
Chapter 1871

Chapter 1871

After absorbing a large amount of essence, the strength of the 'Green Scale Silkworm' queen has skyrocketed to the peak of level nine, and she is about to enter the state of level ten.

After escaping from the ground, he turned into a green ray of light and directly stopped the old abyss demon who was about to leave.Her escape speed was more than double that of Abyss Old Demon, which surprised everyone present.Yi Tian secretly rejoiced in his heart, if the Queen of Worms directly dealt with the Abyss Old Demon, it would save him a lot of effort.

With a 'swish', a petite female cultivator with her back and wings appeared in the green light, she opened her mouth and spit out a large amount of green silk, which instantly surrounded the old devil of the abyss in the middle.

After three breaths, he continuously compressed his activity space and directly wrapped it into a silkworm cocoon. With a "bang", the green silkworm cocoon, which was one foot in size, fell heavily from the air and smashed a ten-foot-diameter pit on the cliff below.

From the aura, it can be seen that the spiritual pressure fluctuations revealed by the abyss old devil at this time are three points weaker than normal. I didn't expect that the queen's strength is so strong that she will win the fusion stage magic cultivator face to face.

The next moment, I saw a slender silk sticking out from her back and directly connected to the cocoon on the ground.At the same time, a large amount of spiritual power flowed out from the cocoon and directly returned to the queen herself.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face turned ashen. They didn't expect that the queen of insects could absorb the spiritual power of the people in the cocoon in this way.Under the ebb and flow, it is equivalent to the fact that the originally dominant strength of our own side has weakened a bit.

Seeing this, everyone understands in their hearts that if they don't understand it today, they will be defeated one by one by it and become a delicious meal for the queen.

Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu lowered their heads and secretly transmitted the sound, and they took the lead in attacking. In an instant, arrows rained all over the sky, and a solid sword light appeared in the midst of it, attacking the queen's back.

Unexpectedly, the worm queen didn't seem to take a serious look at all. Instead, she turned her head and fixed her eyes on Xiong Erbao in the sky in the distance and the great immortal on his shoulder.Immediately, the faces of the two of them tightened, and they hurriedly pushed back.

After the green light flashed by, the queen vomited green to protect herself, and the sword silks of Lingyao Huaqian were all stuck to the green silk after hitting them, and soon the golden light on the sword silk was dimmed, as if it was the spirit Force was drawn for three points.

Sheng Zhuangxiong's face tightened and said: "Be careful of those silks, they can directly absorb the aura from the spirit weapon."

After hearing this, everyone's faces naturally changed slightly, and the ugliest one was Xiong Erbao.At this time, he was being closely watched, and the worm queen had already taken the lead in the flash attack just now.

The sound of "嗖嗖嗖" was loud, and several silk threads protruded from the queen's mouth again, sweeping towards Xiong Erbao's surroundings.

Black and white spiritual power flashed in the air, and the croaking immortal standing on Xiong Erbao also opened his mouth and protruded three sparks from it.

As the old trick was repeated, the spiritual power in Xiong Erbao's hand strengthened the spark, turning it into a five-foot-sized fireball and hitting the green silk in front of him.

After the sound of "coaxing", one red and one green magical power attacked in the air, Xiong Erbao was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that after the two sides fought, although the fireball could burn the opponent's silk, the strength of the queen was obviously three points stronger.

Then I saw the queen worm transformed into a green moth with a ferocious face and the size of three feet.There are several holes on the rear end of the body, and green silk flies out of them to cover it again.

This time, the fireball launched by Xiong Erbao was counterpressed, and then there was another 'swish' sound in the air, covering Xiong Erbao all at once.The old trick was repeated, and the Queen of Worms succeeded again, trapping Xiong Erbao.At this time, a thread of silk on her body is directly connected to the silkworm chrysalis to draw spiritual power.

But Xiong Erbao's figure suddenly appeared at the position where Yi Tian was originally standing, and his complexion changed slightly, and he shouted out of breath: "It's amazing, everyone, hurry up to avoid her way."

"Where's the grandson-in-law?" Zhong Liangsu asked eagerly.

"Exchanged places with me, and he is in the cocoon at this time," Xiong Erbao hurriedly replied, with a little worry on his face.After all, the abyss old devil was still trapped in the cocoon and couldn't get out.Just as he was thinking about it, he saw that the green cocoon in the sky in the distance did not fall, but three dots of empty white aura came from the inside to the outside.

After the sound of 'click', a bright white figure sprang out from the silkworm cocoon and stabilized in the air. After the halo faded, Yi Tian's true self appeared.In Yan Qiu's eyes, this kind of situation naturally gave birth to a deep fear of his strength.I don't see that the abyss old devil is still trapped, but the aura that flashed on Yi Tian's body seems to have a lot of background, not like a colorful aura, but more like some kind of extremely terrifying supernatural power.

Not allowing Yan Qiu to think too much, Yi Tian's voice immediately spread: "Yan Daoyou, you should also do it, if you don't solve the other party quickly, I'm afraid we will all be in trouble."

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry about it, I know what to do," Yan Qiu said, stretching out his hand to sacrifice two yellow sulfur flames, and then hitting the Queen of Worms.Guo Linsheng, who was in the distance, also followed closely behind, raised a blood-colored aura in his hand, and flew towards the Queen of Worms.

A mass of green silk appeared in the air, and after the insect queen opened her mouth, she spit out a large amount of silk, interweaving protective nets around her.The supernatural powers cast by Yan Qiu and Guo Linsheng attacked the silk, and they were like mud cows falling into the sea, but only caused a wave of waves, and they were immediately caught up.

At the same time, the sulfur fire continued to burn on the silk for ten breaths, and then gradually extinguished, and the silk became brighter and brighter, as if it had absorbed a lot of spiritual power.

After Yan Qiu saw it, he shouted: "This silk has the effect of absorbing spiritual power and supernatural powers, even I can't do anything about it."

Similar to Sheng Zhuangxiong's Yaoling Huaqian performed before, the trick that the two are proud of cannot work on the Queen of Worms.As for the magical powers displayed by Guo Linsheng of the Qilin clan, it was more like a stimulant that made the spiritual pressure fluctuate on his body after the queen absorbed it.

At this time, everyone finally noticed some clues. It turns out that the silk of the queen of insects seems to be more restraint on the supernatural powers of the monster monks.As for other monks of different races, it seems that the absorption effect is slightly worse because of the repulsion of spiritual power attributes.

The only thing that can break through the silk is Yi Tian's white halo magical power, but at this time his complexion is extremely solemn, and he doesn't know what countermeasure he is thinking in his heart.

Speaking of it, Yi Tian was also very distressed. Although he escaped from the silk cocoon with a ignorant flame before, if he uses it again under the eyes of everyone, they will definitely see the clue.At that time, not to mention Yan Qiu and others, even Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu would have doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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