
Chapter 1886

Chapter 1886
After the conversation between the two parties, Wan Zhongliu took out two more storage rings and handed them to Yi Tian as the exchange price for exchanging Nether Beast and sending Yan Wenchang to Jiuxian Mountain.Naturally, Yi Tian could no longer put on airs because of his short hand, not to mention the valuable things inside.

The three storage rings add up to more than half of my net worth. I didn't expect the Nether Dynasty's inner treasury guarded by the guards of Huangquan to be so rich.Even after taking so many things, Wan Zhongliu didn't even blink.

In return, Yi Tian took out a copy of the jade slip and quickly wrote down the letter of recommendation, letting Wan Zhongliu see it before putting away the jade slip and leaving his own mark.Escorting the prince to Jiuxian Mountain naturally does not need to be done personally, Wan Zhongliu received the recommendation letter and handed it over to Wan Qiang who was beside him.Then he glanced at the two princes in front of him for half a moment before he sighed and said, "Wenchang, follow Wan Qiang to Jiuxian Mountain, someone will come to pick you up after you have cultivated to the mid-stage of distraction. "

Yan Wenchang was at a loss for a while when he heard the words, but Wan Zhongliu's words seemed to be irresistible. Naturally, there was no room for negotiation in the decision of a monk at the Nascent Soul stage to face a monk at the late stage of fusion.

Then I just listened to Wan Zhongliu: "Wan Qiang will escort you there. With the recommendation of Yi Daoyou, Xuan Jizi, the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain, will be open to accepting you to get started."

Yin Wenchang stood up and bowed to Wan Zhongliu, and said goodbye to his elder brother beside him.Then he followed Wan Qiang into the back court in a hurry, and it seemed that he left for Jiuxian Mountain immediately.

After the people left, Xiong Erbao said with a puzzled look on his face: "I said, old ghost Wan, what are you doing, you are a teacher and you are relying on Gu."

"This is scheming," Yi Tian said inappropriately: "From my point of view, Fellow Daoist Wan is also making two-handed preparations just in case."

Wan Zhongliu twitched his face and said with a smile: "Of course, some small ways can't be hidden from the eyes of fellow Daoist Yi, so you're making a fool of yourself."

"Friend Wan Dao is serious. If I were to switch positions with you, I may not be able to do better than you." Yi Tian waved his hand and replied: "As far as I see, the new Nether Emperor in the Nether Realm is powerful, but It may not be able to get everyone's approval. I remember that Concubine Youming once said that the madness is a partial branch of the royal family, so naturally it cannot be the position of the general."

Wan Zhongliu's eyes lit up, and he immediately echoed, "It's rare that fellow Daoist Yi thinks so, but the guards of Huangquan are not as united as they were ten thousand years ago. I'm afraid it will fall apart long ago."

"If the name is not correct, the words will not go well, and if the words don't go well, things will be difficult to accomplish." Yi Tian smiled meaningfully: "The former Huangquan guards may lack a favorable backbone to integrate everyone's forces. , but now there is the prince who has rectified his name. He believes that it will be easier for Wan Daoyou to contact all parties in the future. As for the person behind the Huangquan clan, it is not impossible to talk about it. As long as there is a common goal in everything, it will be easier. We have reached a tacit agreement, and I believe that Fellow Daoist Wan will definitely do better than me in this regard."

"Yi Daoyou is really a wonderful person. Wan Qiang mentioned it to me many times before. It seems that we also met each other too late," Wan Zhongliu said with a smile.

"I have one more thing I want to trouble Fellow Daoist Wan," Yi Tian said suddenly.

"But it's okay," Wan Zhongliu frowned, knowing that this must be extremely difficult, but now he couldn't shirk it and could only accept it.

"Actually, it's not a big deal," Yi Tian said eloquently, "I want Yan Qiu's spiritual pet, but I need him to personally cancel the master-servant contract."

Hearing that Wan Zhongliu frowned slightly, it was not a big deal.Yan Qiu's spiritual pet is also a ninth-level demon pet, and he has been with him for many years. If he wants to give up, he must have to wait for the price to exchange it.Thinking of this, Wan Zhongliu's face darkened slightly and said: "Yi Daoyou has caused me a lot of trouble, you must know that seizing people's spiritual pets is not something on the table."

"I also know about this matter, but this time it's a deal that was negotiated with Yishun by the soul of the black-winged dragon Modou. And I have a problem with promises to others, so I will go all out. What has been inherited is naturally my business," Yi Tian reached out and slapped his waist, and a golden light flew out, hovered in the air in the room, and then landed beside him, showing Yishun's human form.

After seeing Wan Zhongliu, Yishun bowed first, and then sat down in the empty seat next to him.Then he briefly explained the ins and outs of this matter, and Wan Zhongliu understood the details after listening to it.

After Yishun finished explaining the reason, Wan Zhongliu expressed his opinion: "The current elder among the guards of Huangquan had an old relationship with the ancestors of the Huangquan clan, so he is the person behind Yan Qiu. If you want to move Yan Qiu, you will surely It attracts the peeping of the guards of Huangquan."

"I don't know what position Wan Daoyou occupies among the guards of Huangquan?" Yi Tian tried to ask, knowing oneself and the enemy can make a strategy.

"This old man ranks third in the Yellow Spring Guard Elders' Association, but the first two elders will never leave the seclusion for non-trivial matters," Wan Zhongliu replied.

"That's simple. What Daoist Yi Wan gained in the demon world today must be the top priority of the Huangquan guards. I believe that when you return to the Netherworld, you will be able to re-coordinate the forces of the Huangquan guards," Yi Tian said.

"Fellow Daoist Chengyi, I thank you very much," Wan Zhongliu replied politely.

"Actually, we didn't want to get to know Yan Qiu better this time. After all, we only had one-sided acquaintances with him, so there's no big problem," Yishun said, "It's just that we want to release the black-winged dragon Modou from his hand. It takes Yan Qiu himself to be willing to terminate the master-servant contract."

"Yishun is right," Yi Tian also echoed: "Speaking of which, we and Yan Qiu are just having a little feud, and we don't really mean to kill him, but just want him to take the initiative to terminate the master-servant contract. It's not a simple matter. So after careful consideration, I still want to ask Fellow Daoist Wan for an opinion."

"So that's how it is," Wan Zhongliu replied after thinking for a while, "Yan Qiu came to the Demon Realm to collect medicinal materials for the Great Elder, and I heard that there is a heavenly treasure called 'Bitter Ginseng' that he must have."

After Yi Tian heard the words, he quickly scanned through his mind, but he couldn't find the source of the 'Bitter Ginseng'.He raised his head and asked suspiciously: "I wonder if friend Wan Dao can explain the origin of this 'Bitter Ginseng'."

"That's what we people in the Netherworld call it. This thing is exclusively used to extend lifespan. Compared with other treasures, it has an unexpected effect on monks in the Netherworld," Wan Zhongliu explained: "In the demon world Among them is another name called 'Jiu Jue Du', I wonder if you have heard of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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