
Chapter 1889 Purpose

Chapter 1889 Purpose
Following Yun Wuzi into his mansion, Yi Tian secretly looked at him along the way.I saw the words "Yundou Cave" written on the main entrance here, and there are pavilions and pavilions in the middle, and there are all kinds of small bridges and flowing water around.It looks like the model of those other courtyards in the mountains in the mortal world, except that there are traces of formations carved on the ground and eaves.

Obviously, Yunwu Eryinxian is also well versed in the spiritual cultivation of the human race, so he designed his residence in such a way.Yi Tian remembered that he had seen the lairs of various races after he came to the demon world. Even the residences of level nine monsters were all seemingly ordinary lairs.

Far from being like this now, it seems that he has really returned to the spiritual residence of the human race in Yunwu Mountain.Following Yun Wuzi through the long corridor, he soon noticed in his spiritual sense that there were countless auras coexisting in the pavilions not far away.

But Yun Wuzi's voice transmission came from next to her ear: "Master Mengjing has sent a message, stating that Daoyou Yi will attend the party at the house on her behalf when she is busy with official duties."

Wanting to come to Mengjing to do things carefully, she will not leave any flaws. She also communicated with the owner of this place in advance.

Yi Tian strolled behind the corner of his mouth with a slight smile and replied via voice transmission: "Fellow Mengjing has a lot of work to do every day, and it is a great honor for me to come here on behalf of her."

"This old man is holding a small gathering, but those who can participate are all leaders in the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm. I believe that Fellow Daoist Yi will be satisfied," Yun Wuzi said.

"Fellow daoist, you're welcome. I also want to expand my way of speaking and get in touch with fellow daoists from all walks of life so that I can see the treasures of other races," Yi Tian replied.

"I don't know what Yi Daoyou is good at, and what kind of treasures can be exchanged in his hands?" Yun Wuzi asked.

"I have made a lot of achievements in refining weapons, and naturally I have a lot of spiritual weapons or magic weapons in my hand," Yi Tian explained with a smile.

There was no change on Yun Wuzi's face when he heard the words, he just paused for a moment, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and then said: "I'm getting old next year and want to search for some treasures that can extend my life, but I don't know if you have them in the hands of Yi Daoyou. Is there any other world spirit plant that can be exchanged for?"

Unexpectedly, Yun Wuzi would directly ask questions before the bidding, and Yi Tian silently counted the existing treasures, most of which were mainly used for refining.There are only a small amount of spiritual plants available, but among them, the opponent may not be interested, and there are almost no treasures that can prolong the lifespan of ninth-level monsters.

After thinking about it, he shook his head and replied: "I only have some 'bilin silkworm' venom in my hands. I don't know if Fellow Daoist Yunwuzi is interested? As for the life-extending spiritual plants, there are almost no."

Yun Wuzi replied with a pleasant face: "It's okay, these things are hard to come by, but the venom of 'Bilin Silkworm' in Yi Daoyou's hands is also a high-level treasure, so there must be a lot of it if you exchange it. People will be willing to exchange."

"I hope so," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

Stepping into the hall, Yi Tian found that several people had already arrived, and there were three or four spiritual thoughts passing over him, as if he was checking the truth.Yun Wuzi suddenly opened his mouth to introduce: "This fellow Daoist Yi is visiting on behalf of Fellow Daoist Mengjing. I believe that many of you here have heard of his name, so I won't introduce you any more."

When the casual cultivators of the alien race heard the words, they turned their heads to look at them, and then they all bowed their hands on the scene to signal.Some of them are more or less aimed at the face of Meng Jing, the agent of Wan Yao City, and many of them have not even seen it at the last high-ranking monk gathering in Wan Yao City.Not to mention getting to know himself better, but Yi Tian felt that his reputation was not as good as he expected anyway.

On the contrary, he used Mengjing's name to make everyone present have some scruples about him.Looking over the main seat in the main hall, I saw a female cultivator in a red palace dress sitting beside Yun Wuzi.Needless to say, this person should be the other one of the Yunwu Eryin Immortals.

After being seated, Yi Tian also likes to communicate with people more, but just closes his eyes and rests his mind to wait.A moment later, in his divine sense, he found two familiar spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from outside the corridor.Opening his eyes and looking carefully, the person who came was Yan Qiu, and behind him was Guo Linsheng, the patriarch of the Qilin clan.

Needless to say, Yan Qiu's reputation in Ten Thousand Monster City has been discredited since the Abyss Old Demon was abandoned by them after the battle of 'Bilin Silkworm'.There are also many fewer people who are willing to be with him, at least Yi Tian saw that many monks showed tired expressions on their faces after he came.Some didn't even bother to say hello to him.

These must be the masterpieces of Sheng Zhuangxiong and others. Even if he can't discuss with him face to face, his reputation will be ruined. In the future, there will be fewer and fewer people who dare to cooperate with the Huangquan clan. The scenes that you want to spread out can't achieve the expected effect.

After entering the hall, he first bowed his hands to the two hosts, then glanced around Yi Tian's position, and inadvertently frowned slightly, and then returned to normal.

Presumably, Yan Qiu also realized that this exchange meeting was destined to be unsafe, he sighed lightly, and found an empty seat with Guo Linsheng and sat down.

Two monks came after Yan Qiu, and it happened that Yi Tian recognized them as Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu.The two also saw Yi Tian's existence and greeted the host's family, then walked over and sat down beside them.

Later, I only heard Sheng Zhuangxiong's voice ringing in my ears: "Why are you, Daoist Yi, meddling in this Yunwu Eryinxian matter?"

"Why blending?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"You don't know, this time Yunwuzi is specially holding an exchange meeting for his wife's request for life-extending treasures," Sheng Zhuangxiong replied in surprise.

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian realized the significance of Yun Wuzi's coming to greet him this time.Needless to say, he probably believed that there must be some special treasures in a person like himself.

After thinking about it, he asked with a confused face: "Speaking of which, I only have a bottle of decomposed 'bilin silkworm' venom on me, and I have fifty silkworm eggs that can be exchanged. Few, but there are not many that can be used to prolong life. Do you have any panacea?"

When Sheng Zhuangxiong heard the words, he smiled and replied: "Junior Brother Yi doesn't know, this 'Bilin Silkworm' venom can be used to prepare 'Hundred Saliva' after refining, but this thing is very useful for Mrs. Yunwu. "

"So you've already configured 'Hundred Saliva' in your hands?" Yi Tian asked.

"There's only a small bottle. Who told you to take away the 'Green Scale Silkworm' venom, and there's not much left for us," Sheng Zhuangxiong replied angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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