
Chapter 1859 Nether Ruins 8 Succeeded

Chapter 1859 Eight Successes in Nether Ruins
Yi Tian's words were full of flaws in the negotiation with Concubine Youming, but the two sides could only use force to resolve it.Unexpectedly, Concubine Youming's strength is not weak, even if it is a one-on-three attack, it is a hot move and does not show any weakness.

Among the three, only Yishun's kung fu was able to deal with it calmly because of the incompatibility of attributes. Yi Tian's Taiyuan sword shivered slightly after the attack, and after taking back the Taiyuan sword, he found that the aura on it was dim. few.

Estimated that the power of this ghost resentment could also erode the aura of the spirit sword.

After taking back the Taiyuan sword, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to form a seal on his chest, and then a white phantom of Jingshi Hualian wrapped himself.A corona slowly appeared from behind, and suddenly a white spiritual light flew out from the magic seal on his chest, hovered in the sky, and then fell on the head of the grieving ghost.

Countless black spiritual energy rose from the grieving ghost and directly dragged the falling Jingshi Hualian above, but the black spiritual energy made a 'sizzling' sound as soon as it came into contact.Countless grievances were directly purified under the action of the Jingshi Hualian. Yi Tian saw clearly in the air that the dharma seals on his hands were connected one after another, and then pointed at the Jingshi Hualian.

In an instant, the speed at which the resentment was purified increased by more than [-]%, and the resentful ghost below opened its mouth and let out a resounding howl when it sensed the danger.In the next moment, the body of the one-foot-old Wraith Ghost shrunk down to the size of a human again, showing the hideous appearance of the Concubine Youming.

It's just that half of her body turned into a human form at this time, and half of her body was still displayed in front of the three of them as a grieving ghost.Stretch out your hand to sacrifice a gray aura to the white lotus on the head and drag it away. These gray auras are obviously much stronger than the black Wraith Qi, and in an instant, the falling speed of the Jingshi Hualian is greatly slowed down.

Yishun and Xiong Erbao were naturally seeing such supernatural powers for the first time, but Yi Tian had already experienced it when they fought against the clone of Emperor Youming in Wuleng Mountain, and immediately said with a serious expression: "It turned out to be the glare of the Nether. It is much stronger than the savage clone in hand."

"Even if Luankuang has reached the Mahayana stage and used this supernatural power, he may not be as powerful as me," Dowager Youming shouted disdainfully.

"Unfortunately, although this Nether Dare is a very powerful supernatural power, it is not an invincible existence," Yi Tian said with a sneer: "As far as I know, there are three or four supernatural powers that can defeat your tricks. "

After saying that, deep in the left hand is controlling the Jingshi Hualian, while the right hand quickly forms a seal and draws an arc in the air.After that trajectory, a colorful glow appeared, and Yi Tian said in his mouth: "Let you see the unique colorful glow of Jiuxian Mountain."

A rainbow fell in the sky and directly hit the gray 'ghost glare'. The two auras had already met in the air and struck together. They complemented each other and made a stalemate.

It's just that Concubine Youming's face is not happy at all at this time, she has seen that the colorful rays of light are continuously suppressing the gray Youming glare with a slight advantage.At the same time, the Jingshi Hualian on the top of the head accelerated its falling speed again without the resistance of the 'ghost glare', purifying all the black grievances that surged up from all around.

Naoxuan is also helpless at this time, let alone three people in front of her, Yi Tian alone can win her.

At this time, Yishun also saw the opportunity and sent out two golden dragon claws with both hands, directly splitting the defense of the black resentful spirit energy, leaving deep and visible scars on the body of Xuanxuan.

It's just that no flesh and blood can be seen under those scars, it's all black resentful spirits.Soon those wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but at this time the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Naoxuan's body were three points weaker than before.

Under the ebb and flow, the battle situation turned into a one-sided trend, and the three of them kept shooting to squeeze the activity space of Naoxuan into a space of about three feet.

A burst of black spiritual power exploded from Naixuan's side, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on her half body that had turned into a resentful ghost became extremely unstable.Then the other half of the human figures also instantly turned into the appearance of a grieving ghost, and the spiritual power on their bodies soared, pushing back the attack spells of the three of them.

"She's going to make her final struggle," Yi Tian immediately reminded the two people around him after seeing the situation with sharp eyes.At the same time, the right hand put away the colorful rays of light, and injected all the spiritual power into Jingshihualian's supernatural powers again.

The thunderstorm sounded like a 'rumbling' sound, and for the first time, a purple thunder light appeared in the white Jingshi Hualian.The black resentful spirit retreated steadily under the attack of the purple thunder, and after three breaths, the entire Jingshi Hualian was pressed down at an accelerated speed and directly held the Nether Concubine Huanxuan upside down.

A scream came from the Jingshi Hualian, followed by countless black energy from the white lotus petals.The screaming lasted for half a moment before it stopped silently. Yi Tian put away the seal and said to the white Jingshihualian: "Open," and the Jingshihualian slowly turned into a transparent shape and disappeared. In place.

After the divine thoughts passed by quickly, Yi Tian found that there was only an ancient scroll left in that place, and on the first page of the scroll were three words written in the characters of the Netherworld.Although I don't recognize it, it goes without saying that it should be what the three of them were looking for on this trip, the royal genealogy of the Nether Dynasty.

The three of them descended from the clouds to the ground and looked around, only to see a phantom figure leisurely rising above the scroll.This phantom figure is exactly the appearance of Concubine Youming Xuanxuan before. At this time, she is extremely weak, looking at the three people around, she sighed helplessly: "The Ai family has been waiting here for thousands of years until they run out of lifespan. I also failed to get a reply from Emperor Yuanhao. After dying in depression, I will store my spiritual thoughts here. I hope that those who are destined for future generations can return this royal genealogy to the descendants of the Nether Dynasty so that they can inherit the orthodoxy and revive the dynasty. .” After speaking, he bowed politely to the three of them.

On the other hand, she is much more normal now than before, Yi Tian thought slightly and said: "Senior, if you want to restore the Nether Dynasty, can you reproduce the grand occasion 6 years ago? You must know that the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit are now There are also many monks in the Mahayana period in the pattern, so naturally they will not sit back and watch the Nether Dynasty dominate the Three Realms. Rather than causing disasters for no reason, it is better to let future generations choose their own path. Let the glory of the past dissipate, today's pattern That’s what’s most in keeping with the times.”

Yishun who was on the side also said: "Exactly, a dynasty as strong as Emperor Yuanhao's can't last for thousands of years. Everything will come to an end, and a powerful empire will also decline. Seniors are so entangled. Make it difficult for the juniors."

Sighing, Concubine Youming Xuanxuan nodded and replied: "I also know the truth, but I still want to entrust this royal genealogy to you, please return it on your behalf. wish."

It was very difficult for the three of them to be so emotionally moved, and in the end, Yi Tian raised his hand and put the thing away, saying: "Okay, I will find a chance to give this thing to the guards of Huangquan, but that's all. Senior, please don’t bring up his request again.”

(End of this chapter)

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