
Chapter 187 Candidates

Chapter 187 Candidates

After sending the three of them away, Yi Tian rented the alchemy room of Xinglin Hall, and meditated in it to rest.I wrote all the materials I needed to prepare on the jade slips and handed them over to Liu Piaopiao. I didn’t expect that the Baigumen was also very efficient in handling things. In less than half a day, I got all the things in it together, except for some fifth-level Except for the materials, everything else is given enough.

For Yi Tian this time, it was just a matter of taking the sheep by hand. Since Liu Piaopiao wanted something from himself, it was not too much to ask for something. Besides, he used the stock of Baigumen, so Yi Tian didn't care how much he took.

After being hit by a spell from that Naga guard last time, Yi Tian knew the gap between himself and the Jindan cultivator. If he didn't have a fifth-level spiritual weapon for self-defense, he would have confessed on the spot.

After sitting down in the alchemy room, Yi Tian took out the Fire Emblem shield, looked at the dark black mark on it and shook his head.Immediately, he didn't say much, and directly smelted all the remaining Heiyao Jinjing. This time, Yi Tian's goal was to upgrade the defensive spirit weapon by at least one level.Although Liu Piaopiao explained the situation of the ruins, Yi Tian still thought that he had to be fully prepared, and he might encounter something this time.

Thinking about the appearance of Qiu Yongxin and Qi Dingchao before, I know that both of them have entered the middle stage of foundation establishment not long ago, and I have been using the breath-holding technique to suppress their cultivation base to be at the same level as them, no wonder they are underestimated.

Yi Tian secretly made up his mind that if the two of them entered with bad intentions, then don't blame him for being cruel, at worst, just kill them and report them as missing persons after they come out. Many accidents will happen in this kind of exploration of the ruins.

Half a month passed in a flash, and Yi Tian spent ten days in the alchemy room repairing the shield, and took out the olive core and sacrificed it again.After adding some extra Hei Yao Jin Jing and krypton gold to the original base, this olive core is now refined to a size of five inches in diameter and three inches in diameter, with two fifth-level inscriptions 'spiral' and 'pass My God, this time I have passed the threshold of the fifth-level spiritual weapon.

In the alchemy room, Yi Tian tried to control it with his spiritual sense. Without adding flames, he could easily punch a three-foot-diameter hole in a three-foot-thick granite floor tile by relying solely on the spiral inscription on the olive core itself. .Looking at the spirit weapon in his hand, Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction this time, and finally there is still a level [-] offensive spirit weapon that can be used.

For the remaining five days, Yi Tian used quiet meditation exercises to replenish all the consumed spiritual power. This time, he took Liu Piaopiao's materials worth nearly [-] to [-] yuan. It takes effort.

Yi Tian woke up from the trance when the jade tablet for the message from the Bone Gate sounded, and turned around to pick up the jade tablet to see that it was Liu Piaopiao's message.Then he stood up slowly and cleaned up all the things around him. Yi Tian didn't want to be seen by others because of negligence, so he made up his mind to avoid using Chiyang School's kung fu as much as possible this time.

After walking out of the alchemy room, Liu Piaopiao was waiting outside. This time, there was no one else present. Yi Tian spoke casually, "Are you sure you can find something of value inside this time?"

Liu Piaopiao shook his head and looked at Yi Tiandao: "After entering, safety is the first priority. If it doesn't work, find a place to hide and wait for the cave door of the ruins to open before coming out."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian took out a forbidden half-face mask and handed it to Liu Piaopiao, saying, "This is for you, I engraved 'Forbidden God' and a 'Divine Imaginary Thorn' on it, you can use the spirit After injecting power into it, directly use the divine sense to control and attack the opponent."

After reaching out to pick up the half-face mask, Liu Piaopiao checked it over and over again, and then said with a smile, "Why did you think of being so kind to others, and did you learn from Nangong Qianyun for your 'Phantom Thorn'?"

Seeing that this matter was going to be pursued endlessly, Yi Tian had no choice but to coax it first, inferring that it was a reward from Nangong Aotian for this mission in Donghai City.Then he hurriedly changed the subject, took out a white bone skeleton and handed it to Liu Piaopiao: "I got this from Yang Mingyang many years ago, and he couldn't completely control this skeleton at that time, you can take it and see it." See if it helps."

"Ah!" Liu Piaopiao exclaimed, and hastily opened a sound-proof barrier, then carefully inspected the bone skeleton and said: "This is the bone body of the ancestor of Yang Mingyang's family. , with it, I have three points more confidence in advancing to the Golden Core."

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to be impatient. It turns out that the Bone Skeleton still has such a history. Although it is useless to him, getting Liu Piaopiao here is a real help.

Seeing Yi Tian's ignorant look, Liu Piaopiao briefly said that the golden body of her ancestors from the Bone Sect is the most precious treasure left to the younger generations.It contains the cultivation base and comprehension of the Golden Core cultivator, including the information about the robbery when advancing to the Golden Core.Liu Piaopiao got this white bone gold behind him, which can greatly shorten the training time in the later stage of foundation establishment, and even experience the situation of the advanced golden elixir in advance.

After listening to it, Yi Tiancai suddenly realized that Yang Mingyang's cultivation base was too weak at that time, and he couldn't continue to control it at all.Moreover, he is just an outside deacon, he has a treasure mountain and doesn't know how to use it, what a waste of a great opportunity.

After tidying up, Liu Piaopiao put on a new mask, then turned around and called Yi Tian: "Let's go, it's almost time."

Half a day later, sitting on the "charge boat" of Baigumen, Yi Tian looked at the vast sea below and the long-disappeared Ninghai City, and felt melancholy. Even if you go out, you can't gain a foothold in Dong'ao.

Turning around to look at the people on board, besides Liu Piaopiao and himself, there are also Qi Dingchao from the Baigumen, Yin Wuhui from the Yin Corpse Sect, and Cheng Lingsheng from the Qihuangmen.Of the remaining five monks, three belonged to the Nether Corpse Sect and two belonged to the Loose Cultivator Family.Yi Tian looked at Xiayin Wuhui, Cheng Lingsheng and himself as the highest cultivation base among this group of people, and the cultivation bases of the others were all in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Leading the team this time are two Jindan monks, Liu Yue from the Bone Sect and Ke Zhihao from the Yin Corpse Sect.When boarding the boat, Yi Tian went up to say hello to Ke Zhihao, who just nodded his head slightly, but the few people beside him were not so calm, especially Qi Dingchao's face was even more serious.

Even De Yin Wuhui twitched his face after seeing this scene, never thought of striking up a conversation with Yi Tian, ​​the relationship had already deteriorated last time, and this time the two met speechless.

After half a day, the 'Assault Boat' came to the sky above a sea area, Ke Zhihao was controlling the flying boat on it, and Liu Yue came out of the cabin and shouted: "Ninghai City has arrived, fellow Taoists of the Scarlet Scale Sea Clan show up quickly Bar."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge wave of ten feet rose up thirty nautical miles to the east of the flying boat, rushing towards the crowd, and a dozen sea beasts stood on the top of the wave.After Yi Tian squinted his eyes and looked at it, his mind suddenly tightened. The fifth-level sea beast at the head was the Naga guard who followed him last time. I heard from Lan Yuer that he was a master in the late fifth-level, and the Naga of the Red Scale Clan The head of the guard is probably on par with Liu Yue in the late Jindan stage.

Immediately, Yi Tian quietly sent a voice transmission to Liu Piaopiao to briefly talk about what happened before, and the latter frowned when he heard it, and glanced at the Naga guard chief, as if he wanted to remember the appearance of this sea beast. in mind.

When the impending monks on both sides expired, Liu Yue hit a spell to the sea area below, and suddenly a prohibition appeared, and the opponent was also a trident for a while, and a red light shot out.After that layer of restriction was lifted, the whole island appeared in front of everyone.

In the air, Yi Tian looked down at the entire small island, about half a mile in radius. There was a rock pile in the middle of the island, and there was a blood-colored arch in the middle, with bursts of red light shining on the door.

Liu Yue, who was standing at the bow of the ship, turned her head and said: "Follow me, don't weaken the prestige of Ninghai City," then jumped up in the air and flew towards the archway.

The ten foundation-building cultivators standing behind also picked up their spiritual weapons and followed them, while Yi Tian took out a copper bell and stood up, and flew away at the end of the team. At this time, low-key is king.

The group of sea beasts on the opposite wave rushed to the shore and ran over by land, only a little slower than the crowd in the sky.

After the two parties expired, Liu Yue stepped forward and said, "Chipao, our people are here, everyone, don't waste time, let's start quickly."

Now Yi Tiancai knew the name of the Naga Guard Chief. He heard that the sea beasts that could be named were all above level five, or some very outstanding level four sea beasts, such as the previous 'blue shark'.

The red claw couldn't turn into a complete human figure after landing on the shore. The head and lower body still maintained the appearance of Naga, but the upper body looked a bit like a strong man, holding a blood-red trident in both hands.

He only heard a thick voice in his throat: "You guys are still dawdling, dinner is ready." The sea beasts behind gathered around, looking eager to try, pointing towards the human race.

Although he couldn't understand the other party's language, Yi Tian could guess that it was nothing more than belittling the other party's words.

Seeing this, Liu Yue snorted coldly, and then the whole scene fell silent, and then said to Chiclaw: "Your people should choose first, or should my people choose first? Let's make an order."

Chijiao nodded and said: "It's all the same, but I have an idea, how about not dying?" After finishing speaking, he looked at Liu Yue with a domineering look.

After hesitating, Liu Yue asked, "Why are you not dying?"

"Fight one by one, the winner will enter the ruins alive, and the loser will not have to survive."

Liu Yue sneered, he was a murderer at the Bone Gate, this kind of thing is commonplace, and whoever survived didn't come from the mountain of bloody corpses.Immediately nodded and said: "No problem, how about we choose first?"

The ten monks next to him also had different expressions when they heard it. A Taiping monk like Cheng Lingsheng had an unnatural expression on his face. He wanted to gain some benefits from this expedition, but he didn't want to risk his life with the Sea Clan.

As for the monks of the Bone Gate and the Yin Corpse Sect, they all looked indifferent, which seemed to be commonplace.Yi Tian just glanced at the few people on the other side to compare their strength secretly, and looked at the ten sea beasts on the opposite side, there was a fourth-level Naga and another Ama-like one who was relatively powerful, and the strength of the others was average.

The red claw laughed and said: "Whatever, the result is the same anyway, let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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