
Chapter 1853 Nether Ruins 2 Weird

Chapter 1853 Nether Ruins II Strange

After escaping Kunyu's pursuit, the three fell to the bottom of the lake, and Yi Tian took out a night pearl to illuminate the surroundings.Soon the three of them discovered that there was a ruined temple building at the bottom of the lake, surrounded by overgrown water and grass, almost covering most of the building, leaving only the top of the temple exposed.

After cruising around, Yi Tian found that the architectural style of the temple seemed to be something he had never seen before.Having traveled to many places in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, I have never seen such a pattern.

There was a little puzzled look on his face, but at this moment, he heard Xiong Erbao's words: "This seems to be the Temple of the Nether Dynasty, but it seems to have a history of tens of thousands of years, and the building The style is also old-fashioned."

It seems that I have found the right one. The descendants of the Nether Dynasty who fled to the demon world settled here and rebuilt the Dynasty Temple.It’s just that I don’t know why this building is left at the bottom of the water. Is it possible that the people of the Nether Dynasty are all like aquariums.

With all kinds of doubts in his heart, Yi Tian swam unhurriedly, and his divine sense had already locked the entrance outside the temple.

After slowly swimming in from the main entrance of the temple, I found that the inside was dilapidated and lifeless.Holding the Ye Mingzhu in his hand to illuminate the distance of twenty feet ahead, he continued to swim towards the inside.After passing through the open-air corridor, you came to the square in front of the temple, and there were still several broken statues around.

Walking to the main entrance of the temple, I found a two-foot-high stone gate tightly closed, and gently stretched out my hand to sacrifice the spiritual light to wipe off all the moss stored on the stone gate.On Shaoqing's stone gate, a mural of one and a half feet high appeared, with a ferocious looking beast painted on it.

Yi Tian had never seen a strange beast like this before, so he turned his head and looked at Xiong Erbao, meaning it was no problem.

Seeing his gaze, Xiong Erbao showed a relaxed expression and said: "This is the most common Nether Beast in the Nether Realm, and the Nether Dynasty used it as a totem to set up a banner back then."

"I didn't expect you to be so well-informed, and you even know a lot about these things in the Netherworld," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"Not necessarily, it's just that when I was abducted and sold to the Demon Realm, I was lucky enough to meet people from the Nether Realm a few times, so I had the opportunity to learn about their various characteristics," Xiong Erbao said so, but the look of satisfaction in his eyes was fully revealed.

"Then how to enter here? Will there be any mechanism that fails," Yi Tian asked again.

"Probably not on the outside, those people in the nether world are not good at building institutions, but they don't know after entering, and there may be an exclusive space opened up," Xiong Erbao said.

Everyone can't come here empty-handed, so Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on the stone gate.With a little force, the stone door was pushed open through a three-foot-wide gap.

After the three entered in turn, they found that there was still a flash of spiritual light inside, and when they passed through the spiritual light, they found that the surrounding lake water was blocked from the spiritual light.This place is generally the same as the outside ground, so it can act like a normal situation.

Walking along the promenade of the main entrance of the temple, the three found that the road in front of them seemed to have no end, Yi Tian was suspicious and said: "We may have entered the formation by mistake, look around the strong It is not engraved with continuous patterns."

The two of them also stopped when they heard the words, and their faces showed understanding after the divine sense swept over them, and then they both turned their eyes in silence.Yi Tian knew that he was still the core at this time, and the two of them would involuntarily stop to look at themselves and act when they encountered problems.

Yi Tian was startled when he noticed the patterns on the wall. In fact, this corridor is only a dozen feet long at most.It's just because of these formations that the long corridor has become an infinite loop space. If you want to get out of it, you only need to find the connection point of the formations.

After thinking about it, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and then he used the magic pupil technique to search for the patterns on the wall.Soon it was found that the three nodes were somewhat different from the pattern of the loop.

After taking out three formation-breaking awls, he handed them to the two behind him and said, "This formation is a bit weird, and we need all three of us to take action at the same time. I will mark the nodes later, and then activate the formation-breaking awls to pierce the joints together." It can break the game."

After receiving the spirit weapon, the two looked at each other, and Yishun said in a deep voice, "No problem, you'll know if you want to make a move."

Xiong Erbao also nodded as a gesture.

Immediately, Yi Tian stretched out his right hand and sacrificed three auras on the three fingers respectively, aiming at the left, right and the top of the stone wall of the promenade and flying away.After marking it, he shouted: "You one on the left and one on the right, I'll deal with the one on the top." After speaking, he injected spiritual power into the formation-breaking awl, activated it and sent it out.

Yishun and Xiong Erbao also followed closely behind, raising the formation-breaking awl in their hands like drawing a gourd, and sending them to the left and right respectively.

Three "clicks" sounded, and the formation-breaking cone directly sank into the node, and the surroundings of the corridor passage were in an extremely unstable state.In the blink of an eye, many fluctuations of spiritual power suddenly appeared on the pattern, followed by a slight earthquake, and the corridor trembled a few times.After ten breaths, this feeling slowly faded away, and a light spot suddenly appeared in the dark corridor passage in front of him.

Soon the spot of light flew towards the direction of the three of them, and they were within a short distance.The light spot became bigger and bigger in the pupil, and after the light spot stabilized, Yi Tian found that this was the exit of the corridor formation.

Stepping forward, the three of them rushed out in a file and came to the main hall of the temple.

Suddenly, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and found that the hall in front of him was about [-] feet in space, and in the center was a statue of [-] feet high, sitting in front of the mural with the ghost beast as the background.

There are two columns on the left and right in front of it, and there are two teams of stone statues.These statues are portrayed lifelike as if they were living people.Seeing such a strange scene, Yi Tian also had an ominous premonition in his heart, and went up to search with his divine sense, and his face was shocked.

Xiong Erbao noticed something strange and hurried forward and said, "I've never seen you look like this before, what happened?"

"These are not stone sculptures, they are all real people imprisoned here alive, and they have been casted by people," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said: "This way even the soul is imprisoned, and it is impossible to transcend life. It seems that the magic His heart is so cruel that even his own subordinates will not be spared."

"That's right, then we might as well break the stone statues that imprison these people and let their souls enter reincarnation," Yishun said seriously.

"You can't easily break the stone statue," Yi Tian said, "If you want to release their souls, you must find out the caster and crack the spell."

After speaking, he turned to look at the stone statue in the middle in front of him, and saw a strange aura suddenly flashed in the eyes of the stone statue.

(End of this chapter)

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