
Chapter 1888

Chapter 1888
After hearing Cheng Bufan's report, Yi Tian finally had a bottom line in his mind. It seems that Yan Qiu's secret acquisition of 'Jiu Jue Du' in the demon world has already spread in the circle.

But it's no wonder that ordinary people can't use this thing, and ordinary alchemists rarely need to make a lot of poison.Even a monk who uses poison to improve his cultivation level like the Poison Master doesn't necessarily need such treasures.

I didn't expect that the great elders guarding the Yellow Springs needed these 'Jiu Jue Du' urgently. If their calculations were not bad, their remaining lifespan must be running out.If you want to fight against the Nether Emperor in the Nether Realm, these two retired Huangquan guard elders are indispensable.

But they are Yan Qiu's backers, so it's a bit difficult to talk about it.It would be best if we could win them over or remain neutral in dealing with Yan Qiu.

But it is not an easy task to do this. After much deliberation, Yi Tian found that he had to start with the 'Jiu Jue Du' in his hand.If Yan Qiu succeeds frequently, his weight in the hearts of the two Huangquan guard elders will definitely increase.

In other words, as long as he cuts off his supply of goods by himself, and then pulls a bunch of barbarian tribes in the opposite direction through Wanzhongliu's path, maybe things will turn around.Thinking of this, Yi Tian immediately ordered: "Notify all channels to start searching for the whereabouts of 'Jiujuedu', and don't let the Huangquan tribe get it easily."

"Master, is this going to start a war with the Huangquan Clan?" Cheng Bufan asked with a tense expression.

"Yan Qiu planned to attack Senior Brother Ji in a grandiose way, and it is reasonable for me to do so," Yi Tian said with a sneer: "I will order the Taiqing Pavilion to cooperate with it later, and let the big monster clans The channel assists in the search. With Yan Qiu's face, he has offended many people in the demon world, this time I have to completely cut off his supply."

"I would like to abide by Master's uncle's decree," Cheng Bufan replied with a serious face when he heard the words.Speaking of which, he, the owner of the Lihuogong firm, was also angry. He was approached by two casual cultivators, but he was concerned that the forces behind them could not deal with it swiftly and swiftly.Well now, with the support of the monks in the fit period, naturally there is no need to hold back when facing these people who find fault.

Come and don't reciprocate molestation and Cheng Bufan intends to get back the scene, but he didn't get Shangfeng's permission.Now that Yi Tian expresses his attitude, it is of course his wish, and he will work even harder when doing things.

After Cheng Bufan withdrew, Yi Tian took out three Jade Talismans of Communication, wrote down one of them, activated it and sent it out.In addition to notifying the Golden Retriever King in the Taiqing Pavilion, Xiong Erbao and Mengjing were also notified separately, hoping to learn about the whereabouts of such treasures from their channels.As for how to get it, it still depends on how you fight against Yan Qiu.

After waiting for a few days in the shop of Lihuo Palace, there was a message that the jade talisman broke the restriction and flew in. After Yi Tian took it, he carefully looked at the news from Mengjing.It is said that recently there have been frequent private gatherings of high-ranking monks in the alien race area to exchange treasures, among which Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe has appeared in these gatherings several times.

Needless to say, it was for the purpose of collecting those 'Jiu Jue Poison', but this letter of communication also mentioned that the high-level Jiu family has long since disappeared, so this companion grass is even more difficult to find .As the nominal manager of Wan Yao City, Meng Jing is very clear about the distribution channels of these precious materials. It is mentioned in the Jade Talisman that Yan Qiu will take action in three days.

It seemed that he was going to attend a private party. Although the participants were mainly monks of different races, there were also people from the orc tribe.If you want to join in the fun, you have to think about how to find a way.

Seeing this, Yi Tian has roughly planned in his mind, since Yan Qiu dispatched, he naturally has a clear goal.What I have to do is to mess up his business, no matter how bad it is, I can't let him get it easily.

But since Cheng Bufan mentioned that every time Yan Qiu made a move, he would offer an undeniable price, so he had to be fully prepared.

Since there is a private party in Wan Yao City, they must still want to exchange for some high-quality goods, and he still has a lot of spiritual weapons on hand.Most of them are trophies taken from other high-level monks, and some are the corpses of high-level demon cultivators.After thinking about it, Yi Tian separated a wisp of divine thought to the storage ring and sorted out those things.

At the same time, he took out several spiritual weapons and erased the imprints on them, and then began to re-sacrifice them. These things that were obtained by murdering people must at least change their appearance before they can be traded.Otherwise, someone with a heart will secretly forge a beam after seeing it.

After the three of them, Yi Tian flew out of the Lihuo Palace business without a sound, holding an invitation letter in his hand.It's just that this invitation letter was originally sent to Mengjing of the Fire Phoenix Clan. After she explained the situation, Mengjing made a favor and asked herself to attend on her behalf.

Look at the address of the trade fair marked on the invitation card, which is in Yunwu Valley, which is five thousand away from Wanyao City.There have been two ninth-level low-level monsters living here for many years. They are descendants of Xuanwu, one turtle and one snake.Because they are entwined and haunted all day long, they are called Yunwu Eryinxian.

Yi Tian felt that this name was a bit funny, and the two monsters even had such an elegant name.It is said that these two demons have been practicing in seclusion all year round and do not care about world affairs, and even the big movement of the previous Ten Thousand Demon City War did not let them out of seclusion.

After arriving at Yunwu Mountain, Yi Tian easily found the residence of the Yunwu Eryin Immortal, and they even built pavilions and pavilions just like spiritual cultivation.Needless to say, this really wants to learn from the human race, but Yi Tian has gradually become interested in these two monsters.

When he came to the entrance of the cave and gently offered the invitation, the little demon who was in charge of reception took it and looked at it carefully and his expression changed slightly.It was obvious that this invitation was for Mengjing of the Fire Phoenix Clan, but the person who came was a spiritual cultivator of the individual race, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body could be restrained.

The little demon didn't dare to be negligent and said: "Guest, please wait a moment, I will come when I go." After speaking, he turned around and hurriedly passed the message to the mansion.Half a moment later, there was a laugh from inside and said: "It turns out that it was Daoist Yi who came to visit, and the old man Yun Wuzi was far away to welcome him."

Following the words, Yi Tian moved slightly to find out that the person was a spirit turtle in Yunwu Eryin Immortal, and it seemed that I had enough face to let the master visit him in person.

At the moment, he didn't dare to take it too seriously, and hurriedly replied: "Of course I'm really disturbing you if you don't invite me. Please forgive me, fellow Taoist Yunwuzi." Naturally, polite words on the surface cannot be avoided.

(End of this chapter)

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