
Chapter 185 Advanced

Chapter 185 Advanced
On a small island [-] miles north of Ninghai City, the sea area around [-] miles is filled with white mist.The three people standing in the center of the island really looked at ease. There is a defensive formation here, so as long as there is no big disturbance, they will not be noticed.

After Yi Tian visited Zhu Chen in Ninghai City three days ago, the three of them reached an agreement that Zhu Chen would help refine the elixir, and Lan Yu'er would return to the south to lead the blue-scaled sea tribe to withdraw from this battle after she advanced. .

This time Zhu Chen was also very careful, using his authority to privately mobilize a material, which included a 700-year-old Polygonum multiflorum as the Danyin of the 'Ningyao Pill'. Although it was ripened, it was also Qihuang The oldest elixir in the door warehouse.

Yi Tian also kept this in mind, this time he owed a huge favor, and he didn't know how to repay it, so this matter can only be discussed later.

This time, Yi Tian originally took out the Fire Emblem Shield to help Lan Yuer overcome the tribulation, but she thought that the attributes were incompatible and it would be troublesome to control, so Yi Tian had to replace it with the 'Thunder Fire Drill'.Unexpectedly, Lan Yu'er would be able to control it with her spiritual sense for a quarter of an hour, and then agreed to use this fifth-level spiritual weapon.

Zhu Chen, who was watching at the side, showed envy in his eyes, and rubbed a few words from time to time, such a good spiritual weapon, why didn't Yi Tian use it as a talisman, if he had, he would have received it in his dantian.

Now Yi Tian couldn't be indifferent, since everyone talked about this, he had no choice but to part with it.Later, they made an agreement with Zhu Chen that as long as Lan Yu'er can survive the catastrophe smoothly, this 'Thunder Fire Diamond' will be given to Zhu Chen as a thank you gift.

Now Zhu Chen's enthusiasm was mobilized at once. It is not a loss at all to exchange the fifth-level elixir for the fifth-level spiritual weapon. The monks of the Qihuangmen are already weak in attack power. Warm up in the dantian, his attack power will be greatly strengthened in the future.

When he learned that this 'Thunder Fire Drill' turned out to be a fifth-level intermediate spirit weapon, and that it could be warmed up and advanced, Zhu Chen couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. After the two reached a tacit agreement on this matter, they started to prepare It runs faster.

After coming to this small island, Yi Tian first used the forbidden technique to break the original folding method on the island, and then re-placed his array disk at the original eye of the formation. The power is all in their own hands.

Zhu Chen, who was at the side, chose an open space. After dropping the imperial weapon, he took out the alchemy furnace and alchemy materials on his body, and then sat on the ground to prepare for refining.Yi Tian also made complete preparations, using the spirit stones he carried on his body to build a small spirit gathering array to maintain Zhu Chen's continuous consumption of spirit energy.

Lan Yu'er was holding the 'Thunder Fire Drill' and sat aside to meditate quietly. Later, she was about to face the advanced Thunder Tribulation, and Yi Tian couldn't help at that time.But my heart is still very excited, usually it takes hundreds of years for the sea clan to advance.

The Saintess of the Sea Clan depends on chance, even if she reaches the peak of the fourth level, it will take one or two hundred years under normal circumstances. If there are any natural treasures or panacea to help her Time to advance.

The fourth-level sea beast itself already has a demon core, but it is a big hurdle to advance to the fifth level. For example, after taking the "congealing demon core", the original demon core can be solidified. After the baptism of the sky thunder, the demon core will also become Bigger and more solid, its own mana will also increase explosively.

Yi Tian is still very relieved of Zhu Chen's alchemy technique, even after seeing the alchemy recipe and refining technique of the 'Monster Condensing Pill'.Yi Tian thought that the success rate of his pills was less than [-]%, which was completely different from Zhu Chen's [-]% success rate.

Taking advantage of the period of alchemy, Yi Tian was still on guard around the island, as long as there were any suspicious sea beast creatures within [-] miles, they would all be killed on the spot.

Half a day later, dark clouds suddenly gathered over the island, slowly forming a vortex with a diameter of one mile. Yi Tianfei took a closer look at the sky ten miles away, and it should be the initial formation of the Danjie Thundercloud.

After hurrying over there, I saw that Zhu Chen was starting to collect the pills. After pointing to the Xuanwu furnace with two pill formulas in his hand, the whole pill furnace began to shake violently.

After seeing the person coming back, Zhu Chen shouted: "The fourth-level alchemy furnace is still not enough to refine the fifth-level elixir. I will strive to make the top-grade alchemy. You help me protect the law. If there is any damage to Yi Tian's alchemy furnace this time, you will be punished." Pay me a high level."

"It's okay, I'll help you launch the spirit-gathering array. After you increase the output of spiritual power, suppress it." Then Yi Tian single-handedly tapped the spirit-gathering array under Zhu Chen's feet, and a cyan light suddenly appeared, instantly Drained the spiritual power from more than a dozen middle-grade spirit stones spread around.

Zhu Chen, who was at the eye of the formation, suddenly felt a surge of spiritual power pouring into his whole body, and then the formula in his hand kept changing, forcibly suppressing the whole bottle of pill furnace.After more and more thunderclouds gathered in the sky, Zhu Chen yelled: "I'm going to open the furnace to take the pill, and it's Lan Yu'er's turn next," and then put the last pill-receiving formula into the pill furnace, Called "get up".

Yi Tian only saw that the lid of the pill furnace was knocked open by the 'Demon Condensing Pill' inside, and a pill with a diameter of one inch flew out with a 'swish'.Lan Yue'er, who was sitting next to her, flashed a blue figure, flew forward, pinched the elixir in the palm of her left hand, and sacrificed the 'Thunder Fire Drill' with her right hand to welcome the elixir.

Looking at Zhu Chen who was panting heavily, Yi Tian hurriedly turned around, stretched out his right hand and grabbed his arm, and left his left hand on the flywheel, pulling him onto the flywheel with all his strength, and then flew out of the island ten miles away. stop outside the range.

Seeing a pill calamity falling from the sky, Yi Tian couldn't help curling his lips, it was too weak.A wrist-thick white lightning split out from the black Jieyun, and hit Lan Yu'er's 'Thunder Fire Drill' at once.The white lightning shook the 'Thunder Fire Drill', and then it was absorbed.

Standing on the flywheel, Zhu Chen said excitedly: "The fifth-level spiritual weapon really lives up to its reputation, and it can be absorbed even under hard resistance. If it hits a person, how powerful it will be."

"The defensive cover of a monk in the early stage of golden core can be pierced directly, and a monk in the foundation building stage can't withstand it without a fifth-level spiritual weapon defense." Yi Tiantou replied without answering, not to make a big deal, but to refine himself Something with absolute confidence.

After a thunder disaster, the entire sea level returned to calm, and the white mist that had been scattered on the island gathered again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before Yi Tian and Zhu Chen could open their mouths to speak, suddenly the aura around them rushed towards the small island as if it had been emptied, and the surrounding sky began to become dark again, and the hurricane that followed on the sea Blowing the two people in the air wobbly.Yi Tian hurriedly opened the protective cover to protect the two, and then Zhu Chen stood firm in the air.

Looking around, the calamity cloud that had dispersed just now gathered again. This time, a huge vortex with a diameter of about three miles was formed in the air. At the center point was a void hole about three feet away, in which blue lightning flashed.

Standing on the flywheel, Zhu Chen shouted joyfully: "This time, we can watch the crossing calamity that is equivalent to the Jindan stage at such a close distance. In the future, it will be infinitely beneficial to the thunder calamity when we were congealing the alchemy."

On the contrary, Yi Tian observed with a calm face. The appearance of Lei Jie is similar to that of his Foundation Establishment Tribulation. He really doesn't know what he will look like when he arrives at the Golden Core Tribulation, so he said: "Look carefully!" Look, it might work for us."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a bright light flashing from the south. It seemed that some monks had discovered the situation here, so they hurried over.Yi Tian turned around and said to Zhu Chen: "I'll go and intercept it, don't go into the range of Jieyun here," and then flew in the direction of the visitor.

Half a moment later, the two waves of people met in the air. When the visitor saw a yellow-faced man standing in front of him, he shouted loudly: "Which sect are you a monk? What are you doing here? What's going on with the catastrophe ahead?"

Yi Tian saw that the other party turned out to be an old acquaintance Yin Wuhui with a follower, and laughed in his heart that this guy let him slip away several times, this time he was lucky, so he quickly sent him away.He took out the jade card of the Bone Gate, waved his hand and said, "Yang Liuqing of the Bone Gate, and Master Zhu Chen of the Qihuang Gate are here. The front is Master Zhu Chen's entrustment to help people, spirits and beasts cross the catastrophe. You two should not come any closer. gone."

"I've never heard of Yang Liuqing's name. I don't know if you're a spy. Get out of the way and let me go over and find out." Before Yin Wuhui could speak, his follower called out first.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Yi Tian was also angry from his heart. This early-stage cultivator of the Yin Corpse Sect dared to be presumptuous to himself with Yin Wuhui, and his forehead was condensed, and an invisible "phantom thorn" instantly appeared hit out.

Hearing the sound of 'ah', the speaking cultivator raised his head, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, then looked at Yi Tianhou with panicked eyes, and hurriedly hid behind Yin Wuhui.Now Yin Wuhui couldn't help but speak: "Fellow Daoist, is this going too far, hurting people if you make a move, is it not talking about the friendship between the two families?"

As if hearing a big joke, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Is this how your faction treats allies? What's more, a mere monk in the early stage of foundation establishment dares to be rude to monks in the late stage of foundation establishment. If you kill it, you will kill it." .Could it be that you want to make a few tricks with me?" After finishing speaking, he looked at Chaoyin Wuhui with a malicious expression on his face.

After weighing the gains and losses, Yin Wuhui also felt that he was not sure of winning. It seemed that the opponent knew him well, and he was not timid at all, so he must hold on to something.Turning over his hand, he took out a jade card and sent a message directly, and then said: "You wait, don't go if you have the guts."

Looking at the two people who were blocked by him thirty miles away from the island, Yi Tian was also anxious. If the other party came, he would not be able to lie.Yi Tian hurriedly took out the jade card and sent a message to Zhu Chen, asking him to come and help.

After ten breaths, Zhu Chen flew over first, and replaced the spirit weapons under his feet with his own, and put away the fire flywheel. This thing is so eye-catching, anyone can recognize that only monks in the Chiyang sect can use it spirit weapon.

After meeting, Zhu Chen stepped forward and scolded: "Yin Wuhui, are you here to make trouble? Didn't Pill Master Yang explain the situation to you?"

At the first glance, Yin Wuhui also secretly groaned, and this person in front of him also recognized it, the chief steward of the Qihuang Sect, he would take it for offending him.Since Yang Liuqing is familiar with him, it must be difficult to get along with him.

While thinking hard about the countermeasures, two escaping lights flew from the sky, Yin Wuhui saw Daxi and hurriedly said: "It's all a misunderstanding, let's talk about it when my senior brother comes."

It didn't take half a moment for the two ray of light to fly to the front, and Yi Tian was happy that the people here knew him, and it seemed that his character was still good.

He only heard "Yang Liuqing, Zhu Chen, you two sneaked out again, be careful if your aunt goes back to sue you," the person who spoke was Liu Piaopiao.

Seeing Liu Piaopiao, who was dressed as an inner disciple of the True Inheritance of the White Bone Sect, Yi Tian was also taken aback for a moment, and then greeted: "Miss, alchemist Zhu Chen and I are being entrusted by someone to help spirit beasts cross the catastrophe. Unexpectedly, this Yin Wu I regret coming here to make trouble, but fortunately you came in time."

Zhu Chen also hastily said, "Yes, yes, I did it myself after taking over a big client. Don't spoil my good deed, or don't blame me for deducting your quota."

Seeing that Yin Wuhui was inconvenient for a long time, he opened his mouth and said: "Let's go", and flew directly towards Ninghai City with his followers.

Liu Piaopiao glanced at Yi Tian and said: "You are an external alchemist of Xinglintang. After you are done, go back to the branch of Xinglintang in Ninghai City. I have something to look for you." His entourage flew towards the inner sea, and before leaving, he turned his head to look at Yi Tian, ​​and the two of them looked at each other, without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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