
Chapter 1867 Handling

Chapter 1867 Handling
Hearing his own words, the Great Immortal Quack's complexion changed slightly. Speaking of which, there will always be a king silkworm in every cluster of 'bilin silkworms'. These low-level young silkworms in front of him are really delicious to the Great Immortal Quack.But once they meet someone of similar level, they can only rely on their natural supernatural powers to suppress them. As for the silkworm king with a higher cultivation base, even if they have natural supernatural powers to restrain them, they have to avoid their edge for the time being.

After hearing this, the Great Immortal Quack's complexion changed slightly, and he dared not say any more, for fear of really angering his master.Looking around, Yi Tian turned on his divine sense, although he couldn't find the exact location of the sound in front, but he was sure that he didn't find the wrong way.

The passages here are winding and extending in all directions, not like they were dug by hand.The further down he went, Yi Tian found that the green light spots on the surrounding walls became denser.Needless to say, this road will probably lead to the hatching room of the 'Green Scale Silkworm', and I don't know that the senior master left the cave here.Then a nest of 'bilin silkworms' was left here. Judging from the traces around the stone wall, the cave has existed for at least 3 to [-] years.

Thinking secretly in my heart, this period of time happened to be the time of chaos and disorder in the entire demon world, and this place is so close to the ancient demon clan battlefield, maybe it was the spirit insects left by the demon clan who participated in the scuffle back then. '

Then, after going deeper, not long after walking, the sound of 'Zrazla' could be heard continuously from the depths of the passage in front of them, mixed with the air waves caused by the abnormally sharp spiritual pressure fluctuations, rushing towards the position of the two of them.

Yi Tian raised the dragon tortoise armor shield in his hand and protected Xiong Erbao behind him. After the strong wind blew in front of him, he was immediately blocked three feet away and could not make any further progress.

After ten breaths, the strong wind in front of him gradually eased, and Yi Tian took the opportunity to sacrifice the dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him and hurriedly explored the passage ahead.

Half a moment later, he found the exit of the passage directly, and at this time, the spiritual sense could already check the situation outside the exit.It seemed that there was a stone room with a width of hundreds of feet. At this time, Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu were using magic techniques to continuously remove the eggs in front of them.

Unsurprisingly, Yi Tian was the first to reveal his identity and spread out the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, and then hurried out to the stone room.Xiong Erbao, who was behind him, also followed closely and started to be vigilant.

I saw that Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu were stunned, but after seeing the appearance of the person, their faces were full of surprise.Zhong Liangsu said, "Why is your grandson-in-law?"

"I was just looking for you, five people came in, why are you the only two here?" Yi Tian asked.

Sheng Zhuangxiong was startled when he heard the words and hurriedly replied: "Junior Brother Yi, why did you find out what's going on here so early?"

"It's a long story," Yi Tian didn't hide anything, and quickly explained the situation here, but only concealed his plan to clean up the old devil of the abyss. After hearing this, Zhong Liangsu and the two of them had puzzled expressions on their faces. Only slightly eased down.

Then Sheng Zhuangxiong said in a deep voice: "When we came in, our two-on-three strength was weak, so we chose a branch road early in the morning to explore separately with them so as not to get together to make trouble."

"That's also a way," Yi Tian nodded and replied, "But since we're here, we don't need to be afraid of them any more because we have the advantage of numbers and strength under four versus three."

"Grandson-in-law is right," Zhong Liangsu said with an old-fashioned look on his face: "I have long disliked that Yan Qiu, but this time I didn't expect that he would also find Guo Linsheng from the Qilin clan. This old guy and us They always fight against each other. And that old devil from the abyss is full of evil spirits, and he doesn't like it."

"Don't be angry, I'm here to help you," Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "Now we have to be very careful when we go into the hatching cave of the 'Green Silkworm'. How strong is it, it will inevitably take some effort to deal with it."

"Junior Brother Yi, what do you think of the situation here? When we arrived, we found that there were thousands of young 'green-scaled silkworms' all over the place, and the number of them could not be killed." I'm afraid I can't go any further."

Following the direction of his finger, Yi Tian took a closer look at the hundreds of feet of stone room in front of him, and there were densely packed green 'green silkworms' hanging on the walls.At this time, Sheng Zhuangxiong's sharp sword silk avoided him and surrounded him twenty feet away.

It's just that they gathered together to seal the passage behind the stone chamber, as if they were guarding something.

Visually inspected these 'green-scaled silkworms', although there are quite a few of them, most of them are the same as the ones I saw before, and they are all six-level and seven-level cultivation bases. They are not a threat to the monks in the fusion period, but they are huge for a while. It cannot be completely removed.

It is not a big problem to deal with these 'green scale silkworms' in front of him, but Yi Tian is constantly thinking about how to create opportunities for one-on-one encounters with Abyss Old Demon.

After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to Immortal Guagua, "It's your turn to drive out the larvae of these 'bilin silkworms', so we can go deeper quickly."

"How much can I eat?" The Great Immortal Guagua asked with a high price when he saw that there was a request from him.

In fact, Yi Tian didn't want to expose his real means. To deal with these larvae, he could easily expel them by using ignorance. "Eat until you're full, but remember not to overdo it, or you won't be able to digest it yourself and you'll cause trouble."

With his own words, the Great Immortal Guagua immediately grinned, and then jumped off Xiong Erbao's shoulders to the ground.Big bubbles bulged from both cheeks, and he opened his mouth and let out a cheerful cry.Its cries resounded throughout the stone room, and after three breaths, the densely packed 'bilin silkworms' in front of them all trembled involuntarily.Under the suppression of this innate supernatural power, the 'bilin silkworm' instinctively developed a heart of fear.

It's just that they seemed to have received some orders, knowing that they didn't dare to take a step back in the face of natural enemies.

The Great Immortal Guagua sized up the 'Bilin Silkworm' in front of him with disdain, and then opened his mouth, a little bit of red starlight flashed out of his mouth.The next moment, when the starlight flew out of it, it turned into a fist-sized fireball and blasted towards the blue-scaled silkworms in front of it.

After the crackling sound of "哗啦哗啦", the toad fire bomb, which was obviously weaker than Shengzhuang Xiongling Yaohuaqianju, exploded in the densely packed group of "bilin silkworms" in front of him.

The fire ignited instantly, igniting the entire stone chamber.At this moment, the larvae of the 'Green Scale Silkworm' couldn't hold back anymore, they all turned around and burrowed into the cracks on the stone wall.Those who ran slowly were immediately ignited by the fire and burned into delicious sausages. '

However, Yi Tian found that the toad fire bomb in the mouth of the Great Immortal Guagua already contained a little Nanming Lihuo, and if this continues, people will see the clues.

(End of this chapter)

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