
Chapter 1898

Chapter 1898
Wan Qiang's sudden departure was naturally expected. It is estimated that he sent Yan Wenchang to Jiuxian Mountain to settle down before returning in a hurry.The Barbarian Horns were already fed up with the feast of the Ten Thousand Monster City, and it was time to evacuate.

Today's barbarian tribe holds two trump cards in their hands, the killer card of the royal genealogy of the Nether Dynasty and the heaven-defying dynasty monsters like the Nether Beast.Speaking of which, what they lack most now is time. They only need to wait for Nao Wenjing or Nao Wenchang to grow to a certain level before they can raise the banner.

At that time, wars will surely break out in the lower three realms, and Emperor Youming will have to face the troubles under his nose.Speaking of which, he suffered a bit of a dark loss in his hands, and now he doesn't mind giving him some eye drops.

As long as Luan Kuang has no time to avatar, he won't have time to trouble himself.After all, it is not a good thing to be missed by a Mahayana monk.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "At this time, I can remember it in my heart, and I will tell you any other news."

Cheng Bufan hastily interjected: "In the alien area, it is said that Yan Qiu, the integrated monk of the Huangquan tribe, has also left, but he was a little frustrated when he left, and even took away all the people in charge here, and the one left to preside over the overall situation is a late-stage transformation Junior."

Yi Tian was no stranger to Yan Qiu's reaction, he had suffered such a big loss in his own hands and he was ashamed to stay here anymore.

There is also the movement of the barbarian tribe, which cannot be concealed from the Huangquan tribe, who are also the leader of the hell world. One is that the old race is gradually declining, and the other is that the emerging race is about to replace them. The two tribes will definitely collide in the future. But it indirectly ignited this spark.

"It's useless to force them to go, and besides, they don't have much intersection with us," Yi Tian said: "After that, you still have to pay attention to the movements of the Huangquan tribe and the wild horn tribe in the alien race area. I don't believe they will Give up the situation that was finally created in the demon world."

"Yes, Uncle Master," Cheng Bufan replied, "In addition, Senior Sheng from the Feiyu Sword Sect has already set off. As for Senior Zhong from the Taiqing Pavilion, I don't know if he is still there."

"Sheng Zhuangxiong is gone," Yi Tian blurted out after hearing the words: "This old guy has earned enough in the Wan Yao City, and now he has to retreat for a period of time to digest all the harvest here when he returns to the spirit world. As for the Monster Race Have all the big demon venerables gone back?"

"Most of them have returned one after another, and even those who stayed here will start their journey soon," Cheng Bufan said, his face changed slightly as if he remembered something, and he continued: "Recently, there are people coming from Wan Yao City. Two high-ranking monks, senior Yunwuzi and his Taoist companion."

"Didn't his trade fair just end, what are you doing here in Wan Yao City?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It is said that he made a special trip to visit the medicine man," Cheng Bufan replied, "Master, you have taken his trade fair, so you should be more familiar with it."

"It's not just familiarity, I exchanged it for him for the main medicine he wants to refine Baisaliva," Yi Tian pouted and said, "I guess this will be to ask the medicine man to help make the elixir."

Just as he was talking, he moved slightly with his spiritual thoughts and found that there was a magic talisman breaking the seal and flying towards him.Raising his hand lightly, he opened a gap in the restraint, and saw a green light passing through it and flying directly not far in front of him.Reaching out to take the jade talisman and opening it, he saw that it was a message left by Zhong Liangsu to himself. The content roughly said that he had received a message from the sect and wanted to leave immediately to return to the spirit world.

As soon as he left the Taiqing Pavilion, he entrusted all the things in the demon world to himself, and now Qing Lianyun is in retreat, so please take care of yourself.These things are his own responsibility, even if Zhong Liangsu doesn't say anything, he will handle them carefully.

It's just that even he left in such a hurry, I don't know if something major has happened in the spirit world, thinking of this, Yi Tian's expression became pensive.

Cheng Bufan who was below didn't dare to disturb and didn't dare to leave easily and could only wait quietly.After half a moment, Yi Tian suddenly asked: "There is no need to worry about things here in the demon world. Even if I am not in charge, you can ask Mengjing to take charge of the overall situation."

"Let the uncle worry about it. Small matters will only be handled properly. Even if you meet a high-ranking monk, the other party will be concerned about the name of the Lihuo Palace and dare not act rashly here," Cheng Bufan replied.

"I don't know if there has been a major event in the spiritual world recently. Sheng Zhuangxiong and Zhong Liangsu rushed back. Could it be because of an internal change in the sect?" Yi Tian said to himself.

Cheng Bufan was able to say: "Master Uncle doesn't know something, the two seniors must have rushed back to the spirit world in such a hurry to deal with the once-in-ten-thousand-year evil disaster."

Mentioning this, Cheng Bufan's face was also moved, and later he said with emotion: "The suzerain is also a junior in stature, so he asked me to host a business in the demon world, as a channel for exchanging news with other circles."

"It turns out that there is such an intention, then it seems that other races are also planning to leave some channels for transmitting information in Wan Yao City," Yi Tian asked in surprise.

"That's true. If there is a catastrophe in the spirit world, it will definitely turn the world upside down. At the same time, the two sides will be cut off from each other. If you want to pass on the message, you must use other channels. The role of the company is reflected at this time. The purpose of contacting other forces is to The first task," Cheng Bufan explained.

It turned out that this is the case, Yi Tian finally realized that it is estimated that the reason why the last disaster lasted for so long was also due to the lack of news.If you can get in touch with the monks in the Buddhist and spiritual world as soon as possible, you can make plans early.

Naturally, Ji Xuanyuan came to Wan Yao City in person because he saw this. It is estimated that monks in the Buddhist and spiritual world should have opened a special contact point here.

Thinking that the ten thousand year evil disaster is approaching, Yi Tian also sighs. He thinks that the devil prince Qiu Yu led a large number of demons to invade the spirit world.I just don't know what will happen this time.

Sighing, Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "Okay, you go first. Don't neglect the affairs of the sect. I guess I will return to the spirit world after the outbreak of the evil disaster. At that time, I will entrust everything here to you."

"I would like to obey Master's order. In fact, Master, you don't have to worry. According to the Suzerain, this disaster may not be stronger than the last one." Cheng Bufan said with a relaxed face: "The number of monks in the Demon Realm has also expanded. Only when the allocation of large resources has reached an extremely tense stage will one think of plundering from the spirit world. As long as the high-level monks don't take action easily, this evil disaster can be controlled below the fusion period."

"Isn't that the last time even a Mahayana monk like Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Devil, fell in the spirit world? Are you too optimistic?" Yi Tian said with a serious expression.

"It's not anymore. According to the documents left over from the last catastrophe, no more than one slap of the monks in the fusion stage were truly lost in that battle, and there were a little more monks in the distraction stage, probably hundreds of them. As for the monks in the transformation stage The number of monks has reached two thousand," Cheng Bufan analyzed: "Any interface cannot tolerate too many casualties, so I think this time the two sides will have a tacit understanding, and the real hand-to-hand combat is only in a few small battlefields. will appear."

(End of this chapter)

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