
Chapter 1862 Meeting 2

Chapter 1862 Meeting Two

After entering the Tiantian brand name, Wan Boye hastily closed the restriction behind him, and then walked up to him with a respectful face and said, "Senior Yi condescended to come here, which makes me very happy."

There was a faint smile on his face, his spiritual thoughts swept over Wan Bo'e and found that his cultivation had reached the middle stage of distraction.In the eyes of outsiders, he is naturally a high-ranking monk in the distraction stage, but in his own eyes, he can only be regarded as a junior.

What's more, the words we met just now were just for the shopkeeper to hear, but at this time Yi Tian walked in front and asked directly: "We haven't seen each other for nearly a thousand years, remember the last time we met? In the Buddhist world."

"Senior said, that's why I felt that you are not a thing in the pool. It is really embarrassing for me to be able to ascend to the state of saint in less than a thousand years," Wan Boxi said with a face of embarrassment.

Knowing what he was worried about, Yi Tian didn't want to delve further into this topic, so he changed the subject: "What does Wan Gang mean by looking for me so urgently this time?"

"The patriarch is waiting in the room at the moment, and I invite the seniors to come in, and the juniors will wait outside," Wan Bo said, pointing to the room not far in front of him.

Stepping into the room slowly, Yi Tian glanced over with his divine sense and found that Wan Qiang was sitting alone in the middle seat.After seeing him, there was a smile on his face, and he pointed to the vacant seat beside him and said, "You Daoist Yi's visit is really a brilliance of my Horn tribe, please take a seat quickly."

Not knowing what kind of medicine he had in the gourd, Yi Tian, ​​also a man of high art, stepped forward and sat down on the empty seat beside Wan Qiang.It was only later that he asked, "I don't know why your friend invited me over to the house to explain what happened?"

"I have always admired capable people in the spirit world," Wan Qiang straightened his expression and said, "I am naturally happy to make friends with a master of Taiqing Pavilion like Daoyou Yi."

"Oh, although you and I have no feuds, we have fought against each other in previous competitions. I don't know why Wan Daoyou wants to make friends with me?" Yi Tian asked tentatively. Doesn't look like a fake.

"Yi Daoyou's methods have been learned from me. Your cultivation seems to be only in the middle stage of integration, but it is not much better than those late stage monks," Wan Qiang said politely.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm a little unconvinced that you can come to such a conclusion in just one fight," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"Not once, but twice," Wan Qiang said with a meaningful smile on his face, "I don't know if fellow Taoists have traveled far recently?"

Surprised in his heart, Yi Tian secretly thought, "Could it be possible that something about him in the Nether Ruins has been seen." ’ His face remained unchanged and he said, "I have gone out for a tour with my best friend. I don't know what Wan Daoyou's words mean?"

"You must have gained a lot from the trip to Wuling Mountain with Xiong Erbao from the Iron-eating Beast Race." Wan Qiang directly pointed out where the two of them went.

"Oh, did Fellow Daoist Wan go there before?" Even though he asked this, Yi Tian knew in his heart that Wan Qiang must have found clues that he and Xiong Erbao appeared.But he didn't mention that Yishun's existence must have been discovered by him when the two of them escaped.

Looking at his face, he didn't know whether Yan Qiu of the Huangquan tribe knew about this news, but he must have a lot to write about entertaining himself alone today.Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't say much and just waited for the next article.

Wan Qiang took out a picture bead and lightly sacrificed the spiritual light. After three breaths, Yi Tian found that he and Xiong Erbao had escaped from the six suns trapped formation.

Then Wan Qiang sighed and said, "Actually, fellow Daoist Yi, you don't need to worry too much. This is the message left by the Kongming Beast I raised. Yan Qiu and Old Abyss of the Huangquan Clan didn't know what happened there. .”

Hearing this, Yi Tian finally felt a little relieved, and then asked: "Then I don't know why you invited me here today?"

"I don't know what Yi Daoyou thinks about the form of the lower three realms?" Wan Qiang asked for no reason, which made Yi Tian stunned.

But after three breaths, Yi Tian came to a conclusion. It seems that the three of Yan Qiu did not cooperate sincerely, and everyone had their own plans.Wan Qiang invited himself here today out of selfishness, needless to say, he must seek the greatest benefit for the Horn tribe.

Before, I was afraid of the alliance of the three of them, but now it seems that such a fragile alliance can be easily broken.At least Wan Qiang from the barbarian tribe has extended the olive branch of friendship, the key is to see how he accepts it.

"I have never been to the Lower Three Realms, so I don't know much about the situation there," Yi Tian said, "I just heard that the Nether Dynasty is now entrenched in the Nether Realm, and there are Huangquan guards watching. It’s just that the Emperor Youming’s madness has not been rectified and recognized.”

Wan Gang nodded and said: "That's true. The current strength of the Nether Emperor is much worse than that of the Nether Dynasty when it was at its peak, and the power to control it is far behind."

"That's true. With his crazy strength, he can only be regarded as a fake Mahayana monk at best," Yi Tian said out of his mouth for no reason, and then turned his head to look at the other party, only to see that Wan Gang's expression did not change. Just a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes.

In fact, Yi Tian just wanted to lie to him, to see if what Concubine You Ming told him was true.Wan Gang took a deep breath and said: "Whether what Daoyou Yi said is true or not, you must know that your words will determine the structure of the Netherworld."

"I don't know what you found in the ruins of the Nether Temple this time?" Yi Tian didn't answer directly but asked another topic.

"At this time, Yi Daoyou should know better than us. The ruins of the Nether Temple have been searched for a long time. We didn't only see humanoid puppets in the remains of the ruins. We didn't find any information about the descendants of the Nether Dynasty. things," Wan Gang replied.

That's right, Yi Tian was overjoyed. It seems that he didn't miss anything in the Nether Ruins Temple, but he was also amused when he looked at him.Although I don't know the purpose of his asking those words, but I'm going to give him more weight.

After thinking about it, he said: "Actually, I am just an outsider to the forces in the Netherworld. No matter which side is unfamiliar to me. But if we can make friends with each other, maybe we can have further cooperation with each other."

"How do you want to cooperate?" Wan Gang asked.

"I don't know what is the relationship between your Manjiao clan and Huangquan clan, and what is the attitude of the Huangquan guards towards Emperor Youming?" Yi Tian blinked and asked, "If fellow Taoist can clearly explain the two Maybe I’ll make a choice about that question too.”

(End of this chapter)

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