
Chapter 1865

Chapter 1865
After coming out of the Yingbin Building, Yi Tian secretly thought about how to deal with the old demon of the abyss. The treasures in his hands were all deeply demonized, so trying to make alchemy into medicine was extremely harmful to non-demon monks.

But he also practiced the Buddhist sect's secret art, and after purification, it was a breeze to remove the evil force and only keep the yin and cold attribute.

At the same time, I and his accounts can also be calculated together. When I was in the devil world, I suffered a little loss in his hands. Now that my strength is comparable, it is just a lack of a proper opportunity.

Now that he agreed to help the medicine man, Yi Tian also knew the truth about being entrusted with loyalty, not to mention that he had the absolute initiative this time.

Just as he was thinking about it, he realized that he had unknowingly walked near the iron-eating beast tribe's camp, and with a slight smile on his face, his figure disappeared into the void in an instant.After three breaths, he passed through layers of guards and came to the outside of Xiong Erbao's cave. He stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Dao messenger talisman, and after three breaths, the cave door opened.

After Yi Tian's figure rushed in, he discussed with him for a long time before leaving. Afterwards, the power of the entire Iron-eating Beast Clan in Wan Yao City began to operate.On the other hand, Yi Tian returned to the Taiqing Pavilion shop and ordered the Golden Retriever King to pay close attention to the movements of the outside world and notify him as soon as there is news.He then returned to the Yaju on Huxin Island and began to wait quietly.

In one of the rooms, during the three days, I received the Golden Retriever King's summons continuously. Recently, a large number of aliens were dispatched.Its direction is not clear. They only know that they fled directly to the north of the city after leaving Wan Yao City. It seems that something serious happened.

Yi Tian took out the jade slip map and checked the location carefully, while Shaoqing showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Within half a day, news spread that traces of ancient strange beasts had been found near Miasma Ridge, the ruins of the ancient battlefield in the demon world.Many monks of different races in the city quietly left the city and then went to check around Miasma Ridge.

As for those monster monks, they didn't take it at all. They already knew that those in the demon world were forbidden places, and the ancient battlefields in the demon world were the most dangerous places.

Those monks from other races wanted to try their luck, but the monsters were very clear-headed and naturally turned a deaf ear to this message.

Yi Tian sat in the room until the fourth day before receiving a summons jade talisman. After checking the information on it, he summoned the Golden Retriever King and disappeared directly into the house.

After leaving the Wan Yao City, it was found that many monks from different races in the transformation stage and the distraction stage were flying in the direction of the ancient battlefield of the demon clan.Wherever the divine sense went, he found a little bit of evil energy in the air, but he secretly applauded in his heart.

In Ten Thousand Monsters City, you can't do it directly because you are hindering the face of the monster clan. After you take it out, there will be no problem. Besides, those monster clans in the ancient battlefield will also stay at a respectful distance, and it will not hinder anyone anymore if you deal with some private matters there.

Rushing all the way to the scheduled location, I saw that Xiong Erbao had been waiting there long ago, and Yi Tian saw that his face was troubled after the cloud head fell, as if the situation this time was somewhat unexpected.

Knowing that the plan can't keep up with the changes, Yi Tian asked calmly and indifferently: "How is the situation, is the Abyss old devil in the urn?"

"He went in, but Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe was also with him," Xiong Erbao said, "As for Wan Qiang from the Manjiao tribe, he is nowhere to be found. I'm afraid that he will cause trouble when he joins the outside."

"It's rare for you to think about it like this, which means that you have your own opinions on how to do things." Yi Tian laughed and said, "I'll tell you that Wan Qiang will definitely not come back, and I have already used some tricks to drive him away. "

"Really, then you were a little worried if you didn't say earlier that you would harm me," Xiong Erbao said with a sigh of relief after hearing the words.

"We won't lose in a two-on-two situation, not to mention there is Yishun who can come out to help, isn't it?" Yi Tian said disapprovingly.

"It's not two-on-two. Yan Qiu brought the Abyss old devil and Qilin tribe patriarch Guo Linsheng together," Xiong Erbao said angrily, "Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu, who are in your spiritual practice, also came."

Yi Tian frowned slightly, but his face was stunned. He didn't expect that there were so many variables. Guo Linsheng of the Qilin clan seemed to be pulled to make up the numbers.As for Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu, they didn't know why they came to disturb the muddy water.

I saw Xiong Erbao weeping and saying: "Speaking of which, you asked me to set up a formation near Miasma Ridge to lure them to come, but I didn't expect that the ancient monster cave that was buried deep in the ground was actually excavated here by accident. .”

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian said in surprise for no reason: "What kind of cave is it, why didn't you investigate it first?"

Xiong Erbao pouted and said disdainfully: "You also know that I'm a big bastard, and it's up to you to explore the ruins like this."

What he said also made sense. Yitian nodded and took the formation plate from Xiong Erbao's hand, stretched out his hands and printed the Taoist formula, and the formation gradually became clearer.At this time, three hundred miles away to the east, there are five spiritual pressure fluctuations surrounding one place.

Needless to say, the entrance to the cave is there, and there are still some sporadic spiritual pressure fluctuations flying in that direction.The divine sense cannot be easily stretched out in the big formation that he has set up. If they are told that there are five integrated monks gathered in that direction, they will not dare to go again if they are killed.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice Dao Lingguang and took stock of the formation, and in an instant, the fog in the inner world was sent out again, engulfing everyone in a thousand miles around.At first, I felt that the low-level monks could not find their way around like headless chickens.

As for the five people who suddenly disappeared in the array detection, Yi Tian immediately changed his face and said: "It seems that they have broken through the restriction of the cave entrance. I didn't expect such an accident to be caused by this crooked attack."

"Then why don't we quickly catch up to find out what happened?" Xiong Erbao asked.

"Of course we have to go, but now Sheng Zhuangxiong is at a disadvantage, but they are not defeated for a while, we can only quietly follow up and wait until the right time to make a move," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"I don't need you to tell me about it. We'll reap the benefits after they've been beaten to death," Xiong Erbao said with a sinister smile.

"Don't forget to try to transfer Abyss old devil away, he is the main target this time, as for Yan Qiu and Guo Linsheng, you can just figure it out," Yi Tian replied angrily.

After finishing speaking, the figure started to fly directly towards the east, while Xiong Erbao followed behind without saying much.

In less than ten breaths, Yi Tian came to the sky above the position where the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the five people disappeared just now. After falling slowly, he found a collapsed mountain on the cliff, and a white light door was opening on it.

Then he said in a deep voice: "After entering, restrain the breath on your body and wait for the opportunity to move."

(End of this chapter)

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