
Chapter 1890

Chapter 1890
I thought that Yunwu Mountain would come to intercept Hu Yanqiu, but I didn't expect that the owner of this place didn't hold such a trade fair aimlessly.Yi Tian looked at Yun Wuzi and his wife who were sitting on the right seat, and found that both of them were about 5000 years old.

But in terms of cultivation base and his own, it can be seen that his wife's complexion seems to be a little bit bloody, and it seems that her lifespan is passing by a lot faster than Yunwuzi.Maybe this happened because she made some mistakes in her practice.

According to what Sheng Zhuangxiong said, they have prepared the 'Hundred Saliva' which can be used to prolong life, but they don't know whether the 'Jiujuedu' Yunwuzi that Yan Qiu wants is also needed.

Speaking of which, it is not a good thing to snatch food from a tiger's mouth on someone else's territory.Obviously, both Yan Qiu and Yun Wuzi need similar venom to refine elixir. Although such a method of prolonging life is not common, there are many unilateral methods that have been handed down.

Shaoqing Yitian withdrew his thoughts, only to hear Yun Wuzi clear his throat and say: "This time I invite you to come here, one is because we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we have a special gathering for an exchange, and the other is that my wife feels that the passage of life is accelerating in recent years, so I want to ask my colleagues to exchange for the life-prolonging secret medicine, and I hope that you will donate generously."

As soon as the words fell, many monks on the scene gave each other winks. This is the highlight of today's scene. It seems that Yunwu Eryinxian has really encountered a lot of trouble.

Sheng Zhuangxiong on the side explained in a low voice: "Junior Brother Yi, do you know the origin of the Yunwu Eryin Immortal?"

"Isn't it the descendant of Xuanwu? Is there anything special?" Yi Tian replied puzzled.

"That being said, do you know what's so special about this descendant of Xuanwu?" Sheng Zhuangxiong said with a smile on his face: "Otherwise, why did this Yunwuzi spend so much effort to invite us all here just to exchange for his wife?" Life-prolonging elixir."

After what he said, Yi Tian immediately became excited. It is reasonable to say that something is wrong, and there are many monsters with long lifespans who live for tens of thousands of years.It is not uncommon for people who can reach more than [-] to [-] years old, but why is this Yunwuzi so nervous about his wife's longevity.

After a little puzzled expression appeared on his face, Yi Tian turned his head and asked, "Please enlighten me, Senior Brother Sheng."

Only then did Sheng Zhuangxiong reply in an old spirit: "Speaking of which, the descendant of Xuanwu is a creature that is a combination of a turtle and a snake. In fact, there are inseparable commonalities."

"Companionship and commonality," Yi Tian was a little stunned when he heard the words. It turned out that this Yunwuzi was not only seeking the elixir for his wife to prolong his life, but also seeking the elixir for himself.

If his wife's lifespan is exhausted, he probably won't be able to live long in his accompanying state, so he will provoke a trading party in private.

Shaoqing and everyone began to take out the panacea they had brought one by one, and asked Yun Wuzi first.Although it is a trade fair, everyone still has to show face when the host speaks.It's just that there are very few Yunwuzi Fayan who can enter, and the pills taken out by several people have been returned directly after being tested by him.

There is only one copy that can be kept, and Yun Wuzi's expression seems to be unsatisfactory.Soon it was Sheng Zhuangxiong's turn, and when he stepped forward to take out a five-inch small jade bottle and handed it over, Yun Wuzi lifted the lid to examine it, and immediately raised his brows, he was able to insert his spiritual sense into it to investigate for a while.With a satisfied smile on Shaoqing's face, he put away the jade bottle, and then took out a jade box and handed it to Sheng Zhuangxiong.

The latter took it and checked it carefully in the palm of his hand before putting it in the storage ring.Such a deal was the first one to come today, and it was obvious that Yun Wuzi also got the item he wanted, and there was a rare smile on his face.Even the gaze towards Sheng Zhuangxiong eased a lot.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Zhuangxiong didn't leave directly after the transaction, but bowed his head and chatted with Yun Wuzi through voice transmission in private.Yi Tian only felt that Yun Wuzi's eyes seemed to be looking towards him, and he secretly thought in his heart that something was wrong, "Didn't Sheng Zhuangxiong tell you about the 'Bilin Silkworm' venom on his body?"

After ten breaths, I saw Sheng Zhuangxiong slowly returning to his seat with an excited look on his face. After looking at himself, he said via voice transmission: "Junior Brother Yi, I have contacted you for a good deal. If it succeeds Don't forget about me."

He greeted him all over in his heart, but Yi Tian could only pretend to be flattered and replied via voice transmission: "Thank you, Senior Brother Sheng, for helping me."

Just as he was talking, he saw Yun Wuzi get up and walk towards him, but when he got in front of him, he stretched out his hand and said, "It turns out that I have to rely on Daoist Yi to solve my crisis."

"Fellow Daoist Yunwuzi is serious. All you want is the white saliva, but I only have one main medicine, so it can't be a great gift from fellow Daoist," Yi Tian explained hastily.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you're being polite. In fact, it's not hard to find the medicine attached to this hundred saliva. If you can give up your love, fellow Daoist, I'll be grateful," Yun Wuzi said anxiously.

Knowing that this matter could no longer tolerate him, Yi Tian quickly took out a small jade bottle and handed it over, and then said via voice transmission: "I only have this bottle on hand, fellow Taoist Yunwuzi first check to see if it is suitable for use. "

After taking the jade bottle, he gently opened the lid and checked it. After three breaths, the corner of Yun Wuzi's eyes twitched and he quickly closed the lid and put it away.After speaking, he said via voice transmission: "That's enough. This bottle can be diluted to make three bottles of 'Hundred Saliva', which is enough to prolong the life of my wife by two thousand years."

It turns out that the effect of this thing is so strong, no wonder Yun Wuzi got up and came in person.Yi Tian didn't know how to evaluate this matter, so he thought for a while before asking: "Next time I came here to find treasures like 'Jiu Jue Du', if fellow Taoists have something on me, I'd like to exchange it for it .”

Yun Wuzi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then a strange look appeared in his eyes, he looked at it for a while before he sighed and said, "You Daoist Yi, do you have a deal with the Huangquan people?"

Unexpectedly, the other party is also a genius, and he can guess his purpose with a single sentence.Although I have an idea to make a deal with Yan Qiu, it still requires the other party's willingness.Then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and his lips moved a few words, asking him to tell the other party his demands and reasons.

Yun Wuzi didn't change his face when he heard the words, but the surprised expression in his eyes was fleeting, but Yi Tian looked at him rightly.

Later, he stroked his beard and thought for a while before saying a few words to Yi Tian through sound transmission, and then went straight back to the main seat in the middle.

After he left, Sheng Zhuangxiong lowered his head and asked through voice transmission: "Yun Wuzi must pay for such a big favor from you. It seems that you and him have reached an agreement, right?"

"The talk is almost over. Let him come forward to collect the 'Jiu Jue Poison' for me, and with his connections, he naturally knows who will have the goods I want," Yi Tian said with a smile: "If you don't come forward personally It's the best, so as not to directly conflict with Yan Qiu here."

 Thank you Daoyou a big sun, life is like a dream A, Mingyue people, fshqia03, my family has Ergou for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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