
Chapter 1874 Purification

Chapter 1874 Purification

The Queen of Worms was able to detonate the remaining demon spirits against Li Yan's attack at a temporary moment. Although the power was much smaller than normal, it still caused a lot of trouble for those present.

Yi Tian, ​​who was the closest, could only set up the dragon tortoise armor shield and push it to defend.All the people who besieged the Abyss Old Demon in the distance were also affected, but the impact they received was much smaller than that of Yi Tian who was close at hand.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, the old devil of the abyss sacrificed the escape light on his body and forcibly rushed in to meet the attack of the spiritual pressure wind in front of him.After passing through the gang wind, he came to the gap in the barrier where Yan Qiu escaped before, but what he didn't expect was that Xiong Erbao followed him, detoured from the other side, and directly blocked the exit.

If you want to get out, you have to pass Xiong Erbao's level. At this time, the old devil of the abyss has entered a state of almost madness.He also knew that life or death was all a matter of thought, so he spared no effort in sacrificing ten magic lights and striking at the person blocking the way in front of him.

But after three breaths, the figure of Xiong Erbao in front of him blurred and disappeared suddenly, replaced by Yi Tian's deity, holding a dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him and receiving all ten magic electricity.

In his mouth, he shouted sharply: "Old Demon Abyss has taught me the mystical powers of Taiqing Pavilion, you are also a failure, and you are sincerely convinced."

"Boy, I didn't expect you to cultivate to such a level. It was too careless to let you go," the old devil of the abyss regretted.

"Times have changed. At that time, I was only in the mid-stage of distraction and you couldn't do anything to me, let alone now," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Today you don't want to get away easily no matter what. The one you gave me back then It will be returned together today.”

"Don't speak wild words, kid. If you want to take the old man's life, you have to see if you have enough weight." After the old abyss demon said, a black demonic aura surged around his figure, and his back suddenly protruded. There are dozens of sharp thorn horns, and three sharp horns grow in the middle of the forehead.His hands and feet instantly doubled in size as if they were inflated with air, and his body size even increased to about ten feet.

In this way, the original appearance of the abyss demon clan appeared in the demon world. From the eyes of everyone around, this is the rhythm of the abyss old demon desperately.Usually those demons will not easily reveal their own demon body in another world. Firstly, it is too ostentatious, and secondly, the demonic force consumed in the body is too fast and cannot be effectively replenished in time. His own weaknesses are clearly revealed.

But at this moment, the old devil of the abyss couldn't take care of so much anymore, and several demons flashed across the huge hands behind his real body.Then the red and black arcs lit up and converged into a bunch to greet Yi Tian who was not far in front of him.

A white pure lotus flashed in the dark sky and wrapped Yi Tian's figure in it, and a red corona appeared on his back. Yi Tian muttered something in his mouth, and made a seal with both hands on his chest, raised the Jing Shihua lotus and protected it whole body.

Ten red and black bolts of lightning struck straight at the phantom of Jingshi Hualian, all of which were blocked.The white purification power is exactly the nemesis of demon energy. Under the circumstances that the attributes are mutually restrained and the skills are superior, the tricks of the abyss old devil are instantly dissolved invisibly.

Yi Tian stuck his head out from the Jingshi Hualian and said coldly, "Today, the old ghost will show you the power of the Jingshihualian in Minglun Temple of the Buddhist School."

After finishing speaking, the hand seal method was changed again, and the phantom of white lotus flowers surrounding him was collected in his hands and turned into a white lotus about five inches in size.Immediately, he muttered a word: "Go," the white lotus drew an arc in the air and turned into an upside-down buckle about the size of Zhang Xu, and pressed down on the top of Abyss Old Demon's head.

Seeing that there is nowhere to hide in the abyss, the old devil also showed anxiety. The black devil's aura around his body was mercilessly sacrificed, and then he held it above his head, trying to support the falling Jingshi Hualian.

However, the black devil's evil spirit had already been purified when it came into contact with the white Jingshihualian. I remember that the abyss old demon sacrificed all the true energy in his body like crazy to stop the falling momentum of Jingshihualian.

However, the disadvantages of attribute mutual restraint cannot be made up for by pure essence alone. The devilish energy emanating from the old devil of the abyss cannot be sustained for less than ten breaths.In addition, in the distance, Yi Tian kept changing the printing method in his hands, and after the dazzling golden light from the corona behind him, he forcibly pressed down the phantom of the Jingshi Hualian.

With a sound of 'coax', the whole white lotus turned upside down and surrounded the old devil of the abyss. Countless black evil spirits leaked directly from the gaps in the lotus petals, and at the same time were instantly purified into white pure spiritual power.

"I don't accept it, if you have the ability, let me out and let us fight face to face," a miserable cry came from the Jingshi Hualian, it was the Abyss Old Demon who was struggling after being continuously purified.

It's a pity that Yi Tian sneered at this, because he originally dealt with him with restraint.Do masters really want to slash each other face to face like low-level monks? Gradually, the screams became softer, until after a moment, there was no more screams from the Abyss Old Demon in the Jingshi Hualian, and then Yi Tian made a move Casting spells unlocked the powers and supernatural powers.

When the lotus petals of the white phantom were all opened, there was a gray-white mummy on the lotus platform in the center, and pieces of debris fell from it after being blown by the breeze.After being purified by Jingshi Hualian, the body of the old demon from the abyss was refined with evil spirit energy, and the body without evil spirit energy became extremely fragile and directly decomposed into pieces.

It's just that there is a black spiritual light on the forehead of the old devil in the abyss, taking advantage of the situation, and inside is an extremely weak magic baby.Yi Tian had expected that he would have such a trick. These demon cultivators treated others' lives like straws, but they treated themselves very favorably, and they would never choose to blew themselves up easily.

Based on his own understanding of the old demon of the abyss, after he was hit by Jingshi Hualian just now, he didn't forcefully break through but chose to stalemate and resist, which foreshadowed his failure early.

And when he was trapped, he didn't choose to explode the devil baby himself, but took advantage of his luck to escape from his body.I saw that phantom didn't fly far before being stopped by the aura catching up behind him. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed his magic baby in the escaping light. He took out the Zhang Lingfu and pasted it on his back without saying anything. forehead.

After the processing, he took a sealed jade bottle and stuffed the devil baby of the abyss old devil into it.After doing all this, Yi Tian felt at ease, although this time there were twists and turns, but in the end the matter was resolved satisfactorily.

Turning his head to see in the distance, Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu were also rushing towards his direction, and Yi Tian used his escape technique to meet them.

 Thanks to Taoist Mingyueren and book friend 20191203165911955 for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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