
Chapter 186 Join

Chapter 186 Join
In the inner hall of Qihuangmen's headquarters, Yi Tian and Zhu Chen sat facing each other, both of them were playing with a spiritual weapon in their hands.Zhu Chen looked excited. The 'Thunder Fire Drill' in his hand had been baptized by lightning three days ago, and now he could feel the full power of thunder and lightning and the hot flame temperature in his hand.

Next, Zhu Chen could be considered to have found his training goal. Although his current cultivation base was only at the middle stage of foundation establishment, as soon as he entered the late stage of foundation establishment, the 'Thunder Fire Drill' could be directly sent to his dantian.

From time to time, he touched the spirit weapon with his hands, looking like he couldn't put it down, then turned to look at Yi Tian's dejected look and said: "I think Lan Yu'er is kind and righteous to you, and I don't care about your kidnapping. Then you show someone a mournful face, isn’t it just to go back to the Sea Clan, that’s where they should stay.”

"I also know about this. I even returned the Dinghai Pearl to her. I hope she will command the Bluescale Sea Clan to return to the deep sea when she goes back," Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the side, replied in this way, But he was still thinking about what happened to Lan Yuer after his catastrophe.

After persuading two waves of people to leave that day, Yi Tian hurried back to check on Lan Yuer's situation.After the four advanced lightning tribulations, Lan Yu'er's whole body seemed to have changed, her face was still girlish, her blue hair was scattered, and all the fish scales on her body had faded away, leaving only the back of her heels and ears. There is still a little left.

After she changed into a human monk's costume, she was basically exactly the same as an ordinary female nun.After she advanced, Yi Tian stayed by her side for two days to help her protect the law.It wasn't until Lan Yu'er's body was stabilized that she opened it for a look, and then returned the 'Thunder Fire Diamond' to Yi Tian.

After the two chatted on the island for more than an hour, Lan Yu'er proposed to rush back to the Bluescale Sea Clan. Yi Tian knew that it would be a matter of time before they parted, so he returned the Dinghai Pearl to her.Before leaving, Lan Yuer asked Yi Tian for a set of clothes for inner disciples of the Chiyang Sect, and then gave back a half-foot-long colorful coral as a gift. After a few instructions, she jumped into the sea and swam to the southern waters.

After returning to Ninghai City, Yi Tian went directly to Zhu Chen's residence to rest, and then took out the coral and looked it over carefully. It was full of water spirit power, and seemed to be full of strong vitality.

Zhu Chen just took a look and said: "You have to put this thing away, it's a personal item from the saintess of the sea tribe, I don't think there's any need to say anything more," he continued to laugh badly .

Seeing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to take out a cold ice jade box and put it in. I don't know what the use of this thing is, but it definitely doesn't look simple.There is something wrong here, and I still have to go to Liu Piaopiao's appointment. People said at the time that it was so certain that I couldn't go if I didn't go.

Thinking back to this operation so far, Yi Tian himself was the one who gained the most, and it was only natural to give something away. Looking at Zhu Chen who was playing with the 'Thunder Fire Diamond', Yi Tian was also speechless for a while.Apart from the Fire Emblem Shield, he didn't have any offensive fifth-level spiritual weapons in his hand, so he had to wait for the opportunity to get the materials together before refining it.

Thinking of Liu Piaopiao's agreement, Yi Tian also thought about it, she would never ask herself to meet at Xinglintang without a target.Anyway, I have come here, Yi Tian is not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble, so I still have to take a look at this encounter.

Standing up and saying goodbye to Zhu Chen, Yi Tian was ready to go out.Seeing this, Zhu Chen couldn't keep him anymore, so he had to tell Yi Tian that Ninghai City was attacked continuously by the Red Scale Clan recently, and it was probably looking for an opportunity to fight back, and Liu Piaopiao was looking for help.At the end, I also reminded Yi Tian to be careful of Yin Wuhui, this guy is just like his name, he is a yin person behind his back.

After thanking Zhu Chen for the reminder, Yi Tian put on a bamboo hat and hurried out of the Qihuangmen station towards Xinglintang branch.I also inquired along the way, and this Xinglintang was able to open a shop alone under the siege of many alchemists from the Qihuangmen because of its deep background.

At least Miss Bone's alchemy skills are still recognized by the monks of Ninghai City, and there are not a few people who come to the door to make appointments.Half an hour later, when Yi Tian found the branch of Xinglintang, he found that the number of customers in the store was no less than that of Qihuangmen. If it weren't for the lack of raw materials, it is estimated that [-]% of Qihuangmen's mid-to-low-end customers could be divided.

The clerk at the door saw Yi Tian enter the door without queuing up, so he came up to inquire directly. He didn't know that it was the external alchemist of our store until he saw the identity jade plate of the Bone Gate, and then called the store manager to directly send Yi Tiangong Respectfully invited to the inner hall.

As soon as he entered the inner hall, Yi Tian saw more than a dozen of them, but the apprentices were busy on both sides, most of them were still doing some work of sorting medicines. Sitting in the middle was a female alchemist in the middle stage of foundation establishment, wearing purple clothes. The third-level alchemy robe.Yi Tian calmed down and looked at it. It turned out that it was Qiu Yongxin who had a relationship with Jiuxiaolou. At that time, this woman wanted to forcefully buy and sell the fourth-level alchemy furnace, but she was cut off by Nangong Qianyun and Zhu Chen. I didn't get it, and I got a nose.

Seeing someone enter the inner hall without a pass, Qiu Yongxin just frowned, and then the shopkeeper went up and whispered a few words, and then his face turned better and he said: "My fellow Taoist, go to the side hall and wait, senior sister." When I come back, I will naturally come to summon you."

Yi Tian didn't bother to get to know them as well as he did, so he followed the shopkeeper to the side hall next door. After entering, he found a seat and sat down carelessly, then closed his eyes and rested his mind until Liu Piaopiao came back.

Sitting on the seat and waiting for a long time, Yi Tian saw some movement. It was Liu Piaopiao who entered the door, followed by Qiu Yongxin and an unknown monk from the Baigumen.Seeing Liu Piaopiao wearing a white Zongmen costume this time, it was obvious that her face was a little tired, maybe it was because the recent sea battle was not going well.I heard that Ninghai City has been under pressure and beating, so several Jindan monks had to go to battle to keep the situation within a controllable range.

I haven't seen the two people for several years, and there are some things that I can't say on the spot, so I just nodded.The two people who followed also showed surprise on their faces. Since when did the elder sister be so kind to others, she had to gather 12 energy in her heart and look up and down Yi Tianlai.

After the three of them sat down, Liu Piaopiao first introduced the two behind him, Qiu Yongxin and Qi Dingchao, the middle-stage monks of the inner sect foundation establishment. After seeing Yi Tian, ​​he had to go up to salute symbolically. Responding, while Qi Dingchao let out a cold snort and sat on the sidelines without speaking.

Seeing this, Liu Piaopiao had no choice but to sit down and said, "I invite you to come here this time because I have a difficult matter in hand and I need your help."

Before I finished speaking, I heard the disciple of the Baigumen next to him rushing to say: "Master, is he the helper you are talking about? There are still several disciples in the sect who can use it. An outsider?"

Qiu Yongxin who was on the side said: "Brother Qi, please be safe and don't be impatient, we will discuss it after the senior sister has finished speaking," and looked at Yi Tian meaningfully after speaking.

There was no need to be too wordy with the two of them, Yi Tian directly signaled Liu Piaopiao to continue talking.The latter just frowned and continued without talking nonsense: "The reason for this naval battle is that an ancient relic was discovered on a small island 150 miles east of Ninghai City. The human race and the sea clan are all at loggerheads over the ownership of this relic. , now that area within [-] miles is listed as a restricted area."

"Then you mean you want me to help you explore this ruin?" Yi Tian asked with great interest.

Liu Piaopiao straightened his expression and said: "Before Ninghai City and the Red Scale Clan sent monks in, the restrictions on the relics were too strong, and Jindan monks were suppressed and couldn't get in at all, but there were two foundation-building monks who went there. , brought out two elixir, and said that the monsters remaining in the ruins are too strong, at least the monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment can fight against them, but they dare not go too deep."

"You have no shortage of foundation-building monks at the Bone Gate, so what's the point of looking for me?"

This time Liu Piaopiao paused for a while before shaking his head and said: "The Sea Clan also sent people down. That passage is weird and only ten people can pass through it at a time, and then it will be closed, and it will be opened again after a month."

Yi Tian looked at her expression and knew that the key to this matter was the issue of quota allocation, so it would be beneficial if more people were let go, and said, "Is it not good for you to count me as one of the five quotas here?" I'm not going."

"A mere monk from a vassal family is also worthy of a quota. I have nearly a hundred disciples in the foundation period of the Baigumen. If it weren't for the suggestion of the elder sister, I would still want to benefit when I get you," Qi Dingchao, who was sitting on the side, listened to Yi Tian. After the words, a bar is inserted horizontally.

Before he finished speaking, Yi Tian suddenly turned around and looked at the other party, with a flash of cyan aura in his eyes, and instantly a "Phantom God Spike" of divine sense attack was shot out.

Qi Dingchao's body was shaken, and he moved back three feet with the seat before he stopped, a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, he looked at Yi Tian in disbelief, and was speechless for a while.

"Brother Yang is merciful, he is from my side," Liu Piaopiao hastily dissuaded, seeing the situation, she knew Yi Tian's cultivation level, which was still higher than her own.The younger brothers and sisters offended him many times without knowing the depth, and Liu Piaopiao also kept despising Qi Dingchao in his heart, thinking that he belonged to the type of person who did not succeed enough but failed.

After snorting coldly, Yi Tian asked directly: "Is there any problem with the quota this time, isn't it half divided with the Sea Clan?"

Liu Piaopiao breathed a sigh of relief when he got back to the topic, "Originally there were five each from Ninghai City and the Hai Clan, but I didn't expect the other party to propose that ten people from each side compete one-on-one one by one. full seat,"

This method is quite interesting, and the Sea Clan had a little bit of brainpower, Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "But the person who goes in first has the advantage, can they ambush the people who go in later?"

"According to the people who came out before, the place inside is very big, and they were randomly passed on when they entered, and they couldn't touch it at all. They also stayed in it for a day or two before encountering it," said Liu Piaopiao. With a relaxed expression, he gave a rough description of the situation inside without hiding anything.

After thinking about it for half an hour, Yi Tian nodded and said, "I'm one of these things, but I need some materials to prepare."

"No problem, you draw up the list, and I'll ask the people below to raise it. You have half a month to prepare. Now, with you here, there are at least two places in Baigumen that can be guaranteed."

As soon as these words came out, even Qiu Yongxin, who was sitting next to her, showed a look of disbelief, but seeing the way the elder sister was holding the wisdom pearl, her face finally looked better.As for that Qi Dingchao, he was practicing kung fu to heal his injuries. After learning Yi Tian's methods, a deep look of fear appeared on his face, and he was inferior to others so he had to keep silent.

(End of this chapter)

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