
Chapter 1861 Meeting 1

Chapter 1861 Meeting One
After returning to Wan Yao City, Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao agreed on the next thing, and then the two returned to their residences, and Xiong Erbao was mainly responsible for contacting Mo Dou.In this trip to the Nether ruins, I can be considered to have gained a lot. In addition to the royal genealogy of the Nether royal family, there are also Nether beasts.

Although Jiali's soul and body have been separated, as long as his soul and body are refused together, his former strength will soon be restored.

It's just that I don't dare to do this now, because this Nether Beast is the guardian and symbol of the Nether Dynasty, if it suddenly appeared in my hands, it would not cause great trouble.

Sitting quietly in the elegant residence on the island in the middle of the lake, Yi Tian silently calculated the gains and losses of coming in.The most important thing at present is to get together those two precious materials to refine and purify the blood of the dragon veins for Yishun.

The Poison Master once took out a portion of Black Leaf Grass before, but now he still lacks a portion of Qingshuangzi.But recently, I haven't found the slightest clue through my own inquiries. As for the access to the Taiqingge firm and other major firms, there is only traces of this treasure.

As a result, Yi Tian also felt very frustrated. It seems that it is not an easy task to help Yishun complete the blood of the real dragon.

Sitting cross-legged in the main hall of Yaju for several days of meditation, it is expected that Yan Qiu and his party should also come back.But I don't know what they have gained, in fact, Yi Tian still has some concerns in his heart.

When retreating during the trip to the Nether Ruins, because time was tight and I didn't want to run into each other, most of the aftermath work was hasty.Careful people will soon find that the Nether Temple has been broken into, and the time it took to enter is not too long.

Following the traces left by the fighting, the general identity of the person who entered can be locked. There are only so many monks in the fusion period in the demon world, and it is not difficult to identify them among them.So I came in and thanked the guests for the time being and hid in the elegant residence on the island in the middle of the lake, waiting for the limelight to pass before going out for activities.

It's a pity that the reality is always unsatisfactory. When Yi Tian was caught in his own imagination, a messenger talisman from the Golden Retriever King broke through the restriction and flew towards him.Before retreating, I once told him not to disturb me if there was no major matter.

It seemed that there was not only a piece of spiritual talisman in the communication talisman, but also two jade book invitations wrapped under it.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and spread it out in his palm to distinguish carefully. Chapter 1 is a fiery red invitation card, and the sender turned out to be Ji Xuanyuan, whom he least wanted to see.

After opening it, I saw the letter "Taiqing Pavilion Yi Junior Brother Jishou, brother Yu just now asked the junior brother to advance to the middle stage of integration, it is really the great fortune of my three sects in the spiritual world."Seven days later, I prepared a little wine and went to the Yaoxiang Pavilion in the East of Dingxin Lake in Wanyao City. I asked my junior to decline, and the signature was written as "Ji Xuanyuan, Suzerain of the Lihuo Sect."

Unexpectedly, Ji Xuanyuan would personally try to test him, but Yi Tian's face showed unprecedented seriousness at this time, and he was extremely hesitant in his heart, wondering whether he should go or not.Ji Xuanyuan had already said so far, and his words were extremely polite. If he didn't go and spread the word afterwards, it might weaken the reputation of Taiqing Pavilion.If other monks in the Zongmen's body-fit stage knew about it, I'm afraid it would be very difficult to deal with it.

But if he went to him but he was not fully sure that he could hide his identity under Ji Xuanyuan's nose, he might show some tricks and be seen through by him, but it would be self-defeating.

After thinking over and over again in my heart, I decided to let this moment go, anyway, it is too early to make a decision before the time to meet.

After putting away the invitation, Yi Tian turned his attention to another jade book.After opening the jade booklet, I found that it was also an invitation card to invite myself to visit the house. The difference from before was that the signer was Wan Boye, a barbarian tribe I had met in the world of Buddhism and spirits back then.

I remember that back then he was only about the strength of the early stage of distraction, but now that many people know about his identity, he dared to come to the door, without Wan Gang's instructions behind him, it would be unreasonable anyway.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian was slightly taken aback. He had only met Wan Qiang twice, namely the competition and the trade fair.Especially at the second trade fair, he was almost suitable for the appearance that he had no intersection, but he didn't know the significance of him inviting himself.

Moreover, Wan Qiang and Yan Qiu were very close, if he rashly went to a one-on-three and was in danger, it would not be easy to get out.

When he was extremely hesitant in his heart, his eyes glanced at the invitation again, and he saw that the meeting place was not chosen in the clubhouse of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce in Wan Yao City, but in a place in Wan Yao City called 'Thousand Cups of No Pour' among the restaurants.

There is a other courtyard there that has been chartered by the Manjiao people for a long time. As long as you show the invitation card when you visit, someone will arrange the next meeting.

In this way, Yi Tian also wanted to know Wan Gang's intentions more than facing Ji Xuanyuan himself.

After thinking about it, he closed the invitation card in his hand and slowly disappeared in place.Half a moment later, Yi Tian converged the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body in the mid-stage of transformation, and appeared at the door of the restaurant of "A Thousand Cups Never Fall" with his true face.

The waiters standing in front of the door were used to seeing big shots, so they didn't care when they saw Lingxiu who was at the stage of transformation.He stepped forward to greet him and said, "I don't know if the guest officer wants to taste wine or make a deal with someone?"

"Oh, can we still do business with foreign races here?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"This store was originally used as a place to stay for foreign businessmen, and there are [-] unique elegant gardens in it that can be used for temporary residence," the waiter at the door replied.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian took out the invitation card and said, "I'm here for the appointment, let's see which other courtyard I'm in."

After receiving the invitation, the waiter flipped through it, and suddenly his eyes showed surprise. After three breaths, he only left a sentence, "Please come in, honored guests," then turned around and walked straight into the restaurant.

When he came to Neizhong, Yi Tian found that there were several divine thoughts passing over his body quickly, and then the waiter went directly to the shopkeeper and showed the invitation card.The innkeeper was also distracted at the initial stage of cultivation, and later I saw him rushing forward and said through a voice transmission: "Please come with me to the other courtyard of Tianzihao. Fellow Daoist Wan is already waiting for you."

After the two walked from the side of the main hall, they walked straight through the back corridor towards the depths of Neizhong Yayuan.Not long after he came to a secluded residence, the shopkeeper went to the door and lightly sacrificed a messenger talisman to pass the news in.After three breaths, the restriction on the main entrance of the Yayuan was opened, and Wan Boxie walked out of it, and when he saw the visitor, he bowed and said, "Don't come here, fellow Taoist, you will be safe."

"Friend Daoist Wan is also the same as before," Yi Tian replied with a smile.From the shopkeeper's point of view, the two of them looked like old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time reunited, and then he directly retreated, leaving only the two present.

(End of this chapter)

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