
Chapter 1872 Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 1872 Heavenly Tribulation
After a fight with the Queen of Worms, everyone understood that although the other party's tricks were simple and there was only silk, the natal magic weapon was powerful.It can continue to attack and defend, and it can also occasionally absorb the spiritual power from magical spells and spiritual weapons to feed back to the queen herself.After fighting like this, it turned into a refueling tactic. After some fighting, it seemed that the seven of them teamed up and didn't gain the slightest advantage.Instead, the Abyss Old Demon was trapped by the queen's tricks, and the magical powers of the other four were like great tonics, hitting the queen and constantly replenishing her spiritual power.

Seeing that none of the tricks of the people were effective, Yi Tian thought about it and then lowered his head and said a few words to the Great Immortal Guagua and Xiong Erbao through sound transmission.After hearing the words, the two descended from the clouds and found the silkworm cocoon that besieged the old devil of the abyss, and then sacrificed Nanming Lihuo again.

After a sound of 'crash', the silkworm cocoon broke a half-foot-long opening from the outside, and a black evil spirit gushed out a figure from the inside, taking advantage of the situation and escaping into the midair.It's just that the abyss old devil's face is pale at this time, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body can only match the seven-point appearance of his heyday.

After getting out of trouble, the old devil of the abyss was also obviously taken aback. After seeing that it was Xiong Erbao who gave the helping hand, there was no expression of gratitude on his face.After pulling away, he flew directly to the side and deliberately kept a distance from Yan Qiu and others.

After Yi Tian saw it, he secretly rejoiced in his heart, this is what he wanted.On the surface, Abyss Old Demon still had some grievances with himself, but at this time, the fragile alliance between him and Yan Qiu was gone.Forgive me for not seeing that Yan Qiu and the others didn't help him when he was trapped just now, and now they are fighting against each other, and it's time for them to part ways after the matter in front of them is understood.

Although Yan Qiu could vaguely guess some of his intentions, the situation was stronger than others, and he couldn't make a move to stop him, so he could only watch the situation develop.

As if aware of everyone's situation, the Queen of Worms shouted: "You foreign monks and monster scum dare to harm my 'Bilin Silkworm' clan. Today I will show you the anger of this palace, you Don't even think about leaving," he said, with a green dazzling light all over his body.

There seemed to be a huge spiritual power echoing from the ground, and after ten breaths, from time to time, green stars flew out of the cracks in the ground into the midair.

Yi Tian looked at them and found that these were the larvae of the 'Green Scaled Silkworm'. After flying into the air, they curled up into a ball, and the spiritual power on their body was directly connected with the main body of the queen.

Tens of thousands of so many 'green scale silkworms' flew out and directly covered the sky in this place.The seven people are now trapped in it, and suddenly a little bit of light flashed above the green light, and Yi Tian looked at it intently, and immediately changed his expression: "Be careful that those are the silks of 'Green Scale Silkworm'."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the hundreds of miles around were covered by countless silks, which looked like a huge trap restricting the movement space of the seven people.

Moreover, the supernatural powers in the hand can be cut off by hitting those silks after being sacrificed, but part of the spiritual power in the supernatural powers has also been absorbed.The new silk grows crazily, making the surroundings tighter and tighter.

Yan Qiu's group and Sheng Zhuangxiong saw something was wrong and hurriedly used supernatural powers to cut off the silk coming up from all around, and at the same time they pulled away and flew to the edge, looking for an opportunity to find a breakthrough and leave.

Xiong Erbao, with the assistance of the Great Immortal Guagua, set up the True Flame to guard against death, and he was still waiting for Yi Tian's action.

At this time, Yi Tian had a solemn expression on his face. Judging from the current battle situation, it seemed that everyone was being led by the nose by the Queen of Worms.If only in terms of strength, any three of them teamed up can equalize with each other, but unfortunately they all have ulterior motives and will not use all their strength to patronize the front and save their lives.

Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm above his head, and Yi Tian raised his head to wait and see, and his face was shocked.I saw that the sky had gathered into a thousand miles of calamity cloud at some point, and the scope of this calamity cloud was still expanding.

Visually, in such an environment, it seems that only the queen's cultivation is most likely to touch the limit of the Mahayana period.Obviously this time she absorbed the worm king and devoured so many 'bilin silkworm' larvae, and then she was able to raise her cultivation to the peak of a ninth-level monster.

Coupled with the fact that after fighting with the seven people in front of her, she was constantly absorbing the spiritual power from them, so it was a living opportunity for her to break through the entrance.

The five people in the distance also looked up at the sky at this time, but their faces showed helpless bitterness.Unexpectedly, they were all old monsters who had lived for thousands of years, but now they were calculated by a bug.

I only heard the worm queen laughing and said: "You foreign monks didn't expect to have today's catastrophe, right? When the sky thunder falls, it will help me share the power of the thunder catastrophe. After I am reborn, I will suck up your essence one by one From now on, this demon world will be ruled by me."

"Wishful thinking," Yi Tian yelled coldly: "I didn't expect you to be so maddened to extract the essence of the descendants of the same clan to replenish yourself. What you do will definitely become a thunder punishment."

"What is Thunder Punishment?" Xiong Erbao in the distance asked puzzled.

"Originally, it was the thunder catastrophe that fell on those heinous people or spiritual cultivators who violated human relations, or it would also be the same for those bloody demon cultivators," Yi Tian explained.

Looking at the situation on the scene, Yi Tian raised his hands to sacrifice the colorful rays of light, and instantly defeated the silk coming up from all around.At the same time, it also cut off the silk surrounding the five people.

The broken silk that was split by the colorful rays of light revealed a little bit of glow, but those broken silks could not be restarted under the action of this supernatural power.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian was overjoyed immediately, and the seven-colored glow in his hand was sacrificed again, and after shining on the silk around him, he directly cut off thousands of silk with a knife.

In the next four weeks, the five people together with Xiong Erbao all shot at the Queen of the Worm.At the same time, the thunder from the sky also came unexpectedly, but this time the thunder calamity that fell was different from the normal situation.

Yi Tian saw from a distance that there was a strong purple in the thunder light, and at the same time, the seal in Niwan Palace was ready to move, as if it had an inexplicable affinity for this thunder disaster.Yi Tian was so frightened that he hurriedly worked hard to suppress the restlessness of the seal.

The purple thunder light fell on the queen's body accurately, and the fierce force pushed her to the top of the cliff.And the sparked arc immediately spread to the surroundings and directly overturned everyone.Those who were in the competition were shocked hundreds of miles away, and even Xiong Erbao was forced to retreat outside the encirclement of silk.

It's just that Yi Tian's figure is missing among these people, facing the thunder disaster, Yi Tian does not retreat but advances.Taking advantage of the moment when the thunder flashed after the thunder disaster fell, he took out a simple oil lamp in his hand, which was the secret treasure of Lihuo Palace 'Zixiao lamp'.After a few sparks flashed above, he raised his flame magic power and flew towards the position of the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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