
Chapter 1876

Chapter 1876
This battle is also Yi Tian's unintentional mistake. He originally wanted to plot against Yan Qiu and others, but he didn't expect that the incident of the 'Bilin Silkworm' queen was brought about by twists and turns.Fortunately, the ultimate goal was to get rid of the Abyss Old Demon. Although there were some twists and turns, it was still achieved.

On the way back to Wan Yao City, Yi Tian intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the matter of Yan Qiu and others, which also involved Guo Linsheng of the Qilin clan.Sheng Zhuangxiong seemed to know some inside information, and then directly stated that Wan Qiang of the barbarian tribe left without saying goodbye, as if there was something urgent to rush back to hell.

Yi Tian understood this in his heart, but he pretended to be ignorant on his face. Anyway, this matter has not yet received a final answer, and he doesn't know what kind of surprise Wan Qiang will bring to him.

The conversation turned around and at the same time, Yan Qiu was involved again. This time, this person, together with Guo Linsheng and the old devil of the abyss, used power to overwhelm Sheng Zhuangxiong when he faced Sheng Zhuangxiong, making the latter deflated.Although Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu didn't mention much, they had already made a note of this account in their hearts, and they would definitely get back their principal and interest if they had the opportunity.

Yi Tian just laughed it off, anyway, there are many people thinking about making trouble for Yan Qiu, so he only needs to add fuel to the flames.In addition, Yan Qiu needs to take action to test Ji Xuanyuan, so if he behaves too aggressively, it will be uncomfortable.

After returning to Wan Yao City, Sheng Zhuangxiong left behind a jade talisman, stating that he owed someone a favor this time.It just so happens that he has something to do recently, and he will definitely find a chance to repay him after the matter is done.

Yi Tian just agreed to this on the surface, and felt that it didn't matter if he didn't want to be here.

After returning to the city, Yi Tian bid farewell to everyone and went back to the mansion to rest for two days. Then, he first sent out a message talisman to notify the medicine man, and then left for the Yingbin building. After finding the medicine man's residence, he cast a spiritual light outside the gate to inform him. .Later, when the door was opened, Yi Tian went straight in, and found that the medicine man and the poison master happened to be waiting for him.

The two parties saw that after the guests and hosts sat down, Yaoweng took out the purified blood of the black pterosaur. After Yi Tian took it, he lifted the lid and checked it with his spiritual thoughts.Shaoqing raised his eyebrows and found that the brimstone and fire attributes remaining in it had been removed, so it is estimated that the effect of using it to replenish the real dragon's blood in Yishun must be good.

After putting away the blood storage bottle, Yi Tian first thanked the two of them, and then only heard the Poison Master ask: "Recently, I heard that Fellow Daoist Yi made a move to fight a nest of 'bilin silkworms' near the ancient battlefield in the demon world. I don't know. How did it end up?"

Yi Tian knew it in his heart when he asked so knowingly, but what he didn't expect was that the matter had already reached the ears of Poison Master after only two or three days.I really don't know who spread such news, and where is his intention.

After thinking about it for a while, he nodded his head, and then asked back, "I don't know who the two of you learned about this from?"

Poison Master and Yao Weng looked at each other, and Yao Weng said a little later, "I wonder how many 'Green Scaled Silkworm' larvae eggs Yi Daoyou got after that fight?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian knew that it was probably Sheng Zhuangxiong who spread the news, but seeing that the two in front of him seemed to take this matter quite seriously.After straightening his expression, Yi Tian still replied: "I only keep more than a hundred coins on hand, and the ones from Senior Brother Sheng and Senior Brother Zhong are the big ones."

Poison Master said angrily: "Sheng Zhuangxiong likes to sit on the ground and raise prices. Although he has a lot of 'bilin silkworm' eggs in his hand, the price is not low. You must know that getting the eggs is one thing, and take good care of them. It takes a lot of hard work to hatch."

It seems that Sheng Zhuangxiong is not idle when he comes back this time. Naturally, he has goods on hand and wants to make full use of the favorable conditions to seek the maximum benefit.

Hearing this, Yitian asked with a slight smile, "I don't know if the two of you want the eggs of the 'bilin silkworm' to refine spirit insects or for other purposes?"

"Of course it is to hatch the spirit insects, and then wait for them to cocoon to get the silk for later use," said the Poison Master.

"But after that battle, I know that this 'bilin silkworm' itself is extremely poisonous, and the protruding silk also has a lot of toxicity. It is not a good thing if it gets a little bit accidentally," Yi Tian said. Lure.

"Yi Daoyou doesn't know, but my junior brother has taken a fancy to the green scale silkworm poison," the medicine man interjected, "The decomposed venom is a good medicine that can't be found for a master poison maker, and my junior brother Cultivation techniques especially need to use poison as a guide to improve cultivation, this time I came to Wan Yao City to formally collect such packaging materials from many parties."

It turned out that Yi Tian had a dazed look on his face, but his heart was actually determined.Immediately, he secretly thought, "I'm afraid that the Poison Master will accept his great favor this time. Although I don't have many eggs of the 'Green Scaled Silkworm' in my hand, I have also collected a lot of silk spit out by queen insects. This thing is really a treasure to me." It's tasteless, but after all, it's something from a level nine monster, so it's sure to be very marketable outside."

After thinking about it, he first took out a jade box and handed it over gently: "There are more than a hundred larvae eggs of 'Green Scale Silkworm' in it, how many do fellow Poison Master Daoists need?"

The Poison Sage took the jade box with his hand and gently opened it with his divine sense, reached in and swept it down, no joy or anger could be seen on his face.Later, I heard him say: "It takes at least half of the maturity rate of hatching." Even so, it seems that the hand holding the jade box doesn't want to let go. I dare not speak too much to myself.

"I don't know if this one is stronger or weaker than the one in Senior Brother Sheng's hands?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"Of course, you have too many strong ones in the hand of Daoyou Yi. The 'Green Scale Silkworm' eggs in your jade box are in excellent condition. It is estimated that the survival rate after hatching is at least [-]%," said the poisonous master bluntly. .

Unexpectedly, Sheng Zhuangxiong also knew how to behave, and he gave himself carefully selected larval eggs.However, regarding these larval eggs, Yi Tian didn't intend to give them all away. After looking at the other party's face, he asked: "Speaking of which, these larval eggs are also useful to me, but I need to find some way to get rid of them. It can only be applied after the poison has been eliminated. I don’t know if you two have a method? I would like to exchange three adult eggs for detoxification.”

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of Yaoweng and Poison Master showed uncertain expressions, and they knew their bottom line.However, according to the estimate of the Poison Master, there is still a lot of difference in the number. Although there are only [-] larval eggs, as long as they are carefully cultivated, that is, it takes hundreds of years to achieve the expected effect.

On the contrary, the medicine man had some other thoughts about this, and after looking at the appearance of the Poison Master, he turned and said: "I don't know if you can give up your love, the old man can use the poison exorcism technique combined with the three-turn glass golden elixir to exchange for seven I don’t know if the adult eggs are right?”

"Three-turn Glazed Golden Pill?" Yi Tian's expression changed slightly. This pill is probably one of the high-level pill recipes collected by the Qihuang Sect. It is also a sign of the sincerity of the medicine man to be able to take it out.

(End of this chapter)

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