
Chapter 1858 Nether Ruins 7 Reasons

Chapter 1858 Seven Reasons of Nether Ruins
In the space opened up by Concubine Youming, the three of them failed to find its real body, but met a grieving ghost instead.Its strength swallowed Yi Tian in one gulp, but fortunately, his own strength was not weak. Before he was in a hurry, his instinctive reaction directly activated Lei Yanziyan and exploded from the inside of the grieving ghost.

Immediately, Yi Tian saw the opportunity to break the seal, and when he came outside, he already had calculations in his heart. Most of the resentful ghosts were transformed by the resentment of Concubine Youming.Now that I have finally found the right owner, I really have to take it seriously.

Floating in the air and keeping his figure steady, Yi Tian stared at the black grieving ghost below and carefully sized it up.After ten breaths, the black resentment subsided and turned into a human form, and then out of the resentment appeared a stunning woman in white clothes.The three of them looked at her one after another and saw that the woman's eyes were full of sadness, and several black lines of resentment appeared faintly on the left half of her face.

His eyes swept across the three people in front of him one by one, his face was full of resentment.Until finally staying on Yishun's body, suddenly a gleam of clarity flashed in his eyes, and he shouted: "Brother Huozhao, you are finally here."

Yishun's body trembled obviously, and then his face was full of doubts. After looking at it, he turned his head to look at Yi Tian.The meaning couldn't be more obvious. You have to ask clearly if you made such a big oolong today.

Yi Tian was also confused, and after a little thought, he figured out the reason for this.Immediately there was a helpless look on his face and he explained through the voice transmission: "I found the body of the scorching dragon you seized in the battlefield of the ancient demon master. At that time, the scorching dragon skeleton had been there for about 4 to [-] years. .If I'm not mistaken, this scorching dragon's real body should be related to the Nether Concubine Xuanxuan in front of me."

Yishun also smiled helplessly when he heard the words, and he never thought that such a situation would happen anyway.But things have come to this point, his soul and body have been firmly joined together, so they can't be separated again.

Embarrassed, Yishun also remained silent, watching the other party's reaction.After three breaths, the Concubine Youming's face showed a bit of suspicion, and she looked at Yishun again, and her expression suddenly changed, and she shouted anxiously: "You are not Brother Huozhuo, but why do you have such a strong aura?" .Could it be that you were reincarnated?"

"No, Xia Yishun is a member of the Huojiao tribe. As for the Huozhuolong you mentioned, he should have fallen on the ancient battlefield of the Yaozu during the Yaozu war 3 years ago," Yishun said directly. out.

Concubine Youming's complexion tightened in front of her, and the black spiritual power all over her body suddenly surged.Then, looking at the three of them, the faces became a little unfriendly, but he shouted in a deep voice: "You were sent by that heartless person Yuan Hao, right? He still refuses to let me go after all these years."

The three of them were stunned when they heard this, but Yi Tian raised his head and laughed loudly: "The dynasty established by Emperor Yuan Hao that you said was overthrown as early as 6 years ago, as for his The deity was destroyed after that battle, and the soul was sealed in the stone statue."

As soon as this remark came out, Dowager Youming's fierce expression softened, but the vigilance in her eyes did not mean to relax in the slightest.

Yishun also spoke at the right time: "The dynasty created by Emperor Yuanhao has long since disappeared, and the current structure of the demon world is a balance of power controlled by the Huofeng and Huojiao clans."

"So it turns out that Yuan Hao, a heartless person, kept saying that he would help me restore the dynasty, but he didn't expect that he would also end up in ruins," Naoxuan shouted sharply.

It seems that the Concubine Youming Xuanxuan came to the Demon Realm to negotiate with Emperor Yuanhao about the restoration, but she was tricked in the end.It's just that now it seems that there are many doubts about the incarnation of Concubine Youming herself as a resentful ghost.

The vigilant heart in his heart did not dare to relax, Yi Tian secretly became vigilant, and at the same time he notified the two people around him through sound transmission: "The other party is a bit weird, if we want to get the royal genealogy of the Nether Dynasty, we will have to use some tricks. Fighting is inevitable."

Knowing that, the two of them also quietly used their supernatural powers to be on guard, but the actions of the three of them naturally couldn't hide it from Concubine Youming of the same level.

Naixuan turned her head and said in a deep voice, "Then why did the three of you come here recently?"

Yishun and Xiong Erbao closed their mouths knowingly and turned their eyes to Yi Tian, ​​who knew that he couldn't escape. Yi Tian cleared his throat and said, "A new Mahayana cultivator, Emperor Youming, has been born in the nether world. , Unfortunately, there are still some Huangquan guards who do not recognize their orthodox status. So I have to look for the royal genealogy of the Nether Dynasty."

"There is such a thing, that kid, Luankuang, can break through the natural moat and achieve Mahayana. Unfortunately, it is not easy for him to restore the grand occasion of the Nether Dynasty," said Concubine Youming coldly.

From her tone, it seemed that she didn't like Luan Kuang very much, but she didn't know what would happen to her attitude towards Huang Quan's guards.After thinking about it, Yi Tian said tentatively: "We were entrusted by the guards of Huangquan to come here to find the genealogy of the Nether Dynasty. If the concubine knows where it is, please let me know. I am very grateful."

"Hmph, kid, you're not a kind person when you hear your glib tongue," Concubine Youming replied coldly, "I don't know the temper of those old things guarding Huangquan, such an important thing will definitely Come here with tokens to ask for it. What's more, when the Huangquan guards send people to come, they will definitely find people from the direct line of the Huangquan clan. When will it be your turn, the three foreigners."

Yi Tian didn't even think about it when she told her the truth, anyway, since the matter couldn't be resolved properly, he could only do it again.After Tong Yishun and Xiong Erbao winked, the three of them surrounded him with the finished product, offering the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, and Yi Tian yelled: "Let me see how strong the monks in the Nether world were at the fusion stage back then!" Be different."

After saying that, the spirit sword in his hand disintegrated into countless filaments and then fell on the head of Concubine Youming, while Yishun and Xiong Erbao both sacrificed spells in their hands and waited for an opportunity to strike.

After those blue sword silks fell in front of Naixuan, they were blocked by a black aura barrier, and after the sound of "ping ping pong pong", the coefficients of the blue silk were blocked outside, and Naixuan inside turned into a grieving ghost again look like.He opened his mouth and projected countless black light bullets from it, attacking the three of them in front of them.

"Good time," Yi Tian secretly said in his heart, interweaving the Taiyuan sword silk into a blue silk sword net without stopping, and all the oncoming black light bullets were inside.

The sound of "噗噗噗" came from the sword net, and the blue sword threads shook violently. It was obvious that the burst inside was not weak enough to cause such a scene.

On the other hand, Yishun was able to handle the golden Buddha light flashing on his body and spit out the secret art of thunder and eight sounds. Those black light bullets were all dragged before they flew twenty feet away from him.Under the mutual restraint of the attributes, it will soon burst directly on the spot.

Xiong Erbao, on the other hand, was a little embarrassed to deal with it, and constantly cast spells in his hands to resist the opponent's offensive.

(End of this chapter)

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