
Chapter 1860 Nether Ruins 9 Leaving

Chapter 1860 Nether Ruins Nine Leaving
After getting out of the mural, the three finally breathed a sigh of relief.The main task of searching for the Nether Ruins this time has been successfully completed.The next step is how to deal with the aftermath. Just now, apart from Concubine Youming, she also had her pet Carrie.

The ghost beast in his flesh body that he found before was cast a spell to hide in the valley and fell asleep, but Yi Tian didn't dare to let its soul return to the flesh body directly.After all, the strength of this Nether Beast is there, and it will take some tricks to deal with it.

Since I promised Concubine Youming to send the royal genealogy in her hand to the guard of Huangquan, there is no need for another Jiali.But in order to avoid accidents, I still keep the banned clay doll and its body separately.Because according to Concubine Youming Xuanxuan's words, this Nether Beast was originally a spiritual pet who followed her, and at the same time it was a symbol of the Nether Dynasty. It would be great if it could be handed back to the guards of Huangquan thing.

The clay doll dolls and the royal family tree of the Nether Dynasty that were banned by the spirit and soul were directly thrown into the storage bag. Stored in the imperial beast bag.

Yi Tian's idea is also very simple. When he has a chance to go to the Netherworld and his party touches the head of the guard of Huangquan, he will return these two things to the other party, but the labor fee will have to be calculated carefully at that time.

According to Princess Youming, she doesn't agree with the current Emperor Youming's madness. When it comes to the orthodoxy of the royal family, it is the guards of Huangquan who are the descendants of the Emperor Youming.As for talking about the furious strength of Concubine Youming, she scoffed and revealed a shocking secret.

It turns out that it is not so easy to advance to the Mahayana in the Nether Dynasty, and the current Nether Emperor Rage can only be regarded as a fake Mahayana monk at best.After practicing the techniques of the Nether Dynasty, if one really wanted to cross the Mahayana period, he had to get the assistance of the Nether Beast to return to the guidance of the Emperor's genealogy.

Now that two things are here, the rage of the Nether Emperor is at best a vain name. If he advances to the early stage of Mahayana, he can easily clean him up.

After the portrait was released, the three of them headed directly in the direction they came from. Now that they have no burden in their hearts, the speed is much faster.Halfway through the corridor, Yi Tian suddenly frowned slightly, as if he had sensed something.Yishun and Xiong Erbao who were beside him naturally noticed this subtle movement, and their expressions changed slightly.

A little later, Xiong Erbao couldn't hold back and asked: "What happened, it shouldn't be a good thing from your appearance."

"The three of them have arrived, and they are now cracking my Liuyang seal formation," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"Can you avoid them?" Yishun asked.

"At this time, they are at the extension of the formation. If we go out, we can escape their divine sense detection as long as we stay in the formation," Yi Tian said.

"Then how should we leave quietly?" Xiong Erbao asked.

"Let's speed up and take a step into the lake, and then sneak out from the side of the formation," Yi Tian said: "At that time, I will open a gap in the formation and let them in. Affected by the big formation and unable to perform normally, that is when we have the opportunity to pass them by and leave."

"Good idea, or maybe we can deal with these three people in the big formation," Yishun asked tentatively.

"It's not the best time yet," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "I need to use Yan Qiu's hand to test Ji Xuanyuan's avatar, so it's not appropriate to directly fight with them now."

"Okay, then you have your own considerations, so we will act according to our plan," Yishun said, "The three of them have too big a goal, so I'd better go to your place to hide first."

After finishing speaking, Yishun transformed himself into a golden halo and flew directly into the beast sac at his waist, while Yi Tian showed a helpless look, thinking that there is no chance for him to make a move, it would be better to just stop good.

As for Xiong Erbao, he shook his head and said, "Don't look at me, I don't want to go in. It's better to hang out behind you."

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian turned his head away, and after a flash of light, his speed more than doubled, and Xiong Erbao behind him hurriedly followed after understanding.The two quickly withdrew from the Nether Ruins Temple one after the other.After coming to the outside waters, I dived towards the east again. I was lucky this time and didn't meet the kun fish I had encountered before.

After cruising hundreds of miles away, Yi Tian took out the formation disk and observed it carefully. Three places outside the formation were being attacked.At this time, it should be that the three of them are constantly attacking the formation and trying to open the gap.

Fortunately, they were located very close to each other, and Yi Tian played out the Dao formula for this formation while chanting words in his mouth.The forbidden light of the Liuyang Formation burst open in an instant, and then the attack stopped silently. It is estimated that all three of them should have entered the formation directly.

My heart is full of joy, as long as they get into the formation, I have the full confidence to slip away under their noses.He played several magic formulas in his hand to raise the fog in the trapped formation, directly suppressing their spiritual thoughts within a range of about ten feet.

But I took Xiong Erbao quietly climbed up to the shore from the east of the lake, and then sneaked out by opening a gap on the edge of the Liuyang trap without anyone noticing.

After coming to the outside world, the two of them flew high into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, they couldn't help but smile on the faces of Liuyang Yunzhen below.Xiong Erbao said excitedly: "Every time I go out with you, there will be very exciting things, and this time is no exception."

"Okay, they still have to spend some time down below, let's take this opportunity to leave quickly," Yi Tian waved his hand and replied.

"But you said that Yan Qiu came here specifically to find the royal genealogy of the Nether Dynasty, will he notice that the things are in your hands now?" Xiong Erbao asked puzzled.

"Probably not, I have already sealed things in a jade box and locked them with a magic talisman to isolate others from exploring," Yi Tian said confidently: "But Yan Qiu will definitely find the Nether Ruins Temple if he searches below. , it will be quite normal to get into it and investigate it at that time."

"Maybe we will meet that Kun fish before this, let them have a good time, we will not accompany you," Xiong Erbao said, turned and flew towards the direction of Wan Yao City.

Yi Tian twitched his lips and showed a helpless look and then left, but when the two of them flew a hundred miles away, a light flashed out of thin air not far from where they were originally, and then disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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