
Chapter 1857 Nether Ruins 6 Wraiths

Chapter 1857 Six Ghosts of the Nether Ruins
Entering the temple ruins of the Nether Temple, the three of Yi Tian followed the guidance and found the secret space where the concubine Xuanxuan was hiding.In the depths of the valley in the space, I found the body of the ghost beast Jiali, but at this time his body seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

From a distance, it looks no different from the normal situation, but Yi Tian knows well that the Nether Beast at this time is just a physical body without the control of the soul.

The clay doll in his hand opened his mouth and Jiali called out: "That's my true self. I haven't seen it for tens of thousands of years, but I feel like it hasn't grown up at all."

"That's right, that's right," Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "I thought it was a bit weird before, but now I can be seven or eight points accurate."

"Why, did you find any clues?" Yishun asked.

"Time passes very, very slowly in this space, that's why this happened," Yi Tian said, "It's just that I don't know where the concubine's body is. It stands to reason that as a guardian beast, she should stay close at every step. Is it right here? Is it in the house?"

"We'll find out if we go and check," Xiong Erbao said, and was about to take a step, when suddenly a hand was in front of him and blocked the way.

I saw Yi Tian said solemnly: "Don't worry, I have a hunch that this matter is by no means as simple as it seems."

When he was about to make a move, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with the entrance of the whole village, and at the same time, Yishun and Xiong Erbao also noticed the problem.The three of them turned around and looked back at the same time.There was a sweep of pitch-black spiritual power all over the sky, its power and influence roughly reached the middle stage of fusion.

Such a real feeling was the first time after entering the Nether Temple, something happened in his heart because Yi Tian hurriedly used the escapism to fly into the sky, and then looked down at the whole valley.

I saw a four-foot-sized one-eyed thorn ball rolling over at the entrance, and there was only a crack above the thorn ball.Suddenly the gap opened to reveal a huge eyeball.Seeing the crowd in the village, they pounced on it, and with a 'crash', the mouth opened under the thorn ball, revealing sharp teeth and a bloody mouth.According to those villagers, they just gnawed down one by one.

Soon the panicked villagers fled in all directions, leaving behind a mess and the thorn ball monster.

After a short rest, the thorn ball opened his eyes again and looked up to see where the three of Yi Tian were in the sky, and a powerful divine sense spontaneously emerged to lock the three of them.

Xiong Erbao had never seen such a scene before, and immediately shouted with lingering fear: "What should we do next, it seems that he has discovered us."

"It's not discovery, but locking," Yishun said with a serious expression, "I've never seen such a sharp divine sense, it's extremely powerful, and it's slightly better than the uncles of the Fire Chain clan."

"That's inevitable," Yi Tian said indifferently: "If I'm not wrong, this should be the ghost formed by the resentment left by Concubine Youming in the world. I once saw it in the Daleiguang Temple There are similar records."

"Then what is he?" Xiong Erbao asked.

"Actually, it's nothing. The resentment left by a person after death will become a resentment spirit, and if the resentment left by Lingxiu is too strong after death, it will directly become a resentment demon. It will generally retain [-]% to [-]% of the strength of the deceased before his death. "As soon as Yi Tian finished speaking, he felt that the pressure fluctuations around him were overwhelming.

Immediately, the grievance on the ground opened its mouth and protruded a black magic bullet from it, splitting the air and making a 'squeaky' sound, attacking the position of the three of them.

'嗖嗖嗖' the three directly separated to avoid, and then spread out in the air.Yishun and Xiong Erbao took out the spiritual weapon in their hands and immediately counterattacked, while Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, and stared at the grieving ghost below carefully after the purple light flashed in his eyes.

It stands to reason that this space should have been opened up by Concubine Youming, and now such a monster should be formed by the wraith after her death.It's just that I don't know what happened to her, and it may not have any effect if I suppress her with force.

Two spells in the air flew over and directly hit the body of the grieving ghost, but Xiong Erbao's kung fu had no effect at all.On the contrary, the golden light from Yishun contained the power of the Buddhist sect, and after hitting the wraith ghost, it directly cut a huge hole.

"Yeah!" A scream sounded, and the next moment the magic spell containing the power of Buddha Sect flew out from the side of the ghost's body and directly hit him.But the good times didn't last long, and the huge wounds on both sides were closed again within ten breaths, and it looked like there was no trace of injury at all.

The grieving ghost on the ground opened its mouth and let out a hoarse cry, then suddenly took off from the ground, several tentacles grew from its round body and swept towards the position of the three of them.

Yi Tian hurriedly took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand, and slashed at the tentacles that were coming.Unexpectedly, those tentacles cut off by the Taiyuan wooden sword grew rapidly again, and soon surrounded the three of them.

"Break the defense, everyone, evacuate first," Yishun called out, muttering something in his mouth, and after the golden lights scattered, they hit and attacked in a certain direction.After the golden light touched the black tentacles, it was directly broken, and after three breaths, a hole the size of a foot was opened in the air.

When the three saw it, they were overjoyed to escape from it one by one, Yi Tian was the last one, and when he rushed out of the opening, he suddenly found that his feet were heavy.Scanning with his divine sense, he found that one of the tentacles of the resentful ghost had wrapped around his left foot at some point.

Just as he was about to manipulate the Taiyuan wooden sword to cut it off, suddenly a huge black shadow appeared behind him.Turning his head to see that it was the ghost who opened his bloody mouth and swallowed Yi Tian whole with a 'click'.

Xiong Erbao who was outside was frightened on the spot, and shouted: "No way, he is the strongest, so it is impossible for him to hang up like this."

"Stop talking nonsense," Yishun stopped and said, "I think he did it on purpose."

While the two were talking, they saw that the grieving ghost not far away suddenly swelled up, cracks appeared on the originally black skin, and a purple thunder flashed out of it.

With a "boom", the body of the resentful ghost seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and burst directly from the inside.A figure entwined with purple flames flew out of it to the two of them.Yi Tian's figure appeared after the fire light was retracted. At this moment, he stared at the grieving ghost in front of him and shouted: "The Concubine Youming show your real body, let me also experience the demeanor of a master in the Netherworld 6 years ago."

As soon as the words fell, the grieving ghost in front of him seemed to be shaking violently from top to bottom, and the tentacles all around were retracted, and his body was getting smaller and smaller.

(End of this chapter)

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