
Chapter 1868 Encounter

Chapter 1868 Encounter
In the hatching hole of the 'Green Scale Silkworm', the Great Immortal croaked and showed his power. Although his cultivation was not as strong as that of Sheng Zhuangxiong, he suppressed the large group of 'Green Scale Silkworms' in front of him instantly by relying on the suppression of his natural talent.

After the toad fireball passed by, there were clusters of green 'meat sausages' all over the ground, I saw him jumping forward excitedly, opening his mouth and sticking out his long tongue to roll up those 'meat sausages' one after another Put it in your mouth and chew it.

At the same time, he kept turning his head and said to the people behind him: "This food is delicious, why don't you try it?"

Seeing the green juice flowing out of his mouth, Yi Tian immediately lost his appetite. Speaking of which, the smell of the barbecue really makes people feel a little appetizing.It's just that the 'Green Scale Silkworm' contains a lot of venom, even if it is roasted, there will still be residues. Yi Tian knew that Wufu Xiaoshou just took out a Haina bottle and started to continuously collect the venom left on the ground.

These things may not be useful in my own hands, but exchanging them with the poison master or the medicine man may have unexpected effects.

Soon Yitian filled the Haina bottle, and after looking back, the larvae of the 'Green Scale Silkworm' in the stone room in front of him were all cleared away after a while.In the depths of the stone chamber appeared a dark road leading to nowhere.

Sheng Zhuangxiong took the lead and went up and said: "Let's go, let's go down and check it out. According to my estimation, this place should be a temporary cave left by some ancient ancestors. Back then, these 'bilin silkworms' were taken away in a hurry. This happens only if the larvae are left behind," Zhong Liangsu also silently communicated with Yi Tiandao and followed.

Seeing this, Yi Tian winked at Xiong Erbao, who reached out his hand knowingly and waved to the Great Immortal Guagua, "Let's go, we don't know what will happen next, don't waste your time here," and immediately The two followed directly.

Not long after entering the passage, four forked roads appeared in front of him again, and Yi Tian asked in a deep voice: "How did you separate from Yan Qiu and the others in the previous four forked roads?"

"At first, I thought I was not in the same way as them, so I parted ways when I saw that they chose the right path," Zhong Liangsu said.

"So that's how it is," Yi Tianzheng said as he suddenly felt a strong wave of spiritual pressure coming from the ground.

The three people around also sensed the problem at the same moment, and it was obvious that it was a figure at the level of a monk in the integration period who made a move.The complexions of the four of them changed slightly, and everyone was very restrained along the way, even if they made a move, they would try their best to control the power of supernatural powers within a certain range.

Otherwise, the unscrupulous actions in this underground passage caused the earthquake and landslide accident, which will also hinder the subsequent exploration.

But what happened just now was obviously the spiritual pressure fluctuations emitted by someone after they shot with all their strength. It goes without saying that the three of Yan Qiu must have encountered some troubles and that's why it happened.

"Go forward quickly, I have a hunch that they may have encountered some powerful opponent," Zhong Liangsu hurriedly urged Sheng Zhuangxiong who opened the way ahead.

"It's either the King 'Bilin Silkworm' or he has to stay here. Judging from this power, it seems that the result of the three people shooting at the same time," Yi Tian added.

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of the three of them changed drastically. If Yan Qiu and the three of them could make a move at the same time, then the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated.

Walking all the way forward, the feeling of the spiritual pressure fluctuations and blows coming from the ground became clearer after walking for a few miles.At the same time, stones mixed with green venom fell from time to time on the stone walls around the passage.The four of them shuttled through the rickety passage, until half a moment later they saw an exit not far away.

Just as he was about to burst out from there, suddenly several strands of black evil spirit poured in from the exit, and the golden aura on Sheng Zhuangxiong's body suddenly appeared, and he raised thousands of sword threads to meet him directly.

With the loud 'Ziz' sound, those black evil spirits were instantly defeated, and the four of them rushed out from the passage.Yi Tian frowned slightly after scanning his mind, and found that the four of them were now in an underground space hall.

The space here is about a hundred feet in radius, and there is also a passage at the other end of the hall, and the three of Yan Qiu are spread out and lined up around the entrance of the passage.It's just that the entrance to their passage was blocked by a layer of green silk at the moment.

And in front of them were two demon cultivators in green shirts, a man and a woman, holding several long green ropes in their hands, and they were fighting against the three of them.

After seeing someone rushing in, Yan Qiu was overjoyed at first, but his complexion changed slightly when he saw clearly.He said in his mouth: "Why are you?"

Obviously this sentence was directed at himself, Yi Tian said with disdain slightly: "Could it be me, friend Yan Daoist, we meet again, it seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble."

After all, the divine thoughts swept across the two green-clothed monster cultivators in front of them, and their pupils froze immediately. The spiritual pressure fluctuations on the two of them were all at the middle level of the ninth level, and the woman among them directly showed the appearance of the lower level of the ninth level. as strong.

Originally, I thought that the 'bilin silkworm' was only the queen silkworm, but I didn't expect that there was also a silkworm king.

After seeing the person coming, the man and the woman became vigilant, and the green long ropes in their hands were also sacrificed in front of them, their eyes glanced at the person vigilantly, and it was the silkworm queen who said: "This seat, Biwen, has been practicing here for many years. I haven't left the customs yet, why are you bothering me to clean up?"

Speaking of which, the seven people invaded each other's territory this time to cause such an accident, but it is still impossible to distinguish who is right and who is wrong, everything still depends on strength.

Yan Qiu quickly calculated the situation in front of him, knowing how to choose at this time.Then he lowered his head and transmitted the sound transmission: "Friend Daoist Yi, let's put aside our prejudices for the time being and deal with the incarnation 'Bird Scaled Silkworm' in front of you. You must know that this place is the cave left by the ancestors in the Middle Ages. Let's gather the strength of the seven of us to deal with the two incarnations." The shape demon cultivator is more than enough."

"Does Yan Daoyou's words represent the Abyss old devil and Guo Linsheng behind you?" Yi Tian didn't reply directly, but asked instead: "If you can express your heart, then it's okay for us to join forces temporarily."

Yan Qiu's face remained unchanged and he immediately replied: "That's natural. Fellow Daoist Abyss and Fellow Daoist Guo also mean the same thing, it depends on how you choose."

"My thoughts are naturally similar to yours, but since you guys provoked this matter, you are responsible for dealing with the worm queen. As for the worm king, leave it to us to deal with it," Yi Tian said without waiting for his reply and directly communicated the decision. Passed it to the three people around him.

Immediately, the three of them dispersed one after another and surrounded each other behind them, closing the door and beating the dog, blocking the insect king's escape route.

Seeing this, Yan Qiu secretly spat and couldn't do anything about it. Who told them to ask for help from others at this time, and then relayed the results of the discussion to Old Demon Abyss and Guo Lin Shengzhi.The three of them then stood in a zigzag formation and locked their spiritual sense on the insect queen not far in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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