
Chapter 1873 Restraint

Chapter 1873 Restraint
After the Heavenly Tribulation ushered in for no reason, everyone was affected, except for Yi Tian, ​​the rest of the people were shocked by the power of the Thunder Tribulation, hundreds of miles away, to the edge of the enchantment that the Queen of Worms took over.

An old fox like Yan Qiu had no choice but to forcibly attack the queen. Now that he was affected by the thunder calamity, he hid directly at the edge of the barrier.Unexpectedly, after stabilizing his figure in the air, he turned around and raised the brimstone fire in his hand, aiming at the green silk barrier behind him.After three breaths, a two-foot-sized hole was opened in the barrier, and the next moment Yan Qiu's body suddenly burst into light, and he went straight out of it.

With him at the beginning, Guo Linsheng who was next to him also followed the same example. After offering the magic spell in his hand, he directly pierced through the barrier and escaped the second one.

A person of his stature naturally understands the principle of cherishing one's body, the most important thing is that a dead fellow Daoist should not die and the poor Daoist can live.

As for the abyss old devil, three points of his spiritual power were drawn, and his strength was weakened to about five points after receiving the aftermath of the catastrophe.At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the two accomplices had already fled ahead of time, so he naturally didn't want to stay here and be affected.

It's just that his strength was damaged, but he couldn't forcibly open the enchantment to escape in the first time.The magic light formed by the black evil energy in his hand hit the green silk, but it just made a huge pit.

When he shot for the second time, the black magic light was caught by a black and white two-color spiritual power before it hit the barrier.Looking back, it was Xiong Erbao who arrived, locked on by his divine sense and stood not far away to hold each other.

The Abyss old devil showed displeasure on his face and said: "I don't know what you want, but today I am at a disadvantage, so please let me go."

"Don't show weakness so early, I was just entrusted by others to keep you for a while, and someone came back later to talk to you," Xiong Erbao said with a face full of disdain.

"It's that kid Yi Tian. I didn't expect such a big trouble to be buried in a moment of soft hands back then," the old devil of the abyss said angrily. Yi Tian made a move, and it was almost impossible to leave calmly in a two-on-one situation.

On the other hand, Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu also rushed over at this time, and the two of them, like Xiong Erbao, stabilized in the air three miles away from here.After offering the spiritual weapon in his hand, he stared intently and locked on the Abyss Old Demon, making it impossible to escape easily under such a three-on-one situation.

And in the center of Lei Jie, Yi Tian flew forward with the 'Purple Sky Lamp' in his hand, and the stars in his palm flashed and gathered into a purple flame.The Liyan supernatural power that I cultivated seems to have undergone a mutation, and it has perfectly merged with the natal real fire, Leiyan Ziyan, in my body.Stretch out your right index finger to brush over the flames on the 'Zixiao Zhan', take out a strand, and then lightly eject it towards the original worm queen.

That wisp of flames turned into a mass of inconspicuous sparks and directly submerged into the green silk. What the Queen of Worms didn't expect was that once the sparks ignited the silk on her body, they burned quickly and flowed upstream for three breaths. It ignited directly on her.

With a panicked look on her face, the worm queen exclaimed, "What kind of supernatural power is this? It can actually burn my true self."

At this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on her body also fell straight down like a deflated ball, no longer as strong as before.And the robbery cloud in the sky seemed to be unable to find the target in the lower realm, and after condensing there, it failed to fall for a long time.

After a successful blow, Yi Tian put away the 'Zixiao Zhan' and once again sacrificed a colorful glow in his hand, covering her body and hitting.The spirit treasures and moves of Lihuo Palace cannot be used openly, but under such circumstances, using them as a trump card will naturally have unexpected effects.

However, you still have to pay attention to the influence of using it, otherwise it will be troublesome for others to recognize it.This time, Yi Tian also saw the right time, and stayed away from him for more than a hundred miles after the six people were shaken away. At the same time, Yan Qiu's escape attracted their attention.Yi Tian naturally wouldn't let go of such a god-given opportunity, he sacrificed Li Yan in his hand and directly broke through the queen's defense.

Then he used the magical power of the colorful glow to cover up Lihuo Palace's move, and then the colorful glow directly penetrated into the queen's body along the wound that Li Yan had opened.A violent wind of spiritual pressure erupted from the Queen's body, and the aroused air wave pushed Yi Tian alive a hundred feet away.

Then, white and purple flames and a lot of colorful rays of light came out from the seven orifices of the queen worm.Obviously, these two supernatural powers have completely destroyed the interior of his real body.

But the Queen of Worms still didn't seem to want to catch it without a fight. After the demon spirit on the forehead escaped, Yi Tian found that there were a lot of flames on the wings of the green moth demon spirit.Without waiting for the demon spirit to make any move, Yi Tian produced a demon spirit that controlled Li Yan to devour the worm queen quickly.

In the end, when Li Yan burned to the upper half of the demon spirit, the worm queen screamed: "Even if I die on the spot, don't think about it." After saying that, a spiritual pressure wind gathered and instantly spread to a range of hundreds of miles around , and then with the Queen of Worms as the center point, a vortex of the Dao Spirit Explosion was caused.

Fortunately, most of her demon spirit has been swallowed by Li Yan at this time, even the power of the self-detonating demon spirit is stronger than that of the god stage cultivator.

However, Yi Tian still didn't dare to carelessly sacrifice the dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him, and he retreated quickly.Although being in the vortex of spiritual explosion has already aroused vigilance, what should be protected should still be protected.

The gale caused by the worm queen's self-destruction of the demon spirit immediately affected everyone in the surrounding enchantment.Even the three people who surrounded Old Abyss were affected a lot.

But for the serious Abyss old devil, this is a golden opportunity at this time. If the stalemate continues like this, he will have no chance of getting out.But the spiritual pressure storm in front of him made him see hope, and the black demonic force on his body was sacrificed to protect himself.Then, against the strong wind, while the three of them were busy defending, they fell head-on into the storm.

In the violent wind, the old devil of the abyss didn't care about his injuries, and desperately urged the magic source to fly towards the gap where Yan Qiu had escaped before.

The escape exit was close at hand, and the old devil of the abyss suddenly showed a joyful look on his face.But the smile on his face didn't last more than a breath, and then sank instantly, and there was a big figure blocking the way at the exit.It was Xiong Erbao who filled his seat in time and directly stopped in front of him after passing by.

The Abyss Old Demon showed a ferocious expression at this time, and after the spiritual power on his body surged, he yelled frantically: "Whoever blocks me will die, you don't want to stop me today."

Two black magic lights on both hands turned into ten sharp magic electricity through the ten fingers and struck towards Xiong Erbao.

(End of this chapter)

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