
Chapter 1850 Invitation

Chapter 1850 Invitation

These few days, Yi Tian practiced behind closed doors in the elegant residence on Huxin Island, the tasteless supernatural powers and mysteries obtained from Ji Xuanyuan. Although they are only fragments, they can still play a role in exchanging news.

While sitting in the room with closed eyes and resting his mind, his mind suddenly moved slightly and his brows frowned slightly. At this time, he felt as if a jade talisman from a Taoist message was staying outside the restriction of Yaju.The person who sent the message must not be Zhong Liangsu, otherwise such a situation would never have happened, so he stretched out his hand and pinched a tactic to open a fist-sized hole in the restraint, and then took the jade talisman of the message in.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian was holding the Jade Talisman of Communication in his hand, with a puzzled look on his face.It was Yao Weng who sent the message, and I had entrusted him to collect Black Leaf Grass and Qingshuangzi for me before.Now there is news that he has found clues to two kinds of medicinal materials, but it is not easy to obtain them, so we will discuss them in detail after we go there.

Since it was the medicine man who invited him to ask for things and needs from others, of course he had to take it seriously. After thinking about it, Yi Tian got up and walked out of the room slowly. After three breaths, his figure disappeared in the elegant residence on the island in the middle of the lake.

The medicine man's foothold is not difficult to find. Before Zhong Liangsu mentioned to himself that his foothold was in the Yingbin Building on the east side of Wan Yao City.Speaking of which, this area is specially designated for receiving high-ranking monks from other worlds.

The entire Yingbin building has a radius of about a hundred miles, and it is divided into more than 20 areas. Each courtyard covers an area of ​​more than ten miles. There are formations around it. It will alarm the monks inside.

Yi Tian reported his name to the Yingbin Building according to the information on the communication talisman, and Shaoqing was led straight to Tianzi No. [-] Manor where Yaoweng was located by a waiter from the Yaozu.

When he came outside the restriction, Yi Tian lightly sacrificed the communication talisman in his hand. With a sound of 'swish', the magic talisman sank into the restriction barrier, and within three breaths, he saw the front door of the barrier opened, and a voice came from it: "Yi Dao Friends are here, please come in quickly." The person who spoke was Yao Weng himself, but Yi Tian's divine sense scanned slightly and found that there was another person besides Yao Weng, and his aura seemed to be seen before.

At the next moment, he thought to himself, 'It's the Poison Master's hand. It turns out that the relationship between the two is really not simple. I'm afraid that inviting me to visit today must be because of something to discuss. '

Entering inside, I saw Medicine Man and Poison Master sitting in the main hall of the other courtyard, as if they were waiting for me.As soon as he entered the door, he saw the old man standing up, bowing his hands and saying, "You Daoist Yi came so fast, and the tricks you used at the trade fair opened my eyes. I never thought that fellow Daoist could imitate Taoist Qingxin so ecstatically." I've been lied to."

Hearing that his tricks were exposed, Yi Tian only showed a slight smile on his face, and then bowed his hands in return and said, "It's really inappropriate for me to use my name to confuse the medicine man."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," Yaoweng replied hastily: "You Daoist Yi's strength naturally doesn't need to care about these things, since he is pretending to participate in the meeting, there must be some intentions, and I don't want to delve into it."

After walking up to say hello to the Poison Sage, Yi Tian sat down on the seat next to the medicine man, and then asked, "I don't know why the medicine man was so anxious to find me here?"

"Actually, my junior brother wants to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to help you with something," said the medicine man, turning his head to look at the poisonous master beside him.

The latter saluted Jishou and said: "Including this meeting with Yi Daoyou, we have met three times already."

"The first two times were the Orc Race Conference and the High-level Cultivator Trade Fair," Yi Tian replied, "I don't know why the Poison Master Daoist is looking for me this time?"

"Actually, I bought a batch of medicinal materials from the store in Lihuo Palace. One of them seems to be normal. After being used as medicine, the level of the pill has been improved a lot, but the people who can take it have different attributes. , so I would like to ask friends to buy a bottle of pure spiritual liquid to refine it again," explained the Poison Master.

It turned out to be so, Yi Tian thought inwardly: "Could it be that I was seen out of my secret tricks in the colorful deer antler, but it seems that the other party's reaction doesn't seem like it."

Then he pretended to be troubled and said, "Actually, I don't have much left on hand. I originally planned to use it myself. Besides, didn't I exchange a drop of mother liquor with fellow Taoists at the trade fair before? It is quite usable. In addition, the medicine man also exchanged two drops with me, so logically there should be no shortage, right?"

As soon as this remark came out of Poison Master's hand, his face seemed a little embarrassed, and he thought for a while before replying: "To be honest, I have reserved that drop of mother liquor for great use, and I will definitely not dilute it for use. As for the two drops in my brother's hand Di Ye is also scheduled to refine a special elixir, so I thought of asking Fellow Daoist Yi to come and discuss it."

It turned out that Yi Tian nodded and said: "The thing here is also a gift from the red-bearded ape senior, a total of three drops. I diluted two of them, and now I have traded most of them, and I still have five drops in my hand." gone."

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yi, I only want two drops," said Poison Sage hurriedly, "As for Fellow Daoists, aren't you looking for Black Leaf Grass and Qingshuangzi, I happen to have a copy of Black Leaf Grass on hand for exchange. "

This can solve his own demands, but it still lacks Qingshuangzi.Thinking that these unpopular packaging materials cannot be easily obtained, Yi Tian thought for a while before saying: "Actually, two drops of pure spiritual liquid can be exchanged for one black leaf grass in value."

"Don't worry about this, fellow daoist. What you are looking for is nothing more than two treasures. I will keep this matter in mind. If I can find out the whereabouts of Qingshuangzi, I will also pay attention. I believe that one piece of Qingshuangzi is exchanged for one drop." The pure psychic liquid is enough to offset the remaining value of these two drops," explained the Poison Master.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian sighed and said, "Okay, since fellow Taoists have already said this, I'm still grateful. It is indeed appropriate to exchange two parts of medicinal materials for three drops of pure spiritual liquid."

After speaking, he reached out and took out a jade bottle, poured two drops into the empty bottle, and then slowly handed it over, saying: "In this way, I will pay three drops first, and the fellow Taoist Poison Master owes me a clear frost. Afterwards, please send the medicinal materials to the medicine man."

Seeing such a poisonous master's hand, he was overjoyed. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly.But in this way, he also owed a favor, and after taking it, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Thank you so much for your generosity, Daoist Yi, I will naturally remember today's appointment. Please rest assured, fellow Daoist, I will take this matter to heart If there is any news, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Then ask fellow Taoists to be more concerned about it. I will be going on a long trip in the near future. If you have any news, please pass it on to Elder Zhong Liangsu of the Taiqing Pavilion," Yi Tian returned the courtesy.

(End of this chapter)

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