supernatural power can be used to transmit spirit treasures or elixir across boundaries, and when it reaches the level of Dacheng, it can directly send the avatar or the main body to the target location.There is no need to travel thousands of miles across the boundary gate anymore. In terms of time, the effect is not just one or two points, and it will have unexpected effects at certain times.

(End of this chapter)

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