
Chapter 1863 Meeting 3

Chapter 1863 Meeting Three

During Yu Wangang's conversation, Yi Tian leaked some shocking news, which was related to the strength of Emperor Youming himself.Unexpectedly, one sentence would calm the other party down, but only by clicking on it can he put a long line to catch big fish. Yi Tian then directly brought the topic to the sphere of influence of the hell world and the nether world.

After talking about such a question, Wan Gang's complexion changed slightly and he didn't know what he meant, but he was very concerned about this matter from his complexion.Speaking of which, these power divisions are also decisive factors for the next decision-making, so Wan Gang has to treat it with caution.

Later, I saw him sternly saying: "If Fellow Daoist Yi rashly asks a question without mentioning the strength of Emperor Nether himself, I will only take it as a sow between me and Yan Qiu."

"That's true, you and Yan Qiu are both monks from the hell world, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I don't think there is a prerequisite for us to cooperate," Yi Tian said with a playful look on his face Get up to each other.

Today, he was able to pretend that Wan Bo's relationship with him was intended to show his goodwill, but he didn't believe him easily. Negotiations were a process in which everyone gradually took out chips to exchange.

After thinking about it, Wan just sighed and said: "Actually, our clan doesn't live very well in the hell world. Before the aggressive trend of the Huangquan clan, we must give up most of our interests to maintain it."

"It seems that your relationship is not as good as I imagined," Yi Tian joked.

"That's true. We naturally came together because of our common interests. Unfortunately, Yan Qiu relied on his own strength to take advantage of everything." Wan Gang mentioned that a helpless look flashed in his eyes.

"Then I wonder if you ever wanted to change the current predicament?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"That's natural, who would be willing to be ridden on the head, if it weren't for the general trend, how could I follow Yan Qiu to the demon world," Wan Gang replied angrily.

"I know the position of fellow daoist, but what about the relationship between Yan Qiu and the guards of Huangquan?" Yi Tian asked.

"Speaking of the Huangquan guards were originally the orthodoxy left by the diehard members of the Nether Dynasty," Wan Gang said with a look of admiration on his face when he mentioned it: "Now the leader of the Huangquan guards is a monk who was born in the early years of the Huangquan clan, otherwise How can I ask him for help?"

"It seems that with the guard of Huangquan behind Yan Qiu, his position in the hell world should not fall down," Yi Tian analyzed.

"That's not necessarily the case," Wan Gang said flatly, "The guards of Huangquan want to restore the Nether Dynasty wholeheartedly, and they have a lot of complaints about the madness of the current Nether Emperor. The division into two factions is just an internal situation of our Horned Clan. It's just weak."

"Because Luan Kuang was not originally from the royal family, and there are no Nether Beasts around him, he will not be recognized by the guards of Huangquan," Yi Tian said lightly.

At the same time, he observed the other party's reaction, and saw that Wan Gang stared at himself silently for a long time, then looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "You Daoist Yi is really a wonderful person, it seems that we have many opportunities to get close down."

"If the barbarian tribe has the opportunity to support the new Nether King, will your side follow suit?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's a natural thing," Wan Gang suddenly woke up after speaking, and then said with ecstasy on his face: "If you can get help from Daoist Yi, it won't be difficult to achieve this."

Yi Tian said casually: "The Concubine Youming Xuanxuan."

"Sure enough, Fellow Daoist Yi, you took away all the things left by the concubine in the Nether Temple," Wan Gang said with a smug look on his face, thinking that he had doubts early in the morning, and now he heard himself say it naturally It confirms the inference.

However, Yi Tian said disapprovingly: "The Concubine Youming said that she wanted to pass on the mantle to the children of the royal family, but unfortunately I can't travel thousands of miles to the Nether Realm to find those inheritors. It seems that the only way is to ask Fellow Daoist Wan Gang to take it personally. A few qualified juniors have come to see me."

"As long as Daoist Yi can take all the mantle of the concubine, I and the Huangquan guards will be your most loyal allies, and Daoist friends, but I have something to ask for, and all the guards of Huangquan will agree," Wan Gang said excitedly. Said.

Yi Tian took out a jade slip and handed it lightly: "Next time you bring the descendants of the Nether Dynasty to see me, you will also attach the items in the jade slip. Besides you, I also want to see you." See who is responsible for the guards of Huangquan, at least someone from your faction."

"I don't know why Daoyou Yi did this?" Wan Gang asked in bewilderment.

"I have a problem with Emperor Youming, so I naturally want to find a special enemy to deal with him together," Yi Tian said, "And once those direct lineage disciples get the Nether Beast and the royal genealogy, I think Luankuang will definitely look down on them." A thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh. One more ally and one less enemy at this moment is the same as that of both of us."

Wan Gang was overjoyed at first after hearing Nether Beast and the royal genealogy, but his face sank after hearing his own analysis.This is a road of no return. Once the Huangquan guards and the Nether Emperor tear their faces apart, it will be a life-and-death struggle between you and me.No matter where you go in the lower three realms, you can't escape the frenzied pursuit, so this move has to be carefully considered before making a decision.

Wan Gang couldn't answer right away, but only put away the jade slip after pondering for a while and said, "You Daoist Yi is right, taking this step is breaking with that guy, I think the head of the guards in Huangquan will have this awareness Alright. Well, since I have agreed to Your Excellency, please wait here for a while, Fellow Daoist, and I will reply when I go to the Yellow Springs guards to discuss with the leader."

"It's okay for me to wait, but Concubine Youming's wish is to pass these things on to the descendants of the Nether Race. If the guards of Huangquan want to hit those two things, don't blame me for being merciless," Yi Tian said threateningly. Dao: "You must know that without any of these two things, it is impossible for a new Nether Emperor to be born, so I ask Fellow Daoist Wan and the head of Huangquan Guard to carefully consider it."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian said everything that should be said, and also said all the words that should be warned.Wan Gang thought for a while before sighing, "Friend Yi Daoist, I will tell the Huangquan guards exactly what you said. Besides, this thing is an advance payment of our sincerity." After speaking, he reached out and took out a jade box to hand come over.

After Yi Tian took the jade box, he gently lifted the talisman on the cover, and then opened the cover, only to see a blue and white spiritual plant inside.After quickly searching the information of this spiritual plant in his mind, he blurted out: "Qing Shuangzi, it seems that Fellow Daoist prepared this thing early in the morning."

Wan Gang nodded with a smile and replied: "The shocking news of the rise and fall of the family in exchange for a spiritual plant is already a big advantage, friend Daoist Yi, don't you think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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