
Chapter 1897 Secret News

Chapter 1897 Secret News
Originally, since the first time he saw Mo Dou, Yi Tian had a feeling in his heart that this monster must be of ancient blood.But any existence like this must have some background. It is best to make friends with monsters like this, and don't make friends with them no matter how bad they are.

Who knows that there will be some big shots or sect legacy behind them, if they get into something they shouldn't, it will be very troublesome.

Hearing that Mo Dou revealed something about Luotian Fairy Palace, Yi Tian's face was moved immediately, and then he calmed down and asked, "It turns out that the ancestors of fellow Taoist Mo Dou were related to the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spirit world. It’s really disrespectful, I was born in Taiqing Pavilion and was originally born in Luotian Immortal Palace, so everyone should be descendants of Luotian Immortal Palace.”

But Mo Dou shook his head and said, "I'm still quite surprised by the Luotian Immortal Palace and the Luotian Immortal Palace in your mouth."

"Why aren't they from the same family?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.

"My ancestors were in charge of guarding the Panlong Ridge of the Luotian Immortal Palace. This place should be regarded as the branch of the Luotian Immortal Realm left in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit." Mo Dou thought for a while and said, "In terms of origin alone, I seem to be stronger than you. It’s much more innocent, the Luotian Immortal Palace in the spirit world was founded by later generations, and it existed for no more than 3 years before disappearing into the spirit world.”

After listening to it, Yi Tian was also at a loss for words, according to what he said, it was really the case.His own sect can be regarded as a branch raised by his stepmother under the name of Luo Tianxian Palace.

In terms of identity, Mo Dou is much more pure than himself, at least he is a descendant of the guardian of the Panlong Realm of Luo Tianxian Palace.

Thinking about it, the difference between the Taiqing Pavilion and the Shangqing Fenzong in my own sect is even greater.

Later, I only heard Mo Dou say: "Actually, in my memory, Panlong Ridge has been sealed off long ago, but there are still some Mahayana monks who will try to break through the ban and enter."

Mentioning this made Yi Tian think of the Saint Emperor of the Asura clan who had been missing for tens of thousands of years. Maybe he also wandered around in this Panlong Ridge. Where is the specific location of Ling, since Fellow Daoist Mo Dou is the descendant of the guardian, naturally he should remember the specific location, right?"

"I don't know too much, I only know that there is a map of Panlongling that has been handed down in the world, but I believe it has been scattered and scattered in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit," Mo Dou thought for a while and replied.

"Map," Yi Tian instantly thought of the incomplete map in his hand, which now only lacks the most critical palm-sized piece in the middle.

He reached out and took it out from the storage ring, spread it on the palm of his hand and said, "Friend Daoist Mo, can you see if it is this thing?"

Unexpectedly, Mo Dou's expression changed drastically when he saw the map, and he recovered after three breaths: "I don't know the specific content on it, but I'm sure it's that map."

"How do you know that?" Yishun asked puzzled.

"Because I can smell the obvious breath from the material of this map," Mo Dou said: "Friend Daoist Yi, let's take a look at this map first."

He reached out and handed over the map, Mo Dou took it and held it in his left palm, and at the same time stretched out his right index finger to force a drop of blood onto the fingertip to gently sink into the map.

After three breaths, a golden light appeared on the map, and the lines originally drawn on it were faintly shining and converged towards the vacancy in the middle.It's just because the most important piece is still missing, those rays of light wandered around the gap for a while and then disappeared.

This time, it can be confirmed that what Mo Dou said is true. After he put away the map and handed it back, he said: "Friend Daoist Yi put this away for the time being, and it is missing an important piece. It seems that today's opportunity is not enough We can only get a glimpse of the true face of Panlong Ridge when fellow Taoists collect it completely."

After putting the map into the storage ring, Yi Tian showed excitement on his face and said: "Thank you Mo Dou for your reminder, I guess you need to guide me if I want to explore the mysteries on this map. Although I can't open it today , but it is also a great reward to let me know the secrets of it."

"If you want to activate this map, Fellow Daoist Yi, you need the blood power of the guardian or his descendants," Mo Dou said, "Now I have left a drop of true blood on this map, and I will wait for you to collect the complete map in the future After that, I can activate it directly. Although this kindness of getting out of trouble is far from being so easy to repay, it is the only thing I can do now."

Sighing lightly, Yi Tian replied: "Fellow Daoist Mo Dou originally didn't want anything in return, but he just responded to Yishun's request and made a move once. Don't mention any words of gratitude, I think you will achieve it after re-cultivating in the future." It must be far better than before.”

"I accept your good words," Mo Dou replied with a smile.

"I don't know if you need to get up immediately and go to the Great Leiguang Temple in the Buddha Spirit Realm," Yi Tianqian asked: "After you get there, if you can worship a certain eminent monk and sit down, you will surely be able to improve your cultivation in the future."

"Yishun also told me about this matter. There is a Hualong Pond in the Daleiguang Temple. If you can take a bath in it, you can wash away the dust of the past and be reborn. Naturally, I am very yearning for it," Mo said. Dou said: "I heard that Daoist Yi has a very close relationship with Daleiguang Temple, so it would be even better if I could have your recommendation."

Taking out a jade slip from the storage ring and handing it over, Yi Tian said: "I have prepared this recommendation for you a long time ago, just waiting for you to open it."

After seeing the jade slips, Mo Dou also showed joy, cupped his hands in thanks and said, "Thank you so much for your trouble, Fellow Daoist Yi."

Later, after Mo Dou collected the recommendation letter from Yu Jian, the three of them set up their evasion techniques and headed towards Wan Yao City.Mo Dou needs to take back his soul, and then he can leave on his own.Yishun returned to the beast-controlling bag on his waist again. For him, the spare time is extremely precious, and it is the best choice to save more time to study the exercises.

After they said goodbye in Wan Yao City, Yi Tian went straight back to the shop in Lihuo Palace. No matter what he said, he was still sitting here, and he wanted to give Cheng Bufan a sigh of relief after returning.What's more, after this trip, I found many problems. I don't know much about some things, so I still need to find professionals to inquire about them.

Back in the Lihuogong shop, Yi Tian sent a message to Cheng Bufan as soon as possible.I came to the inner hall of the company, and saw a red light galloping towards me not long after, and stopped only a few feet in front of me.After showing Cheng BuFan's deity, I saw him bowing his head and saying: "Seeing my uncle's face like this, this trip must be a success."

"According to your good words, most of the things have been resolved," Yi Tian waved his hand to signal him to get up and speak.Then he asked: "I'm not in the city during this time, can there be any major issues to speak out about?"

"Uncle Master, there hasn't been much movement in the Yaozu recently, but Wan Qiang, a monk from the Horn Tribe in the Hell Realm in the alien race area, left suddenly," Cheng Bufan replied.

(End of this chapter)

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