
Chapter 1875 Assignment

Chapter 1875 Assignment
The four of them gathered around the top of the hill, Yi Tian put the Great Immortal Guagua into the beast-controlling bag, this time he played a big role, but his spiritual energy was consumed a lot, and after the battle, he started yawning as if he wanted to sleep.

After some fighting, the crisis of the queen was finally resolved, and at the same time, the old devil of the abyss was brought along.For Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu, this result is also very satisfying. They were suppressed by Yan Qiu and others before, but now it is a counterattack that directly disintegrates his alliance.

Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu also had a tacit understanding when cleaning the battlefield before, flying to the wormhole below to collect a large number of 'Green Scale Silkworm' larval eggs.

In addition, there are a lot of green scale silk. Although it is a bit more toxic than the sky silk, it can still be used if it is handled properly.As for the body of the worm queen, it was directly burned away by her Liyan real fire, leaving only two demon pills as huge as walnuts.There are some traces of Li Yan left on these things, Yi Tian will not let them wander outside easily no matter what.

After meeting the worm before, he blew himself up and took the opportunity to rush forward and put the remaining body directly into the storage bag.Among them, the Monster Pill of the Insect King is slightly smaller, but both of them are dark green, and they look like extremely poisonous things, so Yi Tian didn't dare to take them directly and planned to return to Wan Yao City before making plans.

Sheng Zhuangxiong in front of him looked at Yi Tianhou and said, "This time, thanks to Junior Brother Yi's timely rescue, otherwise we would be in big trouble."

He Zhongliangsu on the side said with a smile on his face: "Brother Sheng is too famous, this time it is thanks to our grandson-in-law that we were able to save ourselves from danger. In addition, we also took a lot of larvae eggs of 'Green Silkworm', which is enough I will not return the cost of this time."

Speaking of this, Sheng Zhuangxiong hurriedly took out the things he had collected, and then divided them into four parts and put them in storage bags.Xiong Erbao sized it up and said, "It's useless for me and other monster races, it's better if you convert it into a spirit stone and give it to me."

For him, the larval eggs couldn't be as beneficial as the spiritual stones, and the whole iron-eating beast clan couldn't even take care of himself, who would have time to take care of the larvae of the 'Green Scale Silkworm'.

His words hit Sheng Zhuangxiong's hands, for spiritual cultivation, many treasures are hard to come by.It would be a bit painful to share an extra portion of what I got today, but everyone is a respectable person, and they will never ruin their reputation for a little profit.

It happened that Xiong Erbao gave up directly, and Sheng Zhuangxiong took out a storage bracelet and stuffed it with enough spirit stones, and handed it over.After Xiong Erbao took over, his divine sense reached in to investigate, and then a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, thinking in his heart, "It seems that Xiong Erbao has been with him for a long time and knows how to choose and choose in order to obtain the greatest benefit." '

Later, he said softly, "I only need a hundred larvae eggs, and replace the rest with silk."

"Grandson-in-law's silk is highly poisonous, what do you want to do?" Zhong Liangsu asked in bewilderment.

"This thing is really tasteless to me. Fortunately, the Poison Master has some friendship with me, so I want to take the poisonous silk to him to try my luck," Yi Tian explained: "Speaking of which, the 'bilin silkworm' silk Its power is not bad, if it can be detoxified and refined into a defensive spirit treasure, I believe there will be a good market. At least let Lianyun wear it and other monks in the fusion stage can't do anything about her."

Zhong Liangsu's eyes lit up when he heard this, it meant that the words touched his heart.Originally, he was still thinking about how to give his granddaughter some sweetness, but when he saw Yi Tian making a move, he realized that there was one more person in charge now.Then he smiled and said, "In that case, then you should go to the 'bilin silkworm' silk that I have here. Anyway, there are larval eggs that can hatch after a while, and new silk can be used after they mature and form cocoons."

As for Sheng Zhuangxiong, there was embarrassment on his face. Now that even Zhong Liangsu agreed, it would be a little unreasonable for him to hold on.But the silk spit out by the queen worm in his hand is by no means comparable to those low-level young silkworms. After weighing the gains and losses in his heart, he restrained his smile and said, "Since Junior Brother Zhong has already spoken, how can I refuse to agree?" , not to mention this time thanks to Junior Brother Yi’s help, so I’d rather obey my order and give all these ‘bilin silkworm’ silks to Junior Brother Yi.”

"I know he's a little bit stunned," Yi Tian took out a pitch-black storage ring and wiped off the imprint of divine consciousness on it, and then stretched out his divine sense to check it out.Later, he chose a magic treasure and handed it over, "A mere small gift is not enough to show respect, I hope Senior Brother Sheng will accept it."

From Yi Tian's point of view, these things were all taken from Abyss Old Demon anyway, and he didn't feel bad about doing it himself.And Sheng Zhuangxiong was naturally satisfied with getting a magic treasure for no reason, so he didn't mention the things that were allocated before.

Half an hour later, the four of them flew together towards the direction of Wan Yao City, and everyone's faces, with their pockets full, were naturally much more relaxed than when they came.

Flying on the way, Yi Tian heard Zhong Liangsu's voice transmission and asked, "My grandson-in-law did not expect that your own supernatural power 'So Close to the End of the World' has been refined to such a pinnacle level."

"You are polite," Yi Tian nodded and replied via voice transmission.In fact, I placed a space tracking talisman on Guagua Daxian before, so I was able to use my supernatural powers to exchange positions with him instantly.Speaking of which, this trick is not a very profound magical technique, but if two people use it together, it can naturally produce unexpected effects.

For example, this time the Great Immortal Guagua squatted on Xiong Erbao's shoulders.Yi Tian didn't know why Zhong Liangsu mentioned this matter, and he also had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't say it directly.

I only heard Zhong Liangsu continue to say: "In fact, the supernatural powers of our school are the first in the spirit world. The world only knows that the Lihuo Palace in the spirit world is superior in single combat, but they don't know that two-on-two in the Taiqing Pavilion is enough to defeat any other faction. .”

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian said brightly, "Why did I never know about this?"

"In fact, there are not many opportunities for monks in the fusion stage to join forces, and Taiqing Pavilion's exercises are more about cooperation, but in many cases, they cannot exert their due power," Zhong Liangsu explained.

"Then why did you mention this matter?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"I don't know if the space marker you placed is the 'Ben Lei' or the 'Lightning' in 'So Close to the End of the World'?" Zhong Liangsu asked.

"The mark of 'Ben Lei' is too domineering and forcibly distorts through the space. Although it can be used as a very effective attack method to catch the opponent by surprise, it is only used for the first time." Yi Tian said with a serious expression: "As for the 'Lightning' It's more about defense and escape, if I spend my energy on this, it might be more effective if I practice escapism."

"Then what exactly is your mark?" Zhong Liangsu asked puzzled.

Yi Tian smiled and said meaningfully: "This imprint can be regarded as a combination of two imprints, and I temporarily named it 'Aid and Protection'."

(End of this chapter)

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