
Chapter 188

Chapter 188
An hour later, the open space in front of the central area of ​​the deserted island was already stained with blood. On the ground were the corpses of a sea beast and three human monks.As the team leader of Ninghai City, Liu Yue's face also kept twitching.

Just now, after making an agreement with Red Claw that they would not die forever, the human race would choose people first, and Liu Piaopiao was the first one to go up. This could be regarded as Liu Yue's care for her granddaughter.

After receiving the advice from the ancestor of Jindan, Liu Piaopiao directly chose a 'weak chicken'. He wanted to solve it in twos and threes, but in the face of such a life-and-death battle, even a rookie would explode [-]% Strength.They fought with each other for a long time, until Liu Piaopiao cast Nether Will-o'-the-wisp and this time learned about the life of the sea beast and became the first person to enter the ruins.

Next, on the side of the Red Scale Clan, the sea girl came up to pick someone. After being selected, the monks from her own family were pierced by a coral thorn three times after going up.And then Ninghai City lost two more games in a row, and the fourth-level Naga warrior on the opposite side was the second to come up to choose someone. After two paragraphs, he reluctantly entered the arch.

The number of people who went in was three to one, and even Liu Yue's face began to look a little unnatural.After looking at the situation, it was Ninghai City's turn to select candidates, Liu Yue said: "Yin Wuhui is your turn, don't lose Ninghai City's face again."

After a fierce sneer, Yin Wuhui came out and said, "I've never had a Hai Clan's corpse refinement, and now I can get what I want," after finishing speaking, he glanced at the remaining six people on the opposite side, and picked A sea monster with a shark head.

After the two stood still, Yin Wuhui directly released two bronze-armored corpses, one large and one small, and rushed towards each other under control.Seeing this, the sea monster came up to him with a fishbone ax in his hand, and struck the corpse with an axe. Unexpectedly, the corpse opened his eyes wide and stared at him, then hugged the sea monster with both hands, refusing to let go. .In a hurry, the shark head struggled to break free, and the little corpse next to it went around its back and stuck its fingers straight into the back of the sea beast, instantly digging out its heart.

With the sound of 'bang', as the shark's head fell to the ground, Yin Wuhui directly summoned the refining body, then walked up to confirm it, and then directly put the sea beast's body into an empty refining bag.

In this way, even the sea beasts on the opposite side showed fear on their faces. I didn't expect that there were such cruel ones in the human race, even the corpses were not spared.After looking up to the sky and laughing a few times, Yin Wuhui put away his bags and strode into the arched door.

Red Claw growled a few times and said, "Lucky boy, let's see if you can be so proud when you meet the elite of our clan when you go in."

Half an hour later, there were only two people left on each side of the scene. Yi Tian looked at Cheng Lingsheng beside him, and then scanned the two sea beasts on the opposite side. This battle was not easy.

Both sides won half of the previous eight games, and the people who went in were exactly matched. In Ninghai City, besides Liu Piaopiao and Yin Wuhui, Qi Dingchao and a disciple of the Yin Corpse Sect also won.But these two people can only be said to have won miserably. After the fight, they were seriously injured. On the other hand, those sea beasts won easily.

When Liu Yue met, the last two people were not sure, one was an alchemist from the Qihuangmen, and the other was a foreign aid brought in by her granddaughter, and she didn't know whether it was reliable or not.Just as he was about to call for people to start picking, Red Claw on the opposite side said: "The last two people should just go together, four people fighting in melee, and the speed is also faster."

Hearing this, Liu Yue also frowned, and the alchemist of the Qihuang Gate was placed on the order, so she turned around and asked the two of them, "What do you think?"

Yi Tian still looked indifferent, nodded and said nothing.On the contrary, Cheng Lingsheng laughed excitedly and said, "I'm fine, two on two."

After the two sides stood still, they directly sacrificed the spiritual weapons on their bodies without any fuss, and they blasted at each other with a flash of inspiration in their hands to control the spell.

As soon as Yi Tian made a move, he felt something was wrong, right? The two sea beasts should be twins, and their attack and defense were well coordinated.On the other hand, I and Cheng Lingsheng are fighting on their own, and often a spell will be resisted by the joint defense of the two sea beasts, while the opponent's attack is methodically and fiercely towards Cheng Lingsheng.

Liu Yue, who was watching the battle on the side, was also blowing her beard and staring with anger, whoever said that sea beasts are all smart, this is not a double reed.Turning around and looking at Red Claw, it was obvious that he had come prepared, and that he made a special trip to save the pair of twin sea beasts for the last, just to play tricks on them.

It was obviously ordered by Red Claw, and wanted to kill the weak ones, and then join forces to deal with Yi Tian.After three breaths, Yi Tian and Cheng Lingsheng were separated by two sea beasts, glanced at his companion who was tired of defending, and Yi Tian was also furious.I thought that going on like this would be troublesome, this Cheng Lingsheng is Cheng Xiangxu's descendant, if he is broken here, it will be hard to explain when he goes back.

Immediately, a wooden vine got down from the bottom of his feet with a trick in his hand, and he used a lot of talismans to attract the opponent's defense one after another.When Cheng Lingsheng saw the fierce attack from the other side, he released a piece of brocade banner in his hand to protect his whole body, preventing those ice guns and water arrows from rushing in.

Before the two sea beasts were happy, suddenly the soles of their feet tightened and were entangled by the protruding wooden vines. Yi Tian yelled: "It's now," and with a move, King Ming raised his green fist and threw it at the two sea beasts. Go, Cheng Lingsheng also controlled the flying sword to stab straight, and the two sea beasts in the middle of the two phases were both killed. Except for the flying sword piercing the head, the whole body was crushed into a ball of meat sauce.

Seeing that his subordinates were destroyed, Chipao just spat, and then sat on a rock with a face of ignorance, without saying a word.

After killing the two sea beasts, Cheng Lingsheng also thanked Yi Tian, ​​then nodded to Liu Yue and went straight into the arch.Looking at the bloody ground, Yi Tian just shook his head, then strode towards the arch.

Before entering the arch, Liu Yue's voice transmission came from her ears: "Why did your move just now resemble the Yin Corpse Hand of the Lunar Calendar? What is your relationship?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that in the Annihilation Cave, the "Brahma Curse Tianli Jianfeng" wanted to kill the Yinli himself to avenge his apprentice. It is estimated that the "Yin Corpse Hand" is King Ming's Fanyunshou. After being learned by the lunar calendar, it became his famous stunt.

No wonder when Yi Tian was chased by him back then, he found the attacking moves so familiar, but it stands to reason that he only has the first move, but being able to create the method of dismantling the corpse hand is enough to prove the talent of the lunar calendar So high, Yi Tian now wants to find a chance to meet him after forming the alchemy.

Turning his head and replying to Liu Yue: "I destroyed the clone of Lunli Xing, his insufficiency is because of me," he smiled, and then directly stepped into the school arch.

There was also a request from Liu Yue: "Take care of Piao Piao for me."

After ten breaths, Yi Tian felt dazed for a while, and opened his eyes after standing still to see clearly the situation behind the blood arch, and he was unexpectedly teleported to the edge of a lava pool.Yi Tian looked at the magma spewing out from the side and smiled. This place is definitely a good place for him. The water system skills of the Red Scale Clan are restrained by the environment, and even the tricks of the Yin Corpse Sect are also restrained by the Yang in this cave. Yan Jin suppressed three points.

After trying to absorb the fire-type spiritual energy, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual power flowed three points faster in the body. With the restriction of the two phases, wouldn't it be possible for him to do whatever he wanted here.Thinking of this, Yi Tian walked directly towards the rocky road in front. The most important thing now is to find Liu Piaopiao and explore the secrets in the ruins.

Walking out of the boundary of the lava pool in three steps and two steps, Yi Tian came to a branched passage, and after looking at it, he didn't know how to go.Suddenly heard a sound of fighting coming from the depths on the left, Yi Tian brows happily, as long as there are people, run over to see the situation first, except for Liu Piaopiao and Cheng Xiangxu, everyone else can be enemies.

The whole passage is not long, Yi Tian holds the fireball to face, while the other hand gathers the King Ming's hand and moves forward quietly.Half a quarter of an hour later, I saw a light in front of my eyes, as if it was the end of the passage, and the sound of fighting came from the front.

Glancing quietly at the entrance of the passage, it turned out that the diver and three stone puppets were fighting outside. It was obvious that the diver's water magic was restrained by the stone puppets. Yi Tian saw that the ice spear in her hand was constantly piercing through the stone statue. But it couldn't be stopped.

Looking at the strength of the stone puppet, it looks like it is in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but it is because of the relative restraint of attributes that it has the upper hand.Yi Tian originally wanted to go back the same way, but he didn't expect that your haenyeo found someone coming early in the morning and directly led the stone puppet over.

After shaking his head, Yi Tian had no choice but to go out quickly, but one of the three stone statues stared at Yi Tian, ​​and then strode over, waving his hands to greet Yi Tian's head.

Looking at the stone platform behind the cave, there is a box on the stone platform, which should be the treasure guarded by the stone statue.Yi Tian saw that the sea girl was still insisting, but refused to leave, so he knew that these things should be worth seeing.

With a sound of '嗖', he leaped high and jumped to the top of the three-foot-high stone wall, grabbed a stalactite with his left hand, and stretched out the vines and trees in the seal of his right hand.Restricting spells work surprisingly well against these lumbering stone statues.

A blue vine vein shot out, entangled the body of the stone statue that was chasing after it, and then plunged into the ground.After the stone statue was restrained, it could only keep waving its hands towards Yi Tian. Seeing the three wooden thorns flying out and piercing into the joints of the arms, there was a creaking sound, and the stone statue's arms turned in circles and slowly stopped. down.

Looking back at the sea girl who was still struggling, Yi Tian also called out: "Hey, do you want to help, tell me?"

It was a joking remark, but I didn't expect the sea girl to actually reply: "Fellow Daoist, please help us get rid of these two stone statues. We will each share half of the things."

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard the answer, and secretly applauded in his heart, the haenyeo opposite seemed to be a person of great status.Lan Yuer once said before that the fourth-level sea monsters cannot be spoken by others, unless they are saints in the clan, have been baptized by the holy spring, or are descendants of high-level sea monsters.If the person in front of me is not a descendant of the sea monster, then it is the saint of the Red Scale Clan.

Thinking of this, Yi Tianke became excited. He who had just kidnapped the blue-scaled tribe and now met a red-scaled tribe, it is definitely a rare commodity to grab.Thinking of this, the two-handed technique continued, and the three wooden vines shot towards the diver and the stone statue.

The sea girl only saw through Yi Tian's intentions now, and after snorting, she flashed into the small passage next to her, completely withdrawing from the fight.Yi Tian didn't think much of it when he saw it. He just grabbed the grass and beat the rabbit to catch it. It doesn't matter if he runs away, no one will bother him.Turning around and looking at the two stone statues, Yi Tian laughed a few times, then cast a spell and jumped up to entangle them.

(End of this chapter)

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