
Chapter 1866

Chapter 1866
Originally, they wanted to set up a formation near the ancient battlefield in the demon world to attract Yan Qiu and others to dispatch, and then used the convenience of the large formation to divide and conquer to find out the old devil of the abyss and take care of him.But what I didn't expect was that this time it would be self-defeating and directly opened the Yaozu cave near the battlefield of the demon world.

The high-ranking monks who came to follow them naturally mistakenly believed that the Yaozu Cave Mansion was really damaged due to age, so that the original entrance was revealed.

Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao were more than ten breaths late when they felt the cliff. At this time, they could only find out from the fluctuations of spiritual pressure left in the air that five monks of the same level had indeed visited this place before.

Facing this door of light, Yitian showed a helpless expression, shook his head, turned around and said to Xiong Erbao: "It's really not as good as the sky, and it's inevitable to be self-defeating."

"Okay, let's go in quickly, maybe they will search all the inside soon, and there will be no chance to clean up the old devil of the abyss when the time comes," Xiong Erbao said disdainfully.

"Wait a minute, we can't just go," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice.

"Why are you still afraid? Then we might as well wait outside," Xiong Erbao joked.

"It's not that I'm afraid, but that there are many low-level monks of different races coming here, and they will find this place soon." Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "Let me cast a spell to activate this trap first." Go, drive out all the monks in the formation, lest they come in and lose their lives in vain."

After speaking, he sacrificed the spiritual light in his hand and counted the array in his palm. After three breaths, there was a change in the array.The originally clearly visible mountains and rivers were covered by white mist, and then a white mask was opened around the three-mile radius of the cave to separate the inside from the outside world.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian put away the array, turned around and said: "Let's go, go in and have a look, maybe we will meet old acquaintances soon."

After speaking, the two of them filed in through the light gate and came to a mountain passage.Look at how the passage is only one foot high and five feet wide, and the surrounding stone walls are smooth and smooth, as if they were deliberately dug out.

After scanning with his divine sense, Yi Tian was surprised to find that there was still a lot of mucus left on the stone wall. He took out the night pearl to illuminate it, and it turned out to be green liquid, dripping on the defensive cover and making a "squeaky" sound .

"What a strong corrosive power," said Xiong Erbao, "it seems to be the liquid left by some kind of monster."

"There should still be monsters guarding here," Yi Tian said with a serious expression, "If I guessed correctly, it should have been somewhere in the ancient cave, but it was only caused by the hatching or growth of monsters left in it after being abandoned by the owner. The peeling of the prohibition outside the door."

"What kind of monster hatched it? This green slime is so disgusting," Xiong Erbao shouted.

"Keep your voice down so that others will expose your position," Yi Tian hastily stopped and said, "Although the divine sense can only detect the range of about ten feet here, who knows whether those monsters are gifted enough to see The presence of alien invaders."

Xiong Erbao hurriedly closed his mouth when he heard the words, his eyes looked cautious, and he quietly asked, "Will people find out what we said just now?"

"Who knows, but if you are still so unscrupulous, it will be a matter of time before you are discovered," Yi Tian replied displeased.Following the traces on the ground, Yi Tian found that the five people who came in before seemed to have already passed through here and went deep.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand as a signal, and then he led the way ahead and walked forward.Xiong Erbao followed closely behind, with a distance of three or four feet between them and walked on like this.

Not long after walking, Yi Tian found that the passage seemed to be continuously extending down the cliff, and after estimating his own footsteps, he walked at least seven or eight miles in a while.

It's just that the passage below seems to be getting wider and wider, and more and more mucus remains on the surrounding stone walls.He took out the dragon tortoise shield and put it on his head. With the support of the spiritual weapon, the green venom would not harm him at all.

Suddenly, Xiong Erbao's voice transmission came from behind him: "It's good that you have a spiritual weapon to protect yourself, I still have to rely on my own defense to support it forcefully," there seemed to be some dissatisfaction between the words.

Shaking his head helplessly, Yi Tian patted the imperial beast pouch on his waist to summon the Great Immortal Guagua, and a red aura flew out and landed directly on Xiong Erbao's shoulder.When the halo faded, I saw the great fairy Guagua sitting cross-legged on Xiong Erbao's furry shoulders, raised his head and looked around for a while, and then shouted: "What good food did you find for me to eat, this place seems to be the 'bilin silkworm' The lair, it seems that the strength of these poisonous scale silkworms is not weak, at least they are on par with my cultivation level."

"Can you recognize this is the cave of 'Bilin Silkworm'?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.

"It should be. The mucus on the surrounding stone walls is secreted by the 'bilin silkworm', which is extremely poisonous," said the Great Immortal Guagua. After three breaths, his face changed slightly and he said in a trembling tone: "Hurry up! The poisonous scale silkworm should be in the breeding season, and the silkworm king has at least a nine-level high-level cultivation base."

"How can you be so sure?" Xiong Erbao said puzzled: "It is absolutely impossible for ordinary green scaled silkworms to have such a cultivation level. Could it be that you misread it."

"Not necessarily," Yi Tian vetoed: "This is obviously the residence of a certain senior, and those 'poisonous scale silkworms' are mostly spiritual grasses raised by him. Those 'green scale silkworms' themselves have not been taken care of for a long time. It started to reproduce and evolve and eventually became what it is now."

Just as he was talking, he could only hear the sound of fierce spell attacks coming from the depths of the passage, and then he could also get a few spiritual pressure fluctuations.Yi Tian frowned slightly. Judging from its attributes, it seemed that Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu made a move.He secretly hoped that they would not make any big noises, otherwise it would be difficult for him to confess to Qing Lianyun.

Said in a deep voice: "It's better to restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations on our bodies and let's move forward quickly," saying that the whole person flew into the air and galloped towards the depths of the passage.Xiong Erbao who was behind said 'unlucky', and then used his escapism to follow.

After the two of them passed half a mile, they came to a fork in the road. After carefully distinguishing the direction of the spiritual pressure fluctuation, Yi Tian chose the rightmost passage and got in.

Flying not far away, I saw a little green fluorescent light shining on the stone wall of the passage, and when I looked closely, it turned out to be green scaled silkworms as thick as thumbs, but these scaled silkworms had wounds as small as needle eyes, needless to say, it was Sheng Zhuangxiong who shot them. solved them.

On the shoulder of Xiong Erbao behind him, the croaking immortal suddenly stuck out his tongue and rolled two 'bilin silkworms', put them in his mouth and chewed them a few times before swallowing them.

After eating, he said: "The green-scaled silkworms of the sixth and seventh ranks are not very full."

"It would be best if you still have an appetite when you see Silkworm King later," Yi Tian glared at him and shouted sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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