
Chapter 1854 Nether Ruins 3 Live

Chapter 1854
In the middle of the main hall of the ruins of the Nether Temple, the statue suddenly rose up and changed, which made the three of them tense up instantly.The next moment, I only heard the sound of 'clicking' from the surrounding walls, and several secret doors suddenly appeared on the originally tight stone walls.

Then there was a 'click' sound from the door, and dozens of stone puppets filed out from the door and surrounded them from all directions.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations on these stone puppets are only as high as those in the late stage of transformation, and they can be destroyed with a backhand in front of three monks in the fusion stage.Ke Yitian found that they were all engraved with the same golden seal script runes, and they formed a three-square array after arraying in front of them.

In an instant, several spiritual lights flashed, and the patterns on these stone puppets lit up, echoing each other, and then they became fighting groups.At the same time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies also began to rise sharply, breaking through the late stage of transformation in one fell swoop, and did not stop until they reached the middle stage of distraction.

Visually, there are as many as 24 of these stone puppets. Although they are divided into three groups, each person has to deal with eight of them.In addition, these stone puppets are not weak in their own strength, and it is not a problem to fight one against eight, but it is not so easy to achieve a quick battle. trouble.

At that moment, his eyeballs turned and scanned the scene in front of him, and finally landed on the statue in the middle.If there is no mistake, these stone puppets must be controlled by the statue, so he informed the two of his deduction through sound transmission.

Soon the three of them discussed the countermeasures, and Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and sacrificed it in his hand.Then he manipulated the aura that turned into Dao and flew towards the stone puppet in front of him.

With a 'bang', the stone puppet was not smashed head-on as I imagined. On the contrary, the eight puppets suddenly stood together and received a wave of spiritual pressure, which suddenly increased to that of the initial stage of fusion.At the same time, a gray light mask appeared around him and took his own move alive.

Yi Tian watched carefully, under the fierce attack of his Taiyuan sword, this group of puppets could indeed withstand the attack.But after the obvious defense, their body is actually one of the decadent.It is obvious that the original owner here never expected that three monks in the integration stage would come here after ten thousand years.

These stone puppets are indeed a big trouble for the monks in the distraction stage, but in his own eyes, they are just a waste of time.

Xiong Erbao and Yishun beside him also started to move when they saw that they had made a move. After the spiritual power in Xiong Erbao's body soared, the real body of the iron-eating beast appeared.A black and white figure quickly jumped out and rushed into the team of stone puppets, knocking the big guys in front of them to the ground.

Yishun, on the other hand, dodged from left to right and walked along the gap Xiong Erbao opened to the statue in the middle, with one hand outstretched and surrounded by a lot of golden light.After the golden light faded, the dragon claws that had turned into a five-clawed golden dragon slammed on the statue fiercely. With a sound of 'coax', the stone statue in the middle fell to the ground after being punched by Yishun.

Then there was a tragic cry from the stone statue: "You bad guys will always bully weak girls."

When Yishun heard this, he was taken aback and said, "Why are you still a woman, who are you?"

"This palace is Your Highness Concubine Youming Heixuan, it's really unreasonable for you to trespass on my forbidden area," the voice from the stone statue came again, but at this time, it could be heard that there was a bit of childishness in the exasperated tone intonation.

As the statue came to the end, the light in the eyes of those stone puppets blocking the way slowly dimmed, and Yi Tian stepped forward in a grand manner, passed the puppets and came to the stone statue.

After looking at it for a while, he smiled lightly and said, "What Concubine Youming, at most you are just a pet or servant in front of Concubine Youming. You are not cruel enough to do things like turning people into stones and imprisoning them alive."

"How do you know who you are," the childish voice sounded again, but this time there was a slight tremor in the tone.

"The strength in front of Concubine Youming should be about the same as mine or slightly higher, but the people who have been trapped here for many years have exhausted their lifespan. In the end, even she herself exhausted her lifespan without waiting for Nether Someone from the world, right?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Why do you know so many secrets about the Nether World when you are obviously not from the Nether World?" the voice called out again.

Yi Tian didn't answer either, stretching out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan sword and chopping towards the forehead of the stone statue. With a 'click' sound, the head of the stone statue split open, and then a white halo flew out of it.But before it flew far, it was bound by a blue spiritual light beam, and it was directly pulled and stuffed into a half-foot-high clay doll.

After the halo was completely submerged, Yi Tian took out the rune pen and quickly wrote a banning rune on the clay doll's forehead.After three breaths, he looked at the work in front of him with satisfaction, put it on the ground and said with a smile: "Now we can have a good talk, who are you and why are you hiding in this stone statue?"

"This seat is Concubine Youming, Hexuan, that voice replied with a bit of anger.

Yi Tian was not annoyed when he heard the words, he just nodded at your doll under the seal of his hands, and said casually: "Get up and exercise," and in an instant the clay doll standing on the ground opened its legs and made various movements. The splits, horse steps and other martial arts movements.

A terrified voice came out of the clay doll's mouth: "What the hell did you do to me?"

"I just saw that you don't have any body to possess, so I can prepare one for you. It seems that you haven't adapted to your new body yet, why don't you do more adaptation movements," Yi Tian ignored the other party's words after finishing speaking Immediately after making mudras with both hands, he uttered difficult practice postures one by one.

After a lot of tossing and tiring, the little thing was out of breath, and Xiong Erbao and Yishun who were beside him also had playful smiles on their faces.The three of them came all this way and were almost scared by a small thing, so it would be much easier for them to ask questions later if they didn't find some space.

After all, the three of them can only be regarded as intruders. If someone familiar with the internal environment leads the way, it will save a lot of trouble.

After tossing for a while, Yi Tian finally stopped the spell in his hand and asked: "After all, who are you, don't scare us with the name of Concubine Youming."

"The little one is 'Jiali', the spiritual pet in front of Concubine Youming. The toffee waited here for Emperor Yuanhao for nearly 3000 years without success, and finally died in depression. Before she died, she took my soul out and placed it in a stone statue. I don't want future generations to lose their clues," the clay doll opened its mouth and replied.

It turns out that Emperor Yuan Hao hid Concubine Youming Xuanxuan within a radius of Wuleng Mountain for thousands of miles to deceive people, but unfortunately he himself was overthrown shortly after the incident, so he made Concubine Youming wait here until exhausted. Do your best.

(End of this chapter)

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