
Chapter 1869 Siege

Chapter 1869 Siege
In the depths of the cave, the four of them happened to meet Yan Qiu and the other three confronting the 'Bright Scaled Silkworm' Queen and King of Worms. After some negotiation, the two sides quickly reached a tacit agreement to temporarily join forces to deal with the immediate predicament.

Although it was seven against two at this time, everyone didn't feel the advantage of having a large number of people at all. Instead, they silently guarded against each other in secret.Don't look at the 'Green Scaled Silkworm', the insect king and queen, who are all in human form and only have a mid-to-late level nine cultivation base. Once they show their original form, they will definitely increase in strength.

The other party obviously saw everyone's intentions, but the worm queen yelled at Yi Tian and the others: "You have strayed into my cave, as long as you leave right now, I don't need to hold you accountable for killing my descendants."

Obviously, after sweeping over several people, her eyes finally stopped on the body of the great immortal on Xiong Erbao's shoulder.Judging from the green juice spit out from his mouth from time to time, he must have eaten a lot of 'bilin silkworms'.

However, a hero doesn't suffer from the immediate disadvantages, and the worm queen also knows that he has to afford it and let it go when he is outnumbered. It is the best policy to temporarily dismiss the four newcomers.

But several people have lived for thousands of years, and Jingjuan will not be moved by these simple words. Both Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu sacrificed their spiritual weapons to lock the divine mind to the insect king, while Xiong Erbao The black and white two-color spiritual power all over his body is ready to go.

Only Yi Tian kept playing with the dragon tortoise armor shield in his hand with a lazy look, but in fact most of his attention was still on Abyss Old Demon.But in his heart, he was thinking about how to make a move in order to gain the greatest benefit.

Suddenly, a strange cry came out from the mouth of the queen, but behind her were two pairs of wings that were as thin as cicada's wings.Everyone was stunned, and it was too late to say it.The figure of the Queen of Worms flashed in an instant, turned into a green light and shadow, and after passing by the three people in front of her, she even directly attacked Xiong Erbao.

To be precise, it was obviously aimed at the Great Immortal Guagua who was squatting on his shoulders. Two green auras flew out of the green light and shadow, pierced through the void and made a sound of '呵呵', and hit the Immortal Gugua directly on the face.

The latter was stunned by the sudden attack, and hurriedly urged: "Big man, make a move."

A black and white two-color spiritual energy sacrifice directly protected Xiong Erbao.But as soon as the green aura hit Xiong Erbao's protective aura, it was blocked by a red mask.

Naturally, Yi Tian was standing at the position of being attacked at this time, and Xiong Erbao and Guagua Daxian had been switched to one side at some point. It was obvious that this was the space supernatural power of the Taiqing Pavilion, and Yi Tian was attacked after the actual battle. In an instant, he switched places with Xiong Erbao and forcibly took the next move for him.

Everyone around was stunned, their eyes flashed brightly, and they didn't know what they were thinking about.But the Great Immortal Quack sighed and said, "I'm scared to death."

In the red aura, the phantom of the dragon tortoise shield flashed by Yi Tian curled his lips and ignored the reactions of others. He looked at the dragon tortoise shield in his hand and found that the aura on it was dimmed. It seems that the worm queen's The power of one blow was far beyond my expectation.

If Xiong Erbao is forced to take the move, it is inevitable that he will suffer some hidden losses. Fortunately, he has already placed a space imprint on the Great Immortal Guagua, otherwise he would not be able to use the supernatural power so easily.

On the contrary, Zhong Liangsu looked complacent, he is a member of the Taiqing sect, so he naturally knew the source and power of this move, with such assistance, it would be of no avail.

Since the other party suddenly became violent, our side can no longer sit still, only to hear Yi Tian quickly say two words "do it," and the spiritual weapons in the hands of Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu coincidentally aimed directly at the insect king Hit away.

The two green long ropes in the hands of the insect king were intertwined and faced the spirit swords of the two people head-on. After they were intertwined, they made a sound of "嗤嗤嗤嗤."I saw that the long rope seemed to be entangled with the spirit sword, and the sword rolled up after a move, while the insect king tried to retract the two spirit weapons with both hands.

Seeing this, Sheng Zhuangxiong's face changed slightly, and then he said in a seal with his hands: "Solution." Immediately, the spirit sword disintegrated into filaments, came out from the long green rope, and attacked the insect king.

Seeing that Lingyao Huaqian's sword thread was about to hit the body of the insect king, two white lights flashed, and two teams of white wings extended from his back to wrap the insect king's body directly.

The crisp sound of "ping pong pong" was endless, but Lingyao Huaqian's sword silk hit the wings of the insect king's body and was all bounced off.

As for Zhong Liangsu, he was also muttering words, his spirit sword shrank into a ball of light after a flash of light, and broke free from the entanglement of the long rope.Hovering in the air, it turned into a white tiger with light and shadow, and rushed towards the insect king.

Although the two of them didn't achieve full success with one move, they could hold back the hands and feet of the worm king, while the three of Yan Qiu on the other side greeted the worm queen with their supernatural powers.For a while, the queen had no time to clone and could only forcibly defend herself.

Yi Tian bowed his head and transmitted the voice until Xiong Erbao told him to do so. After three breaths, he saw black and white spiritual power in Xiong Erbao's hands, and the great immortal Guagua opened his mouth again and spit out three sparks from his mouth.The black and white spiritual power was injected into sparks, and then quietly flew out of the spark, and after making a whirring sound in the air, it suddenly exploded and turned into a three-foot-sized fireball, flying towards the insect king.

Feeling the terrifying energy in the fireball due to animal instinct, the insect king didn't dare to accept this move, and the figure retreated after his wings flapped hurriedly behind him.

But he found that the corners of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slightly, and he stretched out his hands to quickly form seals.Suddenly the fireball in front of him disappeared out of thin air.In other words, he was pulled into another space, and a space crack the size of a foot suddenly appeared on the path where the insect king faded away. Unavoidable, we can only forcibly take the next step.

"Darling," the worm queen didn't finish her sentence, only to hear the sound of 'bang', the flames scattered in the cave, the worm king sideways avoided the frontal attack, but was still swept away by the afterflame of the fireball.

Wherever the flame went, his back wings were ignited, only a scream of 'Wow' was heard, and soon the insect king's body was all set ablaze.

At this time, the Queen of Worms didn't care about fighting back, seeing the King of Worms being injured, she hurriedly forcibly pushed away the attack and flew over.The flames on the insect king's body revealed a glimmer of light, and it was not ordinary at first glance, while the insect queen took a sharp breath and spit out a large amount of green juice from her mouth, directly covering the insect king's body.

In this way, all the flames on his body were extinguished, but after the flames were extinguished, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the insect king's body were obviously weakened by more than [-]%.It seemed that he had consumed a lot after winning the move, and the situation on the field became clearer.Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu naturally wouldn't let go of their hands when they saw that their side had the upper hand. Thousands of filaments fell and directly covered the figures of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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