
Chapter 189 Medicine Garden

Chapter 189 Medicine Garden
In the peaceful cave, Yi Tian looked and looked at the order talisman in his hand, but he had never seen the inscription on it before.After paying for the three stone statues a quarter of an hour ago, Yi Tian ran to the stone platform and opened the stone box on it. There was only a token and a scroll of jade slips inside.

After unfolding the divine consciousness, I went deep into the jade slips and scanned it roughly. It turned out to be the method of making puppets. Turning his head, Yi Tian smiled, even if the sea girl got the thing, it might not be usable. This thing is clearly a human race. What the monk left behind.

Picking up the talisman inside and putting it on the palm of his hand, Yi Tian estimated that he should be able to control the three stone puppets.Immediately after injecting mana into it, it actually worked, and the stone statue could be commanded directly after the pain was over.So Yi Tian slowly experimented with the control method taught on the jade slip. At the beginning, he couldn't let go of his hands and feet because of the entwined wooden vines. After putting away the spell, Yi Tian directed the stone statue to make various actions. .

It is estimated that the core energy of these three stone puppets can be consumed for a while. It is nothing more than the limitation of the material and the cultivation of the people who made it, so it can only be comparable to the strength of the mid-term foundation establishment.According to the description in the jade slip, as long as the cultivation level has improved and a suitable energy core is found, the puppets created can be comparable to early-stage Jindan monks.

According to the tactic recorded in the jade slip, Yi Tian said something to the token and then struck it with spiritual power. The three stone statues looked directly at the token, and then the runes on their bodies lit up, and after flashing, they turned into three white dots The light flew to the token.Yi Tian took a look at the token, and there were three light spots on the front, which should be the three stone statues that were taken in.

After tidying up all this, he looked around. There was a small path inside the grotto and a small path beside it. Yi Tian didn't want to chase after that haenyeo, so he chose another path and walked in.

Walking all the way in the passage, Yi Tian silently counted the time, and he has been walking in this direction for half an hour. There are too many suspicious things in this ruins, and Yi Tian has not encountered any obstacles so far.

I remember Liu Piaopiao said that the monks who came in last time did not dare to go too deep, but they also brought back a few elixir plants over 300 years old, and finally found the exit after a one-month deadline.Based on this, Yi Tian guessed that there should be at least one elixir garden here, but I don't know if there are any guardian spirit beasts.

After walking along the road for a quarter of an hour, it finally looked like there was an exit ahead, and a few rays of light came out from the hole not far away. Yi Tian walked out after two or three quick steps.

According to the magma seeping out from the ground from time to time, and the increasing temperature, Yi Tian estimated that the ruins should be built in a crater on the seabed, but what caused the gate of the ruins to suddenly appear?This is also the biggest question in Yi Tian's mind.

After walking out of the passage, Yi Tian came to a stone room again, and there were two roads in front of him, the road on the left had a street sign with a window, and the road on the right was a small road with a sign of medicinal materials.After weighing it, Yi Tian didn't know what the sign on the road meant. Since there is information about the medicine garden, it's better to go and see it first.

After walking along the path for a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian came to a garden, which seemed to be full of all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, but the air was still mixed with the smell of blood, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Walking along the path in the garden, it looks like someone has been there along the way, and there is no road here, and the road under Yi Tian's feet seems to be opened by someone.

Walking along this narrow path for less than half an hour, he heard the sound of magic colliding in front of him. Yi Tian was overjoyed that he should have bumped into someone, but he didn't know if it was an enemy or a friend.After hurriedly walking forward for a few steps, he saw two monks arguing about something in front of him. Yi Tian strode up to have a look, but it was Cheng Lingsheng and Yin Wuhui who were fighting for a purple jade ganoderma on the ground. There was no end to disputes over ownership, but the level of the elixir could at least be used by Golden Core cultivators.

Next to it lay the corpse of a monk from the Sea Clan. It could be seen that these two people should have joined hands to kill the Sea Clan and hadn't distributed the elixir yet.

When they saw someone coming, they both stopped first and stared at Yi Tian.Yin Wuhui also said in his mouth: "You have no share in the things here, hurry up, or I will clean up with you."

Although Cheng Lingsheng who was standing on the side didn't speak, the look in his eyes also declared his sovereignty to Yi Tian.After being stunned for a while, Yi Tian smiled and then flashed to the side, leaving the two of them there.

It's better to be less involved in this matter, and there are weird things in this medicine garden, so I'd better be careful.After walking for less than ten breaths, he heard the attacking sound of spells in the original place, and Yi Tian wondered in his heart that there was no need to turn his face for a elixir.

In the mood of wanting to see a good show, Yi Tian hurriedly turned his head, and immediately ran back after using the escape technique under his feet.I saw that the place where the two of them died just now is now noisy.Yin Wuhui was holding the Purple Jade Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, but there were several wooden vines around him, entangled his hand.Cheng Lingsheng was also having a hard time there, his feet were entangled, and he slashed at those vine veins with the spirit sword in his hand.

Seeing this, Yi Tian couldn't stand idly by anymore, and took out the spirit sword from the storage bracelet and directly helped Cheng Lingsheng out of the siege with a finger.The two quickly stood side by side, slashing at the protruding vines in the grass, Yi Tian took out the Fireball Talisman and shot more than a dozen in a row, igniting a large open space before the situation eased.

After a few fireballs, Yin Wuhui was free to get away, and now the two stopped talking, and followed Yi Tian to the way they came from.

After walking a few steps, I saw that the cut road in front of me was suddenly blocked by sprung wooden vines. I turned around and saw a loud noise behind me, and a huge flower bud emerged from the ground, with a 'bang' sound. The buds opened, revealing sharp teeth.

Cheng Lingsheng lost his voice and said: "This is a ghost face flower. It has at least the strength of a fifth-level tree demon. Let's attack with fire." After speaking, a beam of flames flashed across the bud and shot at the bud.

Seeing that the way back was blocked, Yin Wuhui had no choice but to get rid of the tree demon in front of him first, and with a slap of the corpse pouch, he summoned the bronze armored corpse and blocked it in front.Yi Tian took out a large number of fireball symbols in his hand, and after activating them one after another, he controlled the fireball to hit the tree demon.

Fortunately, with Cheng Lingsheng's reminder, the fire spells frequently ignited the stems and leaves of the piranhas, and those vines that were waiting for an opportunity to jump up were also directly ignited.

After enduring the joint attack of the three, the buds of the ghost face flower began to fight back. From time to time, mouthfuls of green liquid protruded from the buds, and when they touched the ground, they emitted a foul smell.The three of them looked at the potholes on the ground. The green liquid was extremely corrosive, and if it was hit, it would basically fall down directly. The three of them had to keep dodging and then wait for an opportunity to fight back.

After half of the fireball talisman in hand was used up, the whole medicine garden was burning with raging fire, and the fire kept compressing the range of activities of the ghost face flower.Seeing that the three of them gradually began to gain the upper hand, suddenly the bud of the ghost face flower opened directly, and several red vines were shot out from it to wrap around the three of them.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, had sharp eyes and shouted: "Everyone, be careful," and then used his wind escape technique with all his strength to avoid the incoming attack.He also took out a "Thousand Nail Ruler" magic talisman in his right hand, and quickly poured spiritual power into it, preparing to deal a fatal blow to Ghost Face Flower.

Cheng Lingsheng wrapped two flames around his hands, igniting the incoming vines.On the contrary, Yin Wuhui was more embarrassed, dodging left and right there, and if he couldn't do it, the manipulator's refined corpse went up to resist, and he was fine, but the refined corpse was tightly entangled.

A moment later, the ghost face flower was suppressed and erupted, and the open mouth of the bud rushed towards Yin Wuhui. Something was wrong with the latter, and he hurriedly manipulated the corpse to help out, but he hid behind the corpse.

Only a 'bang' sound was heard, and the bronze armored corpse was swallowed alive into the flower bud.Yin Wuhui is manipulating the refining corpse to forcefully break through from the inside with the continuous seal of both hands.

The three of them saw that the inside of the bud of the ghost face flower was shaking violently, it should be the appearance of the refining corpse bursting inside, but the shaking was getting smaller and smaller.Seeing that he couldn't wait any longer, Yi Tian pointed the talisman in his hand towards the bud stem of the Ghost Face Flower, and instantly hundreds of small rulers turned into a pillar of light thick as a tree stump and shot out.

With the roaring sound, the bud of the ghost face flower in front of me was directly shoveled out from the rhizome. After the loud noise, the tattered bud burst from it, and a nearly half-digested corpse crawled out of it. out.The lower body has been corroded by the green liquid, only a piece of bone is left, and the upper body is almost exhausted. Only the chest above can still be seen as a refined corpse.

Yin Wuhui also shook his head, looked at the corpse and had to close his eyes, cast a gray spell in his hand, and then pointed at the corpse, directly blasting it into pieces.

A big fire in the whole medicine garden burned almost all the vegetation. Looking at the unextinguished flames in the spacious cave, the three of them couldn't find any more elixir.Yi Tian deliberately looked at the roots of those ghost face flowers, and picked a handful of seeds, and put them in a storage bag for storage.

Fortunately, after the fire was over, a passage was exposed at the back of the cave, and now Yin Wuhui signaled the two to continue walking. At least there was still an unexplored area ahead, and there might be something to gain.

Cheng Lingsheng was holding back a burst of resentment for not getting the elixir this time, and Yi Tian wanted to continue exploring below.Now that Yin Wuhui has swallowed the medicine, the two of them don't want to care about anything for the time being, but they are more on guard against each other, maybe they won't join forces to fight against the enemy next time they encounter danger.

Now Yi Tian also kept his eyes open and said: "If we continue to explore like this, we must talk about the share, or I will turn around immediately, and everyone will go their own way."

Cheng Lingsheng also agreed: "It should be like this, things can't be taken by one person alone, if there is no agreement, the big deal is to break up."

Yin Wuhui who stood in front of the cave frowned and said, "How do you plan to divide?"

"Of course they come in order, one person is the same. The next time you encounter the elixir, Cheng Lingsheng will take it, and then I will be next."

Yi Tian's proposal immediately got Cheng Lingsheng's response, and now it is two to one, it depends on how Yin Wuhui expresses his position.

Turning his head to look at the appearance of the two, Yin Wuhui also knew that the current situation was stronger than others, and there was no guarantee that one person would not suffer if he probed here alone.The safety factor of a group of three people is much higher, and after thinking about it for a while, I nodded in agreement.

The three of them reached a short-term alliance and explored the passage ahead. Yin Wuhui walked in the front, Cheng Lingsheng tacitly kept a distance of five feet from him, and Yi Tian followed Cheng Lingsheng slowly. Forward.

Yi Tian, ​​who was walking on the road, analyzed the battle in the medicine garden just now. If someone came in last time and took out a few elixir plants, they must not have been dug here, which means that the ruins are bigger than expected.

Now Yi Tian began to regret that he didn't choose the big road just now, maybe he could find out the secret of this ruin, from all signs, it doesn't look like the cave of the ancient monks, at least Yi Tian didn't think the monks would be in his own Plant ghost face flowers in her medicine garden.

(End of this chapter)

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