
Chapter 1885 Trading

Chapter 1885 Trading
Although the royal genealogy of the Nether royal family has long been in his hands, Yi Tian also tried to manipulate it, but the result was not satisfactory.In the end, it was concluded that this treasure must be opened by using the power of the blood world, even if it was given to Wan Qiang, he would not be able to prove its authenticity.

It seems that only those descendants of the royal family can open this royal genealogy. I saw that royal genealogy slowly flew into the air, and the contents of it were revealed after unfolding.After Yi Tianshen scanned, he found that the name of Xuanxuan was left at the end of the royal genealogy, and several names slowly emerged under her name in the next moment.

It wasn't until the last name of Yan Wenjing appeared at the end of the royal family tree that the changes came to an abrupt end.

This time Wan Zhongliu's expression remained the same, but in the eyes of Han Wenjing, there was excitement.It took a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "Wen Jing, you are doing very well, please sit down first."

After taking Yin Wenjing to his seat, Wan Zhongliu seemed to look thoughtfully at Yan Wenchang who was beside him, but he never spoke.After Yi Tian saw it, he knew that he had scruples in his heart. The battle for unification in this dynasty has always been the most troublesome thing. It is estimated that Wan Zhongliu has no definite idea in his heart.

Faced with such a scene, Yi Tian simply closed his eyes and rested his mind, these things are not something he should think about.On the other hand, Xiong Erbao suddenly said, "Isn't there another prince, let him try too."

As soon as he blurted out, Yi Tian suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Xiong Erbao, smiled and didn't say much, but Wan Zhongliu in front of him was a little embarrassed.But this time he also brought the two princes here. Although Yan Wenjing was able to confirm the authenticity of the Nether royal family genealogy after trying it, it would not be justified if he tried it alone.

After thinking about it, Wan Zhongliu sighed and said: "Okay." After speaking, he stretched out his finger and tapped another drop of blood into the scroll of the royal genealogy.In an instant, a dazzling golden light shone on the scroll, and a new name appeared at the end of the royal genealogy.This time, Hin Wenchang, who was sitting on the side, also showed joy on his face. Needless to say, the future that can be recognized by the royal genealogy will definitely be echoed in the Nether Dynasty.

It's just that Wan Zhongliu's face became extremely solemn, and after looking at the two people in front of him, he sighed and said: "It's a blessing or a disaster, or it can't be avoided."

"Why should the ancestor be like this?" Wan Qiang, who was sitting on the right side, had a somewhat different view on this: "Being recognized by the royal genealogy is naturally a proof that the two princes have pure royal blood in their bodies. As long as they are cultivated I will be able to stand alone in the future.”

"You don't know that there are not many people from my faction among the guards of Huangquan. If two princes recognized by the royal genealogy appear rashly, it will be a big hit," Wan Zhongliu said with a worried expression.

At this point Wan Qiang didn't dare to say any more, so he stepped back and closed his mouth sensibly.

Shaoqing saw that Wan Zhongliu turned around and bowed to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "Some family trifles made Yi Daoyou laugh."

"It doesn't matter, I see that the two princes should also have part of the blood of the horned tribe. It seems that the horned tribe is going to rise in the lower three realms this time," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"Yi Daoyou really has a sharp eye and can see the clues at a glance," Wan Zhongliu cupped his hands and said, "This time I really owe you a huge favor, I will accept this imperial genealogy first."

After speaking, Wan Zhongliu reached out and took out a storage ring and handed it over, "A small gift is not enough to show respect, so please don't refuse it, Fellow Daoist Yi."

After lightly taking the hand, Yi Tian's divine sense moved in and probed for a while. After three breaths, his face showed a bit of shock. Unexpectedly, Wan Zhongliu really spent a lot of money. The things inside can be worth those medium-sized ones. Zongmen has saved his entire life.

There was a slight smile on his face and he said: "You Daoist Wan is too polite, it's really a joke if this can be regarded as a small gift."

"The guards of Huangquan have been responsible for guarding the inner treasury of the Nether Dynasty for tens of thousands of years. I just took a small part of it. It is natural to make a lot of money by exchanging it for the royal treasure," Wan Zhongliu said.

Yi Tian put away the storage ring, and then took out the jade bottle containing the 'Jiali' and the beast-controlling pouch containing the Nether Beast body, and gently handed it over, saying: "This beast is the Nether Concubine Naixuan who told me to hand it over." I don't know who should I hand it over to the successor of the imperial dynasty?"

As soon as this remark came out, both Nian Wenjing and Nian Wenchang showed a little strange color on their faces. Since the things in front of them were all handed down by Concubine Youming, they must be treasures of the royal family.But now how to distribute it is a big trouble, Wan Zhongliu said after seeing it: "Can I let the old man take a look first."

"There is nothing wrong with it, originally this thing was going to be returned to the Nether Dynasty," Yi Tian said, then gently pushed the two things across the air and handed them over.

After Wan Zhongliu took over, his divine sense quickly penetrated in, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, as if he was chatting with someone in private through voice transmission.

Such an appearance made the hearts of the two princes rise to their throats. It is obvious that this must have an inseparable relationship with the inheritance of the dynasty.After a while, Wan Zhongliu came back to his senses, and looked at the two princes in front of him in a blink of an eye, as if he hadn't made up his mind for a long time.

Then he turned his head and chatted with Wan Qiang through voice transmission in private. The latter's face became cloudy and uncertain, and hesitant eyes appeared in his eyes.

After a long time, it seemed that the two had negotiated properly, and Wan Zhongliu directly handed over the jade bottle and imperial beast pouch in his hand to Wan Qiang, as if entrusting them to him for safekeeping.The latter took the two things with a solemn face, moved the corners of his mouth, and then replied down.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Wan Zhongliu turned around and looked at the two princes, his eyes flashed again and again, not knowing what he was thinking.Then he turned his eyes to Yi Tian and the two again, and said with a smile: "I heard that although Yi Daoyou is a spiritual practitioner, he can make friends with Jiuxian Mountain in the demon world, and I heard that you have also learned the secret art of seven-colored rays of light from Jiuxian Mountain."

"Fellow Daoist Wan is really well-informed. Although I know Yi so well since we met for the first time, I don't know what is there to ask for?" Yi Tian also answered straight to the point.

Anyway, Wan Zhongliu made it clear, needless to say, there is probably a plot about Tuogu below.

Then Wan Zhongliu's voice sounded next to his ear, "I want a prince to enter Jiuxian Mountain. I don't know if Daoist Yi can give you a recommendation."

It is obvious that Wan Zhongliu is very scheming and doesn't want to put all his eggs in one basket. If it's just a recommendation, it's fine, but if it's a nanny for someone, it's not worth it.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian replied quickly, and Dao explained his situation in his words.At most, I can only help to make a recommendation, but I will not bear all the subsequent consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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