
Chapter 1891 Precious Material

Chapter 1891 Precious Material
The added scene naturally made the atmosphere more lively, since Yun Wuzi got the treasure material he wanted, even the smile on his wife's face became brighter.

Many of the monks present naturally knew the truth of this, so that when they glanced at Yi Tian and the other three, they all showed surprise.Unexpectedly, the three spiritual cultivators could produce treasures similar to the life extension of the monster clan.

Immediately, many people felt Xiaojiujiu in their hearts, but because of the host's face, they couldn't come forward to make friends.Among them, Yan Qiu and Guo Linsheng stared solemnly at each other, their eyes glistened, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Later, it entered the session of personal private communication. Many monks went up to thank the master, and then took out a lot of precious materials and medicines to trade.

Yi Tian listened to it, and it was mostly pills, but he didn't lack pills right now, so he just closed his eyes and waited.Half a quarter later, Zhong Liangsu's voice came from next to his ear, "I said, grandson-in-law, do you have any high-level spiritual weapons that you can exchange for?"

"Why do you have something you want to sell, don't you have any high-level spiritual weapons available?" Yi Tian asked back.

Zhong Liangsu blushed and said, "I heard from Lianyun that you specialize in art, and the quality of the things you take out is much higher than ordinary ones, just like the spiritual weapons you gave her are better than mine. It’s much stronger.”

It turned out that he had checked the high-level spiritual weapon he gave Qing Lianyun a long time ago, now that he has a comparison in his mind, he naturally knows how to deal with it.Yi Tian was in vain. At a glance, he took out three spiritual weapons, namely the newly refined 'Fierce Demon Pestle, Ghost Crying Stick and Yinfeng Banner', put them in the storage bag and handed them to him.

These three things are all obtained from the magic weapon in the abyss old devil's storage ring and refined after purification.Although the evil spirit in it has been removed, its cold and cold attributes are still intact in the spirit weapon.

Moreover, Yi Tian also specially modified the appearance of the spirit weapon, injecting a lot of monster energy to make it look like a spirit weapon from the demon world.

After Zhong Liangsu took over, he turned around and walked forward, first chatted with Yun Wuzi for a few words, and then walked towards a monk of a foreign race.It is reckoned that he has already found a next home, but he may not be able to meet the request made by the other party, so he asks himself for some spiritual weapons.

Not long after, Zhong Liangsu and the monk from the other race communicated with each other through sound transmission, and later took out a spiritual weapon to trade with the other party.It's just that they seem to have been talking for a long time, and they haven't finalized it for a long time.

Soon Zhong Liangsu looked unhappy and wanted to stop the transaction. This time it was the turn of the foreign monk to get anxious. After the discussion, the two parties finally reached an agreement.

When Zhong Liangsu returned to his seat, his face was filled with the joy of victory, and he said through voice transmission: "That Jiangxue Clan monk is really interesting, he insisted on exchanging two spirit weapons."

"Jiangxue Clan cultivator?" Yi Tian heard of such existence for the first time, and naturally asked in his heart: "I don't know which interface they came from?"

"The big clans in the hell world are not much different from the Huangquan clan of the barbarian clan, so they are considered big races," Zhong Liangsu explained, "It's just that the exercises they practice are mainly cold and cold, and there are only a few of them in the hell world. A place suitable for such a race to multiply, so their strength is inherently restrained by the geographical environment and cannot grow."

"Then what is their relationship with the Huangquan Clan?" Yi Tian asked.

"What else can there be, two tigers are not allowed on one mountain, but there are wild horns and other major races and there are natural restrictions, so we can't compete with them," Zhong Liangsu said: "But they and Yan Qiu can't pee in the same pot , Didn't you see that they came in and didn't even meet each other?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tiancai recalled carefully, and it was true that the two Jiangxue people seemed to be very polite to the monster race, and they were neither humble nor overbearing towards the monks of other races.But when facing Yan Qiu, he pretended not to see it, and just ignored it.

Thinking about it, Yitian quietly asked: "What did you exchange with them?"

"I took a spiritual weapon and exchanged it for the unique treasure of the Jiangxue tribe, the ice essence lotus. This thing can be taken or used as medicine. It is suitable for monks who practice ice-cold skills," Zhong Liangsu said triumphantly. replied.

"Then why do you exchange all the precious materials in their hands with only one exchange, is it inconvenient?" Yi Tian said puzzled.

Zhong Liangsu said with a smile on his face: "Although this ice crystal lotus is a heavenly treasure, there is a limit to how much it can be taken. A monk in the distraction stage can only use one flower every thousand years. You can exchange it for a lot. Not to mention that after entering the fusion period, the effect will be much worse, and it needs to be refined into a pill before it can be taken."

Qing Lianyun doesn't practice ice-attribute skills, neither does Zhong Liangsu, depending on the situation, someone else wants to use it.Yi Tian showed a helpless smile when he heard the words, Zhong Liangsu is not a good bird, it is estimated that the Taoist companion behind him needs this thing.

Suddenly he heard him say via voice transmission: "Speaking of which, these two also have good goods in their hands, but the asking price is too high and I didn't directly agree."

"What good things can make you so moved," Yi Tian asked.

"Have you ever heard of the precious material 'Tianhe Ice Crystal'?" Zhong Liangsu asked.

"Tianhe ice crystal," Yi Tian quickly searched for the source of this precious material in his mind, and soon his eyes changed slightly, and he had a decision in his heart.After narrowing his eyes, he said via voice transmission: "How much do they have, and what price are they asking?"

"The piece the size of a thumb needs to be exchanged for a heaven-ranked spiritual weapon. This kind of deal is not worthwhile, so I directly vetoed it," Zhong Liangsu said.

"Mr. Zhong, please make another move. The 'Tianhe Ice Crystal' has a lot of background. Ask them how many they have. I want them all," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"Grandson-in-law, you are not playing for real, are you?" Zhong Liangsu asked with a face full of surprise.

"Have you ever seen me play fake?" Yi Tian glanced at him and said: "The key to heaven-level treasures depends on who owns them. It may be useless to you, but you may be able to take them if you give them to me." It will be of great use."

"They said that the grade of this spirit weapon is not bad, but at least one more is needed, and the Yinfeng Banner is for forming formations, so it is useless if they don't practice the formation method," Zhong Liangsu said again. came the way.

"Okay, I'll give you another piece of 'Hunmo Orb' to replace the Yinfeng Banner, and then ask them if they have any extra 'Tianhe Ice Crystals', I'll take them all," Yi Tian replied.

After ten breaths, Zhong Liangsu got up again and walked straight to the seats of the two Jiangxue monks.This time the two sides didn't have much conversation, they just lowered their heads and communicated privately, and a consensus was quickly reached.Zhong Liangsu took out a storage bag, the other party checked it after taking it, then took out a brocade box and handed it over.

The transaction was completed soon, and when Zhong Liangsu came back, Yi Tian could tell from his expression that the transaction should have gone very smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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