
Chapter 1851

Chapter 1851
After coming out of Yaoweng's mansion, Yi Tian learned that neither he nor Poison Master will leave Wan Yao City in the near future.

The speaker has no intention of listening to the listener, and Yi Tian secretly rejoices that as long as the Poison Master doesn't follow Yan Qiu into the muddy water, then it will be fine.It is estimated that Yan Qiu will be eager to complete the survey of the royal family tree of the Nether Dynasty.

Although I met him face to face at the trade fair, everyone just put on a face, but in fact they couldn't get what they wanted.

Fortunately, I still have the internal response of Modou, so it shouldn't be difficult to know its movements.After leaving the boundary of the Yingbin Building, Yi Tian saw a flash of spiritual light flying towards him, and stopped half a foot away in front of him after ten breaths.

Wrapped in the aura is a communication talisman, Yi Tian reached out to take the divine sense and quickly scanned it, only to find that there were only a few words written on it, 'the other party has dispatched, and left from the north gate of Wan Yao City. '

Don't need to think too much that this is a message from Xiong Erbao. He must have received a message from Mo Dou's avatar, so he hurriedly notified him.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly disappeared and disappeared in place, and at the same time sent a message to Xiong Erbao to meet him at the nearest east gate of Wan Yao City.The departure of the high-ranking cultivator was too disturbing, and the two of them were plotting against Yan Qiu and the others this time, so naturally they didn't want to show their flaws.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian saw a group of black and white aura whistling over the east gate of Wan Yao City, stopped three feet away in front of him, and then appeared Xiong Erbao's figure.He only heard him shout: "Okay, let's set off quickly, we are already about a quarter behind them."

"You're still so impatient. This time, we have a [-]% chance of winning because of our mental arithmetic and the right location. Why should we be so anxious," Yi Tian said, taking out a five-inch assault boat model as a sacrifice. In his hand, he muttered a word: "Change," and then threw the model in his hand and turned it into a small fast boat about [-] feet in size.

After taking Xiong Erbao on board, Yi Tian used his divine sense to control the assault boat, but then he found a seat by the round platform in the middle of the main cabin.

After looking around for the next four weeks, Xiong Erbao found that the assault boat had already started to start, and the flying speed at this time was no slower than his escaping speed.

Then even if he calmed down a little, he walked up to find a seat beside Yi Tian and sat up.Then he turned his head and said: "Your ship is not bad, it can catch up with me when it is driven."

"It's not only good, if you drive it with all your strength, it will be three points faster than your escape speed," Yi Tian said with a faint smile.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and patted the beast sac on his waist to summon Yishun, and a golden aura flew out, hovered in the air and landed on Yi Tian's left seat.After the halo faded, Yishun's true self appeared, and at this moment he asked calmly, "Why is there any change?"

Yi Tian pointed at Xiong Erbao and said: "Yan Qiu and the others have already dispatched, please ask Erbao for the specific situation."

Seeing that the eyes of the two people turned, Xiong Erbao said seriously: "Yan Qiu, Wan Qiang and the old devil of the abyss are dispatched. I just learned from Mo Dou that they sneaked out of Wanyao City this time to find the Nether Dynasty." Leave the royal family tree."

"Then let's go into the Sumeru space and ask Modou's avatar," Yishun replied.

Xiong Erbao frowned slightly and said, "His condition is not very good, he suddenly became extremely weak for some reason."

"What's going on?" Yi Tian asked.

"You'll know when you go in and have a look," Xiong Erbao said helplessly, and after he finished speaking, he took out the spirit weapon of the Sumeru Dimension Fighting Platform and placed it on the table.

In an instant, the three divine senses flew out from the three of them and entered directly into the spiritual weapon. The divine senses transformed into the human figures of the three and soon sensed the breath of Modou after entering.

After flying forward, I saw that the spiritual pressure fluctuations around the Modou avatar were more than [-]% weaker than usual.The whole person also looked bad, as if he had been injured or had taken the wrong medicine.

Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and knew it in his heart, but he couldn't say much in front of him.

Yishun stepped forward, looked at the other party and asked, "What's wrong with you, why did you become like this?"

"It's probably something wrong with my deity, but logically speaking, it shouldn't be. The possibility of being injured by three monks in the fusion period is almost zero." It's poisoned."

"It's impossible. To be able to poison a ninth-level monster unless it's the Poison Sage himself. It's a pity that I just met him. At this time, he is staying in the Yaoweng's mansion and concentrating on alchemy. He will never do it at will," Yi Tian argued. : "And make it difficult for you by saying that his relationship with Yan Qiu is irrelevant."

"That's because there's something wrong with the elixir he gave," Mo Dou's avatar wanted to say, "Before he brought me some elixir that greatly nourished the blood and told me to take it, the problem probably came from this."

"Then does Yan Qiu know?" Yi Tian asked.

"I probably haven't noticed it yet. At this time, my main body is hiding in his beast sac for repairs. If Yan Qiu finds a problem, he will react immediately and take measures," Mo Dou's avatar said.

"Then can you continue to communicate with us in this state?" Yi Tian asked.

"Barely okay, the effect of the pill is estimated to last for a while, and I can feel the deity rolling up and down in the beast-controlling bag at this time, it should be caused by the restraint of the attributes of the pill," Mo Dou The avatar sensed it before saying.

That's a natural thing. Although the colorful deer antler that I added can greatly nourish the blood, but the power of the Buddhist sect will continuously purify the brimstone and fire and the spiritual power of mutual restraint in Mo Dou's body.In fact, the suffering of Mo Dou himself was also caused by himself.

I knew it well but didn't dare to say it easily on my face, and then I only heard Yishun ask: "Where are Yan Qiu and the others at this time, and where are their goals going?"

"Actually, I don't know. Now that they have left the Ten Thousand Demon City, they are flying directly to the location of the undiscovered area of ​​the Demon Realm, but they are not very sure. After flying for a certain distance, they will stop and adjust the flight route again. "Modou said.

"Don't worry, I know the approximate location. Even if we set off a moment later, we can still arrive in front of the other party," Yi Tian said with a smile, "I have already controlled the assault boat and flew towards the direction of Wuleng Mountain. When I arrive, I will detect it for thousands of miles. See if there is any entrance to the cave or the Sumeru space."

"Are you sure that their direction is Mount Wuleng?" Yishun asked puzzled, "And I've never heard of this place name in my memory. Could it be that you have visited the depths of the demon world?"

"I can't say I'm very sure, but I'm sure about [-]% or [-]%," Yi Tian said with a knowing smile, "Don't worry, we expect the enemy to seize the opportunity first, and the next step is to lure you into the urn."

(End of this chapter)

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