
Chapter 1855 Nether Ruins 4 Open Coffin

Chapter 1855

Entering the palace of Concubine Youming, Yi Tian and his team unintentionally dispatched a mechanism to release the spirit pet 'Jiali' in front of Concubine Youming, who was sitting in front of her.Then it was a small plan to use the supernatural power of soul locking to seal it in the clay doll.

However, this 'Jiali' can be regarded as a guiding light here, and the three of them are outsiders who don't know much about the situation inside, so it can save a lot of effort if someone who knows the inside information leads the way.

After some punishments, this 'Jiali' finally lost his temper. In short, he answered whatever he was asking now.

Looking around, although it looks like a main hall, the layout and posture around it always make people feel a little wrong.Yi Tian turned around and asked the puppet: "Do you know how these stone statues are made?"

"They are all old courtiers who came to the demon world with the concubine. After their lifespan was exhausted, they were cast into stone sculptures to guard the temple here," Jiali replied.

"It was turned into a stone sculpture after the longevity was exhausted," Yi Tian pouted and said, "I think they were forced to helplessness. From the expressions of these people, we can see the helplessness and unwillingness in the last moment of their lives."

"That's what you think. These entourages who follow the concubine are all loyal to the dynasty. Even if the concubine says something casually to make them kill themselves immediately, they won't frown," Jiali shouted to distinguish.

Yi Tian didn't want to have a verbal dispute with him either. After scanning his spiritual sense, he looked around for the next four weeks before asking: "Since you have been with Xuanxuan for a long time, then take us to find her tomb."

"You are not tomb robbers, are you?" Jiali's voice suddenly exclaimed, and at the same time trembling, "It is disrespectful to disturb the tombs of the ancestors."

Hearing this, Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a helpless look on his face: "Have you ever seen three monks in the fusion stage unite to be a tomb robber?"

"Then the question you asked is obviously like a thug," Jiali said confidently.

"Your soul is imprisoned here, and I can kill you with a single thought," Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "You should use honorifics when you talk to me, and don't say anything when you ask questions. Those are useless."

After talking about the spell in his hand, he sacrificed a little, and suddenly a purple thunder walked on the clay doll, kneading Jiali's soul.After three breaths, Jiali's voice came out after the electricity had dissipated. At this time, he was no longer as tough as before, and his tone softened as he said, "I don't know why you came here, sir?"

"When Concubine Youming Xuan Xuan left the Nether Realm, she took away a part of the Nether Dynasty's royal genealogy. Do you know where it is?" Yi Tian directly stated the purpose of this trip without beating around the bush.

Jiali was silent for a while before replying: "The royal genealogy records the list of the orthodox disciples of the royal family of the Nether Dynasty. You are not from the Netherworld. Why do you want that thing?"

"It seems that I'm asking you," Yi Tian showed a little displeasure on his face, and an electric arc flashed in his hand, as if he was about to cast a spell again.

Only to hear Jiali's screaming voice came again: "Don't worry, I'm just asking. The tomb of the concubine is in the depths of this temple. You can go straight down the corridor of the temple. can be found."

After Tong Yishun and Xiong Erbao gave a wink, the three of them immediately followed the road and detoured directly from the aisle on the side of the temple.As the family said, there is indeed a long corridor at the back, walking along the road seems to continue to extend downwards.After walking for more than a mile, a light appeared in front of me. After I went out, I found that this was a tomb deep underground.

But Yitian's face showed a bit of puzzlement, and it stands to reason that the majestic Concubine Youming would not just be so ostentatious.Even if he died in a foreign land, this mausoleum would be too shabby.

Walking into the tomb, I found a sarcophagus about five feet long and five feet wide in the middle, with a lot of information inscribed on it in the characters of the Netherworld.It's just that I have never been to the Netherworld and have never been involved in such texts.

Taking out the jade slips and the rune pen, Yi Tian quickly recorded all the words on the sarcophagus, and after looking around, he found that there was nothing else in the tomb.

Frowning slightly, he turned around and said to the two of them: "We still have to open the coffin for an autopsy. Maybe Concubine Youming took the royal genealogy with her to be buried with her."

"It's very possible," Yishun replied, "Such an important thing will be well preserved after being brought out from the Netherworld. It's justified to be buried with it."

But Xiong Erbao said nonchalantly: "Just open it, anyway, people have been dead for tens of thousands of years, and their souls have long been gone. Besides, we are just here to get a copy of the royal genealogy. It's no big deal."

Then Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice a blue aura lightly brushed over the sarcophagus, and only heard the sound of 'click', and then the cover of the sarcophagus, which was as thick as five inches, slowly moved.Shaoqing fell to the side after the lid was lifted, and Yi Tian frowned slightly when he glanced at the situation inside the sarcophagus, with a thoughtful look on his face.

There is nothing in this sarcophagus, it is completely empty.Yishun also had a grim expression and said, "I've laid it out for her. Could it be that Concubine Youming is cheating her death here to deceive others."

"Maybe it's really what you said," Yi Tian nodded and said, "But after such a long time, I think that Xuanxuan has probably exhausted his lifespan, and he is no longer alive at this time."

"Then why did she cast doubt here?" Xiong Erbao asked.

"This is about the relationship between her and Emperor Yuanhao." Yi Tian thought about it and changed the subject: "If I'm not mistaken, it must be Emperor Yuanhao who is trying to hide the suspicions of Concubine Youming. Yes. They were cheating each other back then, not to mention cooperation at best but mutual use. It’s just that Concubine Youming is weak and must pay something to get Emperor Yuanhao’s support.”

"It's a pity that she never imagined that someone as strong as Emperor Yuan Hao would be overthrown by his subordinates," Yi Shun said.

"Then where is her real body at the moment, has she escaped?" Xiong Erbao asked.

"No, I checked when I came in. This temple is obviously blessed by two people separately. In the outer space, there are guards of the monster clan pattern pattern left by Emperor Yuanhao," Yi Tian said with a smile: "At the same time, those formation patterns The pattern can also seal the person inside so that they cannot get out."

"It seems that after the fall of the Nether Dynasty, the rumors became so tight that even Emperor Yuanhao had to be careful to settle these talents," Yishun said.

"That's true, but now I am more and more interested in this Concubine Youming. She holds a copy of the royal genealogy in her hand. She is definitely an ancient treasure. That's why today's Nether Realm is divided into two factions, the Nether Dynasty and the Huangquan Guards." Neither recognize each other's orthodox status," Yi Tian explained.

(End of this chapter)

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